Puławy dnia 8.12.2012
Specialization in Veterinary field No 15 – “Hygiene of Food of Animal Origin”
National Head of Specialization No 15 for the year 2012 -2016
Professor Krzysztof Kwiatek DVM, Ph.D. DSc.
National Veterinary Research Institute
24-100 Puławy, al. Partyzantów 57
Phone number:: tel. 081889 30 82, tel. kom. 605669732, e-mail:
Commission Officetel./fax 0-81888 68 92, tel. 081889 32 34
Specialization training is lasting: 4 semesters (2 years)
Aim and scope of the specialization
In the new social-political situation, after the access to European Union, the further development of postgraduate education and increase of qualifications is essential. Therefore, the aim of the specialisation is an improvement of veterinarians’ skills in the range of performed tasks in the framework of veterinary inspection’s official activities on administrative position, and also, directly in the supervision in the food chain, that is, in the production and food trade.
It is required, that the veterinarian-candidates for the specialists during their postgraduate education mastered the theoretical knowledge in the highest rank and, as far as possible, practical, from the scope specified by the program of studies, which contains all elements necessary for the discharge of one's duties on the position of the veterinary official inspector. At the same time, it is assumed that obtaining of specialist title facilitates further development of skills and qualifications during the constant education.
Frame programme of specialization
Nb. / Subject / Number of hoursSources of Food Law. General Rules and requirements of the Food Law, European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and general procedures associated with Food Safety. / 10
Stage of primary production. Hygienic-sanitary requirements for slaughter animals and milking cattle breeding. Animal health, feed safety, animal feeding and environmental protection. / 25
Animal welfare in raising and breeding with special attention to their transport. / 10
Sanitary-technical requirements for slaughterhouse, production and storage plants for food of animal origin, and other food industry companies. Registration and approval of production plants (establishments). / 25
Official control concerning food products of animal origin which is intended for human consumption. Main principles of inspection of slaughter animals and meat. / 25
Basic principles of technology of food of animal origin. Sanitary regulations concerning by-products, of animal origin, not intended for human consumption / 35
Official control of food production and circulation.Methodology and procedures for compliance check with feed and food legislation and rules regarding health and welfare of animals / 25
Hazard analysis and risk analysis in food chain. Contaminats in food and undesirable substances in feed. Zoonosis diseases, causing food poisonings and infections which are transferred by alimentary track. Veterinary Medical products and its residues in food. Risk analysis in official food control and public health protection. National and local programmes in risk management framework. / 40
Laboratory examinations of raw materials and food products in food chain in the framework of official control and internal control system. Standards and normalization in official laboratory examinations. / 20
Rules of food and feed monitoring and its importance in food safety assurance system in food chain. RASFF system and traceability in food chain. / 17
Systems of food safety and quality management /ISO EN, HACCP and others/and its application for official control. Audit techniques. Verification methods and system improvements. / 40
Food labelling, including placing the date of minimum durability or term of use for consumption (shelf-life). Materials and products designed for contact with food. Food additives. / 10
Principles of administrative conduct in association with issuing the administrative decisions with reference to food and conditions, which do not fulfil certain requirements. Responsibility for damage, criminal law and fines. / 30
Information systems and other electronic systems of proceeding evidence/documentation and reports (e.g. CELAB) / 10
Trainings in institutions/units :
- boundary point of veterinary control (Border Inspection Points)
- slaughter and processing plants ( red meat )
-poultry slaughter and poultry meat processing
- fish production plant/ venison processing
- dairy production plant and associated production / 28
5 units
Each as 20%
(should be obtained in 1 group, organised at least 80% - visit in 4 units)
Training in the range of inspection of slaughter animals and meat – individual training (not included in “Specialization course”, resulting from the skill catalogue). / 2 working days (16 hours)
Total / 350
According to the framework of programme, issues should be realised in turn, starting from point 1-general Food Law Principles. It should provide more efficient and organized educational system, according to the rule: ‘from the general to the detail’. It will create a possibility of transfer to specialist studies in a different centre, within during the training duration, for example in case of changing a dwelling place and address.
