Attendance- much of our learning will take place together in class. We do lots of hands-on activities and group work. Please plan to attend school every day, except in cases of illness or emergency!
Please see the Attendance Policy in the Hart County Schools Handbook for information on our attendance policy .
Backpack-Your child will need a backpack to carry papers, folders, take-home books, notes, and projects to and from school and home. Backpacks with wheels are not permitted because they do not fit easily into cubbies. Please write your child’s name on his/her backpack.
Book orders- just about once a month, a book order form will come home from Scholastic. This is a great way to purchase books inexpensively.
Birthdays- are very special! If you would like to send cupcakes, cookies, or goodies to school to celebrate your child’s birthday, we would be happy to share them with the students during snack time. If your child is having a party at home, we can only distribute invitations if all children in the class are invited. If you can not invite all of the children, please do not send invitations to school. Many children get their feelings hurt if they are not invited.
Clothing- Students need to wear appropriate, comfortable clothing and shoes for school. Please label all sweaters, coats, hats, (lunch boxes too), etc. Please read the Bonnieville School dress code in your child’s agenda for more information. Always have your child dress for the weather because we go out for recess, weather permitting.
Conferences-Parent/Teacher conferences are held in the fall and again in the spring. We will be discussing your child's accomplishments, strengths and overall progress. Please feel free to schedule additional conferences at any time during the year.
Dismissal- school ends at 3:00. If your child is a car-rider, you must wait in the cafeteria. This prevents halls from being congested and students from being disrupted. You must send a note to school if your child is to go home a different way than normal schedule- especially if he/she is to ride a different bus.
Discipline- When students break a rule, there are consequences. Students are given one warning for disruptive behavior and if this behavior persists they must move their banana to the first branch, indicating a warning. If this action or other disruptive behavior persists, they must move their banana to the second branch, indicating they will be missing 5 minutes of playtime. If this behavior still continues, they will have to move their banana to the last branch, indicating they will be missing all of playtime. Students will always be given warnings first before their names are moved to the next branch. In some serious cases where students have harmed the safety of others or if a problem persists, students’ names may skip a branch.
Email- of the easiest ways to reach me. You may contact me at school via email at I will always reply to your email so you know I got it, but please keep in mind that if it is URGENT you should call the school office at 531-1111.
Food Allergies-We cook in our classroom, so please let me know about any food allergies that your child may have.
Gym-Students should always wear tennis shoes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday because we go to the gym for P.E. on these days. Boots and other hard-soled shoes damage the gym floor.
Homework- your child will have nightly homework. Students must read 20 minutes 5 days each week, complete spelling homework, and math homework. Books, reading logs, and homework should be returned to school the following day.
Independence: Students should be becoming much more independent in the 1st and 2nd grades. Students should read, write, and complete work on their own. They should, also, hang their backpacks and take out their belongings by themselves. In order to foster independence, we ask that parents only come to the classroom on party days or when they are volunteering in our room. Students should be dropped off in the cafeteria each morning and car-riders should be picked up in the cafeteria each afternoon.
Job well done- when students are caught doing well in class, they will receive a “caught being good” to add to their chart. Students who receive 10 caught being goods will get to go to the treasure box. We will, also, have a warm and fuzzy jar. When we have 100% attendance or the entire class is caught being good, I will add a warm and fuzzy to our jar. When the jar is full, we will have a class party.
Kindness- we will learn about being kind to others and ourselves every day. We will all learn to be friends and get along with each other.
Lunch- our lunch time is from 10:35 until 11:00pm. If you come in during this time, be sure to sign in at the office and pick up a visitor's pass!Current lunch prices are: paid $1.75, reduced $0.40, visitors and adults $2.75. Breakfasts and lunches can be prepaid.
Music-We will sing and dance a lot when learning in our classroom. In addition to participating in music activities in the classroom, the students will also have class with the music teacher, Ms. Dickerson.
Newsletters-Each Tuesday I will be send home a weekly newsletter highlighting our activities for the week ahead. Please, take time to read it and talk to your child about the things we are learning. The newsletter will also contain important information about upcoming events.
Open Communication-Home/school communication is very important. Should you have ANY questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to e-mail, write a note, or call the school. The number is 531-1111. Please call during my planning time which will be daily from 12:45-1:30.
Parties-We will have class parties at Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s Day and Easter. We welcome parents to our parties and appreciate the food and drink donations they send to school for the parties. Please, send party supply donations a week prior so we can better prepare for the occasion.
Quick and Quiet Hellos/Goodbyes- as you volunteer or visit our classroom or building, I will urge your child to acknowledge you with a "quick and quiet" wave hello. It is important for them to greet you, but remain involved in class activities.As the old say goes, “Quick goodbyes leave drier eyes.” I know it is difficult to part with your child; however, we have found that children adjust more easily when parents leave them in the cafeteria each morning with a quick hug and kiss.
Reading- students are expected to read at home every night, as part of their nightly homework. You are to record what your child reads each night and return both the log and book(s) to school the following day.
Show-and-Tell- Your child’s day for show-and-tell will be the same day as his/her snack day. Students are encouraged to bring in one special item or share a special experience with the class.
Snack- Parents usually pitch in and take turns providing snack for the class. A snack calendar will go home indicating which day that your child is responsible for snack. This will also be your child’s show-and-tell day. We will put a reminder sticker on your child’s shirt on the day before his/her snack day.
Supplies-You will be given a classroom wish list. These items will be greatly appreciated. You do not need to label any supplies. We will have “community supplies” where we share crayons, glue, pencils, etc. This helps the children to learn to share with their classmates.
Tuesday Folder-Your child will bring home a folder on each Tuesday. This folder will contain the weekly newsletter, student work, a parent/child activity, a weekly reading log, and any other important information from school. You should examine your child’s folder each week, take out all the papers, and then return any papers that need to be returned in the folder.
Unique-Each child is unique in personality and academic development and we do not try to compare them to others.
Volunteers- we love volunteers! Moms, dads, grandparents... you can volunteer in class or work on things for class at home. Please let me know if you'd like to help and we can find a classroom job for you! All volunteers must have the Parent Volunteer Training and a background check. Mrs. Debbie Romance, Director of the Family Resource Center will be setting up a schedule of the dates that she will be providing this training. Parent volunteers must also have a background check. Mrs. Romance will explain how to go about this at the training.
Website- our website is updated weekly with homework,calendars, announcements, pictures, monthly newsletters, and more information about our class, so check it out! Go to to find our page.
I am eXcited to work with You and Your child this year! Make sure he/she gets plenty of Zzzz's each night as we have exciting days planned for this year!