Annual report for programmes


Annual monitoring reports should be produced for all PGT programmes and all undergraduate programmes or clusters of programmes grouped according to the internal structures of faculties[1]. The template for the report is given below. The purpose of annual monitoring is to