Science: A New Way of Seeing

Science: A New Way of Seeing (page 80)

Attitudes toward changed during the Renaissance. Thinkers dramatically expanded the range of texts they . In addition, the new importance that placed on human beings and their encouraged people to and

The process of making , , and drawing conclusions based on evidence is known as the . The use of the scientific method led to
in many areas of science during the . The most important advances were in , , and .

The Scientific Method

The scientific method includes 7 steps:








The scientific method is still used today. Why do you think it is so effective? Have you ever used the scientific method in your own life?

Astronomy (page 81)

For thousands of year, right up until the most people believed that the went around the . Ptolemy, a astronomer who lived during the first century CE,
this idea of the .

Renaissance Astronomers

Describe Copernicus’ discovery and how that discovery was made:

DescribeKelper’s discovery and how that discovery was made:

Describe Galileo’s discovery and how that discovery was made:

Albert Einstein suggested that science and religion need each other and are equal in importance. How do you feel about this comment? Are religion and science equal in our society?

Medicine (page 82-83)

Define the following terms:



During the Renaissance and others with knowledge of and
remedies played an important role in the sick. Remedies from the have always been an important part of for First Nations peoples.

What does the following saying mean? “For every sickness on this Earth, there is a medicine under your feet.”

The four traditional First Nation’s attitudes toward healing are:





During the Renaissance knowledge grew, particularly in and
. Scientists and doctors began to the scientific method to make new
about the body and how it .

Who was Andreas Vesalius and what did he do?

How do you think the actions taken by Andreas Vesalius opened his students’ worldview on anatomy?

Look at the diagram on page 83, Figure 4-12.
Leonardo DaVinci dissected human bodies and made drawings from what he saw. How do you think the knowledge of the human body helped Michelangelo create his sculpture of David on page. 58?

Mathematics (page 86-87)

The works of ancient scientists like (geometry) and later works by al-Khwarizmi ( ) were studied with new vigor during the Renaissance.

What were Leonardo DaVinci’s beliefs about mathematics?

Mathematics was also an part of Europe’s changing . As
and grew, knowledge of mathematics’ became for members of the class.

Do you believe math could reasonably be called an international language? Why or why not?

The Renaissance architect Filippo rediscovered the theory of . He used perspective to show how the he was planning would look when they were .

How did Brunelleschi develop his technique?

Look at Figure 4-16 on page 86.

Renaissance artists used the rules of “perspective” which makes the images in paintings look as they would in real life. Perspective fools the eye of the viewer into thinking that the image has depth. In other words, a 3D image is created on a 2D surface.

In which parts of this painting has the artist created the illusion of depth?