Choose a project that you will enjoy about Perú! You may have a good idea for a project not listed. See your teacher for a plan!

Remember that if you do research, your report must show us what youhave learned from your sources; you’ll receive no credit for copied information (this includes computer resources!!)

If you like food:

• Find an authentic recipe for a Peruvian dish and prepare it for the class. You only have to bring enough for everyone to have a taste – not enough for a full meal. Bring items to serve the food. You may work with another person to share this project. Try one of these dishes: ají de gallina, papas a la huancaína, arroz chaufa, lomo saltado, tallarines, leche asada, alfajores etc.Even though you can work with a partner, your action, connection and reflection must be done separately. Make sure you take plenty of photos preparing the dish.

• Research Quinoa. Why is Peru one of the biggest producer? What are the benefits of eating this product? How can you prepare it?

• Visit a Peruvian restaurant. Take plenty of photos of you at the restaurant and download a copy a copy of the menu. Do a bit of research on the internet to describe at least 20 of the dishes.

If you like music:

• Research traditional peruvian music (música andina). Find what traditional instruments are played and something about the history of music.

If you want to practice your Spanish:

• Interview someone from Perú. Ask as many questions as possible (a min. of 10 logical questions) in Spanish. Provide a script of your interview and/or a tape.

If you like to travel or go shopping:

• Create a travel brochure of places to visit in Perú. You can focus on cities like Lima, Cuzco or Inca sites.

• Research the clothing worn by the indigenous people in Perú. Make a poster of some typical outfits worn there as well as clothing exported to the U.S. from Perú. What fibers are used? Where would you go to find Peruvian clothing both in the U.S. and in Perú?

If you like art:

• Research peruvian handicrafts and folk art.

• Paint something on canvas that represents Perú. Do a little research as to the art.

If you like history and geography:

• Tell the story of the conquest of Peru.

• Research the Inca empire.

• Present the highlights/history of a city in Perú

• Research Las Líneas de Nazca

If you like technology:

• Make a video acting out a chapter of Los Baker van a Perú.

• Create a PowerPoint presentation about some aspect of Perú: the people, clothing, music, food, the Inca empire, arts, popular cities etc.