Ad. 1 Food Law Sources. General rules and requirements of Food Law, European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and general procedures concerning Food Safety
a) Food Law Sources
- Codex Alimentarius (CA)
- Regulations, decisions, directives and EU recommendations
- Acts, Regulations, Announcements, edited in national law framework.
- Standards PN, EN, ISO which are obligatory in official control
- Other regulations: instructions, scripts, recommendations, control programmes resulted from Food Law
b) Main rules and requirements of Food Law
- Scope and definitions of Food Law (EU and national)
- General and detailed regulations in the framework of Food Law
- European Food Safety Authority - EFSA(structure, role, tasks, working, activity)
- Crisis management in safety area along the food chain
- Current politics of EU and national in frame of Food Law. Tendencies and changes observed in this scope.
Ad. 2 Stage of primary production. Hygienic-sanitary requirements for animal and milking cattle breeding. Animal health, safety of feed and and animal feeding and environmental protection
a)Hygienic-sanitary requirements in slaughter animals and milking cattle breeding and fishes
- Hygienic-sanitary requirements associated with milking cattle, swine, poultry and other food animals, using different systems of breeding
b) Animal health, feed safety and animal feeding and environmental protection
- Problems associated with safety issues in swine production as a main slaughter animal species
- Biosecurity
- Metaphilactic
- Feedingstuff safety as an aspect of safety assurance for food of animal origin
- Undesirable substances in feedingstuff
- Medicated feedingstuff and veterinary medical products in animal production
- Genetically modified organisms in human and animal feeding
- National plan of official feedingstuff control: official control, sampling, laboratory tests
- National plan of actionsagainst (control) of Salmonella in animal production (poultry, swine) - official control, sampling, laboratory tests
- Programmes of actions against zoonosis in animal breeding as a way of assurance of food of animal origin safety
- Characterization of slaughter animals
- National and EU requirements, associated with identification and registration of slaughter animals and meat.
- Environmental protection in animal production
Ad. 3 Animal welfare during raising and breeding with special attention to their transport
a)Animal welfare during the raising and breeding of domestic animals
b)Definitions and principles of welfare assurance for animals:
- Welfare – criteria of evaluation
- Welfare and safety assurance for food of animal origin
- EU and national legal aspects concerning animal welfare
- Detailed regulations concerning breeding of different species of domestic animals
- Rules for control of domestic animals welfare
b) Welfare of slaughter (domestic) animals during transport
- Slaughter animals protection during car transport, freight, water and air transport
- Influence of transport conditions on body of slaughter animals
- Rules of conduct during animal unloading, storage and rest before slaughtering
- Testing and medical-veterinary conduct during slaughter animal transport and circulation
Ad. 4 Sanitary-technical requirements for slaughterhouses, production plants and warehouses for food of animal origin and other companies of food industry. Registration and approval food plants (establishments)
a)EU legislation concerning sanitary-hygienic requirements for companies which produce food products
- General rules and hygienic-sanitary and technical requirements for companies from food industry sector, concerning hygiene of food products
- Detailed legislation and requirements for companies, which produce and storage food of animal origin (all types of production).
