*AICE* General Paper 8004*
Course Syllabus/FURMAN/2016-2017

The AS General Paper course is multi-disciplinary, which simply means that its subject matter is drawn from topics across the curriculum. The syllabus encourages students to develop the ability to make cross curricular links; to develop a maturity of thought appropriate to students at this level; and to achieve an understanding and usage of the English language, which enables them to express arguments, ideas and opinions in a reflective and academic manner.

Knowing thecurrent issues that challenge our world will enhance the quality of the student’s responses. However, the AS General Paper is not strictly a test of general knowledge. The key objective must be for the student to convey information or opinion in a way that is thoughtful, perceptive and immediately intelligible to the reader. In essence then, the writing skill must be finely crafted to experience the full success this course has to offer.


  • Encourage students to explore and draw conclusions regarding social, cultural, economic, philosophical, scientific, literary, and technological issues
  • Encourage independent, critical, reading and writing
  • Promote the skills of rational thought, persuasion, analysis, interpretation and evaluation
  • Promote maturity of thought and clarity of expression
  • Promote understanding and appreciation of individual, societal, and cultural diversity

Primary Text(s)*Upfront Magazine (consumable subscription…provided by teacher) Media: Current Event CNN Student News

Since we do not have an AICE: GP textbook, your binder IS your book of reference in the making…!

  • 2”—3”binder and divider tabs and/or two-pocket folder dividers…the more organized, the better
  • Loose-leaf paper and/or multi-subject notebook
  • An assortment of colored pens/markers/highlighters
  • Large flashcards, white and/or colors
  • A mini stapler (sounds weird, but it’s super convenient for this writing intensive class!)
  • A USB flash drive for saving and transporting files


  • Your primary organizational tool for this class; you are responsible for maintaining the organization and upkeep of this requirement; DATE ALL SUBMISSIONS.
  • It will house all materials distributed or created in and out of class including but not limited to: notes, newspaper/Upfront activities, drafts and final papers, returned quizzes/tests, test prep materials, inquiry research materials, journal entries, vocabulary and any other paperwork deemed relevant to your development as a GP writer
  • Serves as part of your participation grade for each 9 weeks; I will administer randomPortfolio checks throughout the year; points will be deducted for missing materialsat any given time.
  • Will range in content; these are to appear in your own original handwriting and are to be scribed during class. Notes are not necessarily prompted by the teacher; though I will initially provide instruction on note-taking strategies and lecture-noting, it is ultimately your responsibility to distinguish between relevant and minor information.
  • All class discussion material is fair game for note-taking; in particular, if it’s on the board or the overhead, write it down…
  • This course can be accessed through Username: Student ID (Ex. 456345)

Password: Students month and day (Ex.1013)

  • Additional materials viewed in class such as Power Points and handouts are archived on my website Passcode: GCHS2014

if you miss class or do not scribe notes quickly enough, you are more than welcome to access these.

  • Check Blackboard and Gradebook OFTEN for Updates, Links, class materials, and messages.
  • Text annotations
  • Study Guide completion with in-text citations
  • Reading Check Quizzes (RCQs)
  • These will stem from the outside readings assigned; students are expected to be up-to-date on the reading assignment, checking the activities list daily in order to keep track of reading assignments.
  • No notice is required for these quizzes and excuses are not generally accepted unless you are legitimately absent (supported by a note) on the actual day of the quiz.
  • If you are absent, check with someone in your class regarding missing notes/quizzes; you will be expected to take the quiz upon your return.
  • It is YOUR responsibility to communicate make-ups with the teacher immediately upon return from an absence; the quizzes are timely and must be made up immediately.
  • We will write…ALOT…
  • PleaseKEEP ALL DRAFTSorganizing them in your binder.
  • Final Paper Submissions will be submitted through Blackboard…the final submission is a typed, polished version of your essay.
  • Consider this an archive of reference materials gathered independently as we navigate the course; the purpose is to make this course relevant to you as a future writer and current member of society.
  • Initially, I will prompt you to add to this section of your binders; eventually, you will explore this binder tab independently.
  • i.e. any time you come across relevant materials including but not limited to websites, Internet articles, magazine/newspaper clippings, questions, or even poems, etc. that relate to course content, photocopy and add in this tab for future reference and synthesis.


AICE-GP test—2 complete essays in a TWO (2) hour period

  • This is essential for our course content…reading AND annotating these magazines front to back is ESSENTIAL to success on the GP exam…the knowledge you learn from the mag will be the fuel for essay content!!!!!
  • Student-centered group activities based on magazine content
  • Writing/Synthesis activities, where students pair knowledge gained from the magazine to outside knowledge
  • Fact Finder Outlines and Flashcards
  • Quizzes
  • Binder and i-Portfolio Upkeep, typically submitted once per semester (minor checks in between)
  • Mini-Debates,year-round projects rooted in the principles of argumentation
  • Presentations, research project
  • Upfront Independent Reading Project
  • Final i-Portfolio submission, a polished compilation of all formal work produced


Please be aware of the following guidelines, rules, responsibilities, and expectations:


1)Arrive to class ON TIME, be in your seat when the bell RINGS, and have all materials with you. Tardiness will not be tolerated (school policy). If you do not have your materials with you, consider yourself absent.

2)Class materials are your responsibility unless provided via class set. You must have the current texts with you at ALL times and lost or damaged (school-issued) books will result in a fine.

3)Hall Passes will be limited to 3 passes per quarter. Use them wisely. No exceptions.

4)Electronic devices are permitted in class for assisting students with research and assignments. Texting in class is prohibited!! Distractions of any kind or Failure to follow electronic device guidelines will result in your device being taken and turned in to appropriate dean for your retrieval at a later date (again, school policy).

5)Please reservefood/drink for lunchtime.

6)There is a no-tolerance policy for throwing objects of ANY nature in the classroom.

7)Please refrain from packing up belongings prior to the bell. This causes a distraction and is considered rude, and therefore, unacceptable behavior.

8)Turn all work in neatly and in ink or print. Your work will reflect your effort; therefore, your effort will decide your grade.

9)Do your OWN work. Plagiarism is a major academic offense on any level and will result in immediate administrative action.

10)Be respectful of yourself, those around you, and your instructor. Respect includes words as well as actions. Use appropriate language, follow directions, and keep an open mind when learning about other cultures, traditions, beliefs, and lifestyles.

Responsibilities and Academic Expectations—

  • Homework/Assignments/Projects/Papers are to be turned in ON TIME for FULL credit. Late work is generally not accepted at the accelerated level; however, you may turn an assignment in late; but there will be 10 point deducted for each day it is late.
  • Assignments/reading/workload will be issued frequently—on average, 3x’s per week. If you do not understand a task or certain material, advise me individually for help. i.e. Sparknotes and reliable Internet sources help as an additional resource and supplement/cross-reference to course material but are NOT to be utilized in place of classroom literature!!!!
  • Participation in class discussion, group work, and other activities is a VITAL component of your grade. This means that you need to attend class regularly and arrive prepared. Otherwise, you will be letting your group and yourself down academically.
  • If time is given to work on assignments during class, take advantage of it! This is an opportunity to lessen the homework load. DO NOT work on assignments unrelated to course content in my class.
  • A golden rule that I hold for sleeping is: When you are at home sleeping in your bed, I do not walk in and lecture; in return, when I am lecturing, do not sleep in my classroom!! There is a no-tolerance policy for inattention.
  • Stay active in class. Find genuine interest in what is presented to you. Make it meaningful to YOU. With this, I guarantee success 

THIS IS AN ADVANCED LEVEL COURSE…take advantage of the opportunity to be educated!

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Hello and welcome to your child’s AICE-GP course!! I would like to begin the school year by briefly introducing myself to you and open the lines of communication.

My name is Mr. Furmanand this is my 12thyear teaching at Gulf Coast High School. I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Language Arts Secondary Educationfrom Fredonia State University in 2002, and obtained my Master’s degree in Curriculum & Instruction/Language Arts from Gannon University in 2004. I am Reading, Gifted, and ESOL endorsed. Clearly, my passion for learning is insatiable, and I hope to instill this in my students as well. Please know that I work hard to maintain my status as a highly qualified professional and that I have your child’s best interests at heart. I look forward to an amazing school year with each and every student!

One of the areas of teaching that I take great pride in involves active contact with parents/guardians during the school year. Grades are frequently posted in GRADEBOOK to keep both students and parents aware and up-to-date. Blackboardis the software program that will be utilized throughout this course. It is essential that students utilize this course through Blackboard daily in order to access all course materials.

I also have a resourceful website that students and parents can use to support their learning throughout the year at Passcode: GCHS2014

You may also feel free to contact me at any time via email at or school telephone at (239) 377-1435.

Hopefully you have taken the opportunity to go over the Course Overview/Syllabus with your child; it will answer most questions that you might have regarding my classroom, inside and out. For other inquiries, please feel free to contact me at any time!! Please consider attending our annual Parent/Teacher Open House to meet with me personally; I look forward to seeing you there! The official date will be posted on the school’s website.

Please take a moment to sign the form below, stating that you have reviewed the Course Overview/Syllabus with your child. You may write questions on the back of the form if you would like and I will respond immediately and to the best of my ability. Thank you so much for your time and concern. I look forward to working with you and your child this academic school year. As a team, we will build success in 2016-17!

Best Wishes,

Mr. Furman



DETATCHHERE and return…Comments welcomed on the reverse side

I have read and understand the Course Overview and Syllabus for
AICE-GP/Furman with my son/daughter/child.

Student Name: ______Student #: ______

Student Signature: ______Date:______

Student Email: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

P/G Email: ______Cell Phone: ______