Wing Public School

Home of the Wildcats


4th & Main

Wing, ND 58494

Phone: 701-943-2319

Fax: 701-943-2318

Mr. David Goetz Ms. Summer Hoverson

Superintendent/High SchoolPrincipalElementary Principal

To the parent/guardian:

This handbook is intended to explain and clarify the procedures, policies, and regulations at Wing Public School. Please read the handbook with your child(ren), sign and complete the last 2pages, and return it to the school with your child(ren). Please contact Mr. Goetz or Ms. Hoverson if you have any questions.

To the student:

On behalf of the faculty, we would like to welcome you to Wing Public School for the 2016-2017 year. We are looking forward to assisting you in fulfilling your educational goals. Wing School has a history of fine academic and extracurricular accomplishments. We expect you to meet the goals which have been set, to carry on the tradition, and to make Wing School a better place. You can benefit from everything Wing School has to offer by being actively involved in your classes and the programs offered. If you encounter difficulties, seek out any of our trained professionals, and we will do our best to help you. We are here to make your years in school as successful, yet educationally challenging, as possible. We welcome the opportunity to help you as you proceed through your elementary and high school careers.


Mr. David Goetz

Ms. Summer Hoverson



The mission statement of the Wing Public School District is to provide effective teaching and responsive learning which empower students to acquire the concepts, knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to become healthy, happy, and productive citizens.



This handbook has been developed to serve as a guide for you throughout the school year. It will be the basis for procedures which will directly affect everyone at the Wing School. Please make yourself aware of these policies and procedures to avoid conflict situations. Read the handbook and if questions arise please discuss them with administration. Common sense will dictate the solution to situations which are not included in this handbook or school policy.

We hope you have an enjoyable and rewarding school year!


We, the Wing Public School District #28 Public School Board, present this statement of our basic beliefs concerning education in order to formulate district goals and objectives and to establish programs that are designed to meet these goals and objectives within the legal framework of state and federal law.

We Believe:

  1. The purpose of education is to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to become active, informed, and productive members of society. Our public schools have a responsibility to foster the growth of intelligent and informed citizens.
  2. All individuals are entitled to equal rights, freedoms, and opportunities regardless of economic, cultural, or intellectual differences. The District is committed to creating and preserving a learning and working environment that promotes tolerance and is free from discrimination and harassment.
  3. Only through the study of basic subject matter, history, culture and fine arts will students be prepared for both the practical tasks and complexities of the world. The District will provide all students with opportunities to participate in varied curricular offerings.
  4. Education should aid in the development of good character, self-respect and self-worth, and offer opportunities to form satisfying and responsible relationships with other people. The District will offer programs that allow students to practice the skills of family and community living and that promote an appreciation for health and safety.
  5. Education must look to the future. The District will offer programs to help equip students with skills that may be demanded by our future society, that help students select appropriate occupations, and that provide opportunities to develop worthwhile leisure time activities. The District will also offer programs that teach money, property, and resource management techniques and conservation practices in order to assist students with planning for the future.
  6. Educational experiences should be timed in accordance with students' readiness for them. All district programs will take into account factors such as age, maturity, and readiness.
  7. Appropriate discipline helps ensure that the educational program operates efficiently and helps mold students into upstanding citizens. The Board shall develop policies in accordance with law to ensure administrators are equipped to appropriately respond to disciplinary issues.
  8. Parents and the community should serve as partners with schools. It takes the combined effort of all members of the community to develop and maintain an educational program that meets the objectives delineated above. District schools will embrace the support and reflect the expectations of the community.

Policy AAA Adopted: 10/13/2015



Wing School Goals

As a school we will strive to:

  • Provide a safe, positive, healthy learning environment.
  • Provide an academic atmosphere with quality professional staff.
  • Provide the proper resources necessary to facilitate effective learning in the school.
  • Provide personal and career counseling.
  • Provide, through a balanced set of curricular and co-curricular programs, theoretically sound instructional processes that challenge and inspire both the learner and instructor.
  • Encourage constructive communication among community, parents, teachers, and students.
  • Encourage life-long learning.
  • Provide for the development of economically productive skills.

Expected Goals of Wing Students:

  • Practice the principles of physical, mental, and emotional health and appreciate the dignity of others.
  • Develop academic skills to achieve the best education possible toward the development of my full potential.
  • Develop skills to communicate and think creatively.
  • Show respect and common curtesy toward students, staff, visitors, and myself.
  • Develop the ability to be open to new ideas throughout life.
  • Show pride for my school and my community.
  • Develop self-evaluative skills and plans for their attainment

Policy AAB Adopted: 11/09/2015


I. Class Status

Since graduation depends on how many credits a student has earned rather than how many years he/she has been in school, a students' class designation is determined by counting the number of credits the student has earned at the beginning of each school year.