- Veterinary requirements during production of items of animal origin designed for direct sale
- Registration and assenting rules for industries which produce food products of animal origin
Ad. 5 Official control with reference to products of animal origin intended for human consumption. Mainprinciples of inspection of slaughter animals and meat.
a)Detailed legislation concerning official control organisation of products of animal origin control, intended for human consumption.
b) Official controls with reference to community production plants and procedures associated with importation
c) Tasks of Official Veterinary Inspectors in inspection of slaughter animals and meat (information from food chain, before and after slaughter inspection)
d)Slaughter animals and meat inspection
- Valid legislation associated with slaughter animal inspection, examination, ealuation and labelling of meat
- After-slaughter, supplementary inspection (detection of trichinosis, microbiological and chemical examinations and other supplementary tests )
- Veterinary inspection of imported meat
Ad. 6 Basic principleof technology of food of animal origin. Sanitary legislation associated with by-products of animal origin, not intended for human consumption
Basic processes applied in technology of food of animal origin
- Technology of mechanical treatment, pickling and smoking
- Food heat treatment technology
- Pasteurized and sterilised cans technology
- Refrigeration and food storage technology
- Milk Technology
- Fish Technology
- Poultry meat technology
- Gelatine technology
- Other technology processes
Other aspects of technology processes associated with safety and quality assurance
- Application of food additives permitted in food of animal origin production
- After slaughter meat utilitarian estimation
- Endogen meat and other edible by-products changes
- Decay changes of meat and other compounds of animal origin
- Animal fats- technology and hygiene of production
- Organoleptic evaluation of raw materials and products of animal origin
- Sampling for laboratory tests –internal control, quality and safety
- Chemical food examinations and interpretation of results- internal control, quality and safety
- Microbiological food examinations and interpretation of results –internal control, quality and safety
Sanitary requirements associated with by-products of animal origin intended for human consumption in the range of :
- stocking, transport, storage, reloading, processing and using or removal of by-products of animal origin to avoid the risk, which is created for human and animals health;
- introduction to the market and, in special cases, disposal and transit of by-products of animal origin and items obtained from them.
Ad. 7 Official control of food in production and circulation.Methodology and procedures for compliance check with food and feed legislation and rules regarding health and welfare of animals
- Regulation 882/2004 as a legal basis in official control methodology scope
- System of quality assurance in official organ functioning process (PN EN ISO 17020)
- Procedures and legislation in official food control along the food chain
- Usage of risk analysis in official control planning
- Settlement of issues using the way of making administrative decisions by District and Official Veterinary Doctor
- Procedures of sampling for official control laboratory examinations
- Chemical food examinations and interpretation of results, concerning safety parameters
- Microbiological food examinations and results interpretation regarding safety parameters
Ad. 8 Hazard analysis and risk analysis in food chain. Contaminats in food and undesirable substances in feed. Zoonosis diseases, causing food poisonings and infections which are transferred by alimentary track. Veterinary Medical products and its residues in food. Risk analysis in official food control and public health protection. National and local programmes in risk management framework.
- Hazard agents in food chain, which are important from point of hazard and riskanalyses
- Contamination substances in food and undesirable substances in feed. Xenobiotics-definition.
- Agents oof zoonotic diseases (zoonoses), which are causing food poisoings and infections, transferred by alimentary track.
- Viruses in food and parasities, parasitic agents in food
- Residues of veterinary medicinal products in food. Residues of feed additives in food of animal origin
- How can we characterize analysis of hazards and risks in ‘new EU approach’.
- Risk analysis application in official food control and public health protection
- Veterinary Public Health as an important element of Public Health
- Programmes realised in framework of risk management. Control programme of Salmonella carrier state in food chain (poultry production, cattle and pigs)
- Adulteration of materials and food products of animal origin
Ad. 9 Laboratory examinations of raw materials and food products in food chain in the framework of official control and internal control system. Standards and normalization in official laboratory examinations.
a) Role and importance of laboratory testing/examination in official control system and internal control in assurance system of food safety
b) Types of laboratory tests and applied research methods. Characteristic features of testing methods. Methods validation.
c) Structure and organisation of laboratory basis in EU and in Poland
d) Sampling and transmission of samples for laboratory testing/examination in official control framework
e) Interpretation of laboratory tests and its application in decision process
f) Uncertainty of test result and its application in interpretation and decision process.
Ad.10 Rules of food and feed monitoring and its importance in safety assurance system in food chain. System RASFF in food chain.
