Checklist ~ Markbook Setup: Semester One, 2007.
/ Backup the databaseCreate a backup (copy) of .mdb file and store it in a Backup Folder in the MBData Folder. Also store on CD, server or flash disk.
/ Prior Data in SAS
Check SAS to make sure there is semester 1 and semester 2 data
If yes, good
If not, call Markbook (1300 656263)
/ Check Class files in SAS
Make sure when Class files are created in SAS that the names are not more than 8 characters and do not contain spaces. (eg 5-6-JB)
/ Download Build 1128 and run
/ Default Year
Markbook Central
Set Year
Set year to 2007 and check box ‘set default year’
/ Update setup.ini file
Markbook Utilities
Default teacher options
Locate your school’s setup.ini file and click ok. (Most probably in the MBFiles/MBInstall folder. In File locations, set options such as backup location, templates location etc,
Note location as you will include a copy of thesetup.ini file with the teacher files on their memory sticks.
/ SAS – Student xml export/import
In SAS 2000:
Student and prior VELS results
Specify semester 1 2006. Save file with name of “2007 students with 2006 data.xml” to avoid confusion down the track.
Import the student .xml back into Markbook
Markbook Central
Import …
/ Check prior data
In Markbook Central,
uncheck ‘hide system subjects and classes’.
student results
Open a student. You should now see _PRIOR1 with details of scores. If it says _PRIOR2, call Markbook.
After confirming
check the ‘hide system classes’
/ Update teacher list
In Markbook Central, click on the “create a new teacher”icon, Add all teachers new to the school.
Code format:1st 4 letters of surname followed by 1st initial (eg for Gerry Smith - SMITG)
If teachers are sharing a classroom, just create one teacher. Other teachers’ names can be added to templates at a later time.
/ Associate teachers with class groups
In Markbook Central,
Open thestudent group icon
Double click the desired class
Highlight a student
click on the … next to coordinator field
Uncheck ‘current’
Select the teacher (coordinator)
Repeat for all class groups. (Note that list will not update until you click “find now” or “reset”
/ Setup Markbook for semester 1 2007
In Markbook,
Open Quick setup (red Q icon)
Locate template folder (the template directory that has been created, MBData/2007/Sem1)
/ Generate Home Group Summary Subjects
In Markbook Central
Generate Home Group Summary Subjects
/ Activate Domains and Dimensions
Activate all dimensions for the domains you intent to include in the reports.
For English and Mathematics, the reports will show a rating for all dimensions
For all other domains, teachers add scores to the relevant dimensions.Markbook averages the scores and shows a rating for the domain as a whole.
Teachers do not have to add a score for every dimensions.
Domains for Sem 1, 2007.
- English and Mathematics : Prep – Year 6
- Humanities: Years 3 & 4
- Humanities: Geography, History and Economics -Years 5&6
- Health and Physical Education: Prep – Year 6
- Communication: Years 5 & 6
Talk with principal re whether or not to include principal signature
/ Check/Set MS Word to allow Visual Basic
Open Microsoft Word
Set macro security set to low
Click on trusted publishers tab and make sure both boxes are ticked.
/ Generate subject report parameters
In Markbook Central
Quick Setup (red Q)
Build all subject report parameters
/ Editing templates (Principal and additional teacher names)
In Markbook Central
Report production
Edit the Summary Top Wrapper to include the School logo.
It may be necessary to edit Prim_Summ_HG 00 – 06templatesto include principal name and names of additional teachers. This will need to be done on each of the Prim_Summ templates. See pdf handout for further details
/ 2 teachers per class
You will have to edit year level template and replace Teacher codes with teacher names. If you have more than one year level at your school and only 1 of them has 2 teachers, print the class reports with only 1 teacher first, then change the template to include the 2nd teachers name and then print the other year level. (If this makes no sense, call ChrisRobarts). Backup template before making changes.
/ Withdrawing students
If any students who have left the school appear in the classlists, withdraw them from all their classes and remove them from their Home Group.
NB, do not remove or delete these students, simply withdraw them from their homegroup.:
Admin Central
Click on Open a Class icon
Navigate to the homegroup eg OOHGP12-KA
Double click to open
Navigate to the student
Right mouse click in the Stat column (second column from the left)
Click on Withdraw
/ Export Class Files
In Markbook Central
Class Files
Un-tick ‘prompt for each teacher’
Specify where you want to save the class files (eg Desktop). Type a \ at the end of the location path and then choose a class folder name format … click on the arrow button on the right hand end of the location box and choose a format eg %surname%.
Select All
/ Download following files to each teachers’ memory stick:
teacher class file(s)
Create a folder called “teacher files” and add
- teach32.exe
- setup.ini
- comment banks
/ Teachers perform the following
Teachers run the teach32.exe file from their stick, then run Assessment Writer and open the class files from there. It is recommended that teachers DO NOT double click their class files to open Assessment Writer
/ Comment Banks
CEO English and CEO Mathematics and other comment banks are being progressively posted can be downloaded from the CEO website
NB. Do not use last year’s CEO comment banks
Good Luck!
Notes prepared by David Bourke and Chris Robarts. May, 2007Page 1