The following guidelines will be used:

0 - 6credits - freshman

7- 12 credits -sophomore

13 - 18credits - Junior

19 - 24credits - Senior

Exceptions must have the approval of the principal with final approval of the superintendent.

II.High School Class Registration

A. Pupil Academic Load

Each student registering shall be required to carry seven (7) courses and may include physical education and a study hall, if the schedule allows. One unit of correspondence work may be substituted for residence credit with special permission of the superintendent. Any exceptions will be made by the principal and/or the superintendent.

B. Elective Courses

Students are to elect a minimum of nine (9) units of work in line with their interests and abilities. Music carries a maximum of two (2) units of credit and physical education a maximum of one (1) unit of credit that may be applied toward graduation.

Science Fair Project Credit – In order to earn ¼ credit toward high school graduation, the student must meet the following requirements:

The student must be in grades 11 or 12, must work independently, must show a log book documenting 60 hours of work, must show project at the Regional Science Fair, and must write a research paper(Minimum 10 pages).

C. Adding and Dropping Classes

Students in grades 9-12 will have one week after school begins to add or drop a class. Two weeks will be given to drop any class that does not meet daily.

III. Homebound Program

Wing High School provides for homebound instruction for students who because of serious illness, an accident, or other justifiable reasons, cannot attend regular classroom instruction. The following criteria will be used to determine pupil eligibility:

  1. A physician's written statement including the diagnosis and prognosis of the existing condition.
  2. Parental request for homebound services. The student and parent or guardian will be required to sign a contract before the student enters the homebound program.

IV. Grading System

  1. Grades one through four will receive grades based on the standards on their report card.

A+ = Advanced +

A = Advanced

P = Proficient

PP = Partially Proficient

N = Novice

  1. Grades fivethrough twelve will receive numerical (percentage) grades on their report cards.
  1. Numerical grading will be done according to the following percentages:

100- 93------A

92- 86------B

85 - 77------C

76 - 70------D

69 - 0------F

  1. Failure in high school (grades below 70% at the end of the semester or year) shall carry no credit per course. Students in grades 1-6 who cannot complete their work satisfactorily will be recommended for retention.
  1. Report Cards
  1. The entire school will be on a nine week grading system. Quarter grades will be sent home after each nine week period. Parents are encouraged to check grades on Power School.
  1. The student's best interest requires close cooperation between the home and school. For this reason, parent-teacherconferences are held at the end of the first and midway of the third quarters. Parents are requested to visit the school and to confer with the teacher, counselor, or with the respective principal in regard to the progress of the students.

V. Promotion and Retention

  1. Grade School - Grades 1-6
  1. A student may not be promoted if he/she has failed two or moresubjects and/or has missed more than ten (10)days of school per semester (20 days per year). A student may also be retained at the request of or with the consent of his/her parents in case of special difficulty, such as immaturity, ill health, frequent absence from school and similar circumstances which have impeded his/her proper adjustment.

Students being considered for retention will have the following steps taken on their behalf:

  1. The student will be identified as early as the beginning of the fourth nine-week period.
  2. The teacher will notify parents of possible failure.
  3. The teacher will notify the principal of any student who may fail.
  4. Parent, teacher, principal conferences will be held todiscuss the student's progress and evaluation.

The final decision regarding the retention of any student should be mutually agreed upon between the parents, staff, and principal with final approval by the superintendent.

VI. Proficiencies and Deficiencies

Proficiency and deficiency notices are mailed to parents weekly. Proficiency notices are sent to students who have shown significant or outstanding effort in a class. Deficiency notices provide information on the student doing inferior work or who is not working up to his ability.

VII. Student Records

It is necessary for the school to maintain extensive and sometimes personal information about pupils and their families for educational purposes. All records pertaining to individual students are confidential and can only be inspected by students (over 18 years of age), parents, and school officials.


Each student shall meet the requirements for graduation as set by the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction and Wing Public School District #28. The school board reserves the right to raise, but not to lower, the requirements as set by the state.

I. High School Graduation

  1. In order to graduate from Wing Public High School, studentswill have to complete the following credit andcourse requirements:

1. 24 credits are required for graduation.

2. These 24 credits shall include:

1. 4 credits - Language Arts (English)

2. 3 credits - Social Studies (POD/US History required)

3. 3 credits - Math

4. 3 credits - Science

5. 1 credit -Physical Education

6. 3 credits – CTE/Foreign Language state approved classes

7. 7 credits -Electives

  1. Students must be full time students in regular attendance to participate in graduation exercises and to graduate from Wing High School.

No senior will be allowed to participate in Commencement exercises unless all requirements for graduation have been met.

II. Eighth Grade Graduation

Any student that fails two or more of the core classes (math, science, social studies, English) will not graduate and will repeat the grade.