Rules of food monitoring and its importance in safety assurance process and human health protection (14 hours).
- Targets and rules of food monitoring in direction of biological and chemical residues in slaughter animals tissues and food of animal origin
- Types and directions of monitoring tests of animal tissues and food of animal origin
- Organisation of monitoring tests of animal tissues and food of animal origin in Poland taking as an example of chemical and biological substances.
- Microbiological food monitoring
- Legal acts concerning food monitoring programmes and tests in EU and in Poland
Rules of feed monitoring tests/examinations in aspect of safety of food of animal origin assurance (3 hours)
- Targets and rules of feed monitoring in case of biological,chemical and physical hazard agents,
- Types and directions of monitoring examinations of feeds,
- Organisation of feed monitoring tests/examinations in Poland,
- Legal acts concerning feed monitoring programmes and tests in EU and in Poland
In case of willingness to participate in classes about food and feed monitoring in PIWet.- PIB in Pulawy, one should contact the coordinator of these classes, National Manager of specialization number 15, to establish further organisational details. Two-days classes, lasting will be held by Pharmacology and Toxicology Department, Food of Animal Origin Hygiene Department and Feed Hygiene Department of PIWet.-PIB in Pulawy.
Ad. 11 Food safety and quality systems /ISO EN, HACCP and others/ and others, and their application in official control. Audit techniques. Methods of verification and system improvements.
- System approach in Food Law in European Union in food safety assurance within food chain scope.
- Legal requirements and politics concerning Food Safety in European Union.
- Good Manufacturing Practice/Good Hygienic Practice (GMP/GHP) as an initial condition (prerequisite) for HACCP system.
- What is the certification and accreditation?
- Polish politics in certification and accreditation scope of quality/management systems
- Codex Alimentarius in Food Safety Management Systemsscope.
- Standards and normalization, standards PN, ISO and CEN, national legal regulations in this scope.
- Quality assurance systems with special consideration of health quality and food safety.
- HACCP system as a main tool of safety assurance in production and circulation.
- HACCP system – principles and stages of realisation
- Food Safety Management System in food chain according to series of standards 22000
- HACCP system as one of tools in performing the supervision of food of animal origin safety through Veterinary Inspection
- Audit of HACCP system – technique, types of audits, audits features and documentation
- Assurance of traceability in the food chain (feed and food).
Ad. 12 Food labelling, including placing the date of minimum durability ot term of use for consumption (shelf-life). Materials and products designed for contact with food. Food additives.
- Rules of food labelling
- Principles of labelling with minimal date of durability and term of use for consumption and resulting from this law implications
- Law regulations concerning labelling and terms of durability/use for consumption
- Procedures for determination the term of durability/use for consumption and verification
- Economic and health implications associated with extending terms of durability/use for consumption
- Food adulterations
Ad. 13 Rules of administrative conduct in association with issuance of administration decision with reference to conditions and food, which do not fulfil certain requirements.Responsibility for damage, penal legislation and fees.
- Definitions of harmful foodstuff for health and human life in light of the Food Law.
- Definition of spoiled foodstuff in light of the Food Law.
- Definition of safe and dangerous foodstuff in light of the Food Law.
- Property of official control organs and their cooperation in range of food safety.
- Penal and administrative legislation in range of decision conduct.
- Legislation as a determining factor, which is describing the way of County Veterinary Inspection organs conduct in case of statement of suspicion of incorrect quality of foodstuff in production and circulation.
- The scheme of conduct with foodstuff, which have incorrect quality, issuance of decisions and resolutions.
- Procedures of laboratory research/examinations in case of food, which doesn’t fulfil certain requirements, questioning of the quality and safety parameters.
- RASFF – Rapid Alert System about Food and Feed - System of a quick warning of dangerous feed and food.
Ad. 14 Information systems and other electronic systems of proceeding evidence/documentation and reports (e.g CELAB).