Safe Transfusion Practice
Learning aid: MCQ 2
What are the functions of red cells, Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP)and platelets and when should they be transfused?
When discussing Rh D factor in relation to blood what does it refer to and can a person with a negative Rh D factor be transfused positive blood?
Rh D blood group:
(Phone the BTL is not an acceptable answer you must make a decision)
- How many types of RhD are there?...... Name them…………………
- Is the RhD blood group relevant to all blood components?...... Name the relevant components……………
- AJ is a 56 year old male who is Rh D negative but the Blood Transfusion Laboratory (BTL) has sent you an Rh D positive component? Can you transfuse this component? Give a reason for your answer
- Sally, 23 years old, post hysterectomy, is Rh D negative. BTL has sent you an Rh D positive blood component. Can the transfusion go ahead? Give a reason for your answer
- John, 28 years old, road traffic accident, post severed artery repair has lost a lot of blood before surgery and continues to ooze. He is Rh D negativeand the BTL has issued Rh D positive components? What must you consider?
- Rh D positive patients can receive RhD negative blood? True/False
Rh D negative patients may receive Rh D positive components True/false. Give examples to support your answer......
If your patient is blood group A, what blood groups are compatible with that for transfusion?
If your patient is blood group O, what blood groups are compatible with that for transfusion?
Which blood group is known as “the universal donor” and what does this mean?
What blood test/tests is required prior to the prescribing of blood components?
Can you take a verbal order for a blood transfusion? How should it be prescribed?
What is the missing word?
“No ...... no transfusion”
Who can collect a unit of blood for transfusion and where from?
What patient information do you need to collect a unit of blood safely?
Are you able to transfuse a patient overnight, if not why not?
Are there any circumstances when you can?
Where and how do you check the unit of blood for transfusion?
What is the maximum time for a red cell transfusion?
FFP is usually transfused over how long?
Platelets are usually transfused over how long?
What observations should be taken and when should they be taken?
What would constitute a mild transfusion reaction, and how should this be managed?
What wouldconstitute a moderate or severe reaction, and how should this be managed?
What is the process for reporting a transfusion reaction?
What is meant by traceability of blood products, and what paperwork needs to be completed for this to occur?
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