Eighth grade graduation exercises shall be held in conjunction with the high school exercises.


I. Honor Distinction

  1. The honor roll will be computed at the completion of each nine weeks.
  2. Band, Chorus, and Physical Education will not be used for determining the honor roll.
  3. A cumulative grade point average of 94.0 to 100.0 will be recognized as “High Honors” distinction.
  4. A cumulative grade point average of 93 will be recognized as “Honors” distinction.
  5. The same procedure shall be used in determining honor status for graduating seniors.
  1. The distinction of Valedictorian and Salutatorian will be awarded to the top Senior Honor Graduates. An overallGPA minimum of 93% and at least 0.10% points between Valedictorian and Salutatorian.
  1. Membership in the Honor Society will be determined using guidelines of the National Honor Society.


It is required that, in grades 7-12, semester tests be administered in all academic classes. These tests should be designed to test a student's acquired knowledge and understanding of the class content covered during the semester

  1. Semester tests will be given to everyone during thelast week of the first semester.
  1. End of year tests will be given during the last week of school. In grades 9-12, a student is eligible for end of the year test exemption by meeting the following criteria for either attendance or achievement:
  1. In grades 9-11, if you have less than threeexcused absences during the semester and a 94%average.
  1. Seniors who have less than three excused absences during the semester and have a 90% average.
  1. Four (4) tardies are equivalent to a one (1) day absence. (Refer to Attendance Policy-10:00-1:30 rule)


Physical Education is offered for students in grades K-12. The number of hours of weekly/yearly activity is dependent on the schedule of studies and the requirements at the state level.

In some cases, modified activity is suggested for students with physical ailments. Temporary excuses from PE will be made only when the school has a written note from a doctor or parent.

Make up work is required in physical education. The makeup work may include the writing of a paper on a PE related subject. This choice of makeup work is left up to the instructor.

Students who cannot physically participate in PE will continue to attend class and will serve in some capacity such as a record keeper, timer, scorer, etc.

Students in grades 7-12 are required to dress in appropriate PE attire.

The PE instructor will have additional PE rules and grading criteria which will be presented to each PE class within the first week of the school year and/or current semester.


The school will be open from 8AM to 4PM on school days. Classes begin at 8:30 AM and students are not permitted in the building until 8:00 AM to insure proper supervision. Students must leave the school building by 3:30 unless supervised by a staff member.

Parents are welcome to visit the school. All visitors must check in at the office upon arrival. Permission must be obtained from both the administration and classroom teacher prior to entering the classroom. Visitation rights may be suspended or terminated at the discretion of the administration.


In cases of inclement weather or other emergencies, school closing announcements will be made with the Honeywell Alert System, over Bismarck radio stations KFYR/KBMR and KFYR TV and KXMB TV stations.

In event of inclement weather necessitating early dismissal, students are requested to leave their vehicles in the school parking lot and to ride home on the district provided school buses. The district will not assume responsibilities for students selecting other means of transportation.

Rural students are required to have a designated storm home on file in the school office.


Student attendance at all lyceums is required. The utmost courtesy shall be afforded the presenter and quiet and order shall prevail.


Each student will meet the attendance requirements as set forth by the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction and Wing Public School District #28.

The following are some reasons for a student’s short term limited absence considered legitimate by the school:

  • Serious illness of a parent necessitating an older student to help at home.
  • Spring and fall farm work on a limited basis and granted only after special request is made to the principal and/or superintendent.
  • Medical appointments which absolutely cannot be arranged outside school hours.
  • Family trips of educational value provided arrangements are made in advance of the trip.
  • Funerals and weddings of close relatives.
  • Inclement weather.
  • Other reasons as approved by the principal or superintendent upon special request from parents.

The parent of a student who will be or has been absent must write a note or call the school to verify the day and reason for the absence.

Make-up Work

  1. In general, work assigned prior to the absence is due upon returning to class.
  1. In general, a student will be allowed two days for each day missed to complete make-up work which was assigned during the absence.
  1. More days may be given by special permission of the principal.
  1. In proven cases of truancy or in cases of suspension, the student will receive no credit.
  1. Students who are taking part in school sponsored activities will be considered present. However, they must make up class work before hand.

Exit Procedure

  1. Whenever a student leaves the building during class hours, whether it is for a short period of time or for the remainder of the day, the following procedure must be followed:
  1. Parents are to call the office or send a note giving the reasonthat the student is to leave the building.
  2. Student must sign the check-out sheet in the office.
  3. If leaving is part of class work, teacher authorization isrequired.
  4. No permit is required if a teacher or other school personnel accompanies the student.
  5. Leaving without proper authorization will be considered an unexcused absence and/or skipping and can be considered as grounds for suspension.
  6. Students shall be considered absent one half day if they arrive in school after 10:00 a.m. or leave school prior to 1:30 p.m.