The students will be assigned a unit of geologic time by the teacher. This project will be graded on the following three criteria.
1. The students will compose a one page (more may be added if necessary) paper over their assigned unit of geologic time. This paper can be hand written and should include the following, but not limited to:
- time span stated in years from present
- Eon the unit of geologic time occurred
- include index fossils (if any) that are found in rocks from this unit of geologic time
- the climatic conditions of this unit of geologic time
- geologic features from this unit of geologic time
- the location of the land masses during this unit of geologic time
(100 points)
2. The students will construct a poster over the assigned unit of geologic time. The poster should in include the following, but not limited to:
- time frame of their unit of geologic time
- pictures of plants and animals (if any) of their unit of geologic time
- possible location of land masses (i.e. Pangaea)
- Note: This poster is composed by the student, be as creative as possible
(100 points)
3. The students will present a two minute oral presentation over their assigned unit of geologic time. The students may us the poster to support their presentation. The oral presentation should not be a reading of their the one page paper written. The students should mention the following, but not limited to:
- time frame of their unit of geologic time
- key geologic processes that may have occurred in their unit of geologic time
- the identity of index fossils (if any) that are found in rocks during their unit of geologic time
- the resources that the students used to support their findings over their unit of geologic time
(100 points)
Name ______
Hour ______
Unit of Geologic Time ______
1. Written Paper
One Page Written (20) ______
Time Span (20) ______
Eon the unit of geologic time occurred (10) ______
index fossils (10) ______
climatic conditions (20) ______
geologic features (10) ______
location of the land masses (10) ______
Total (100 possible) ______
2. Poster
Poster composition (20) ______
time frame (20) ______
pictures of plants and animals (20) ______
location of land masses (20) ______
Creativity (20) ______
Total (100 possible) ______
3. Oral Presentation
Presentation Given (20) ______
time frame (20) ______
climatic conditions (10) ______
geologic features (10) ______
Eon the unit of geologic time occurred (20) ______
geologic features (10) ______
index fossils (10) ______
Total (100 possible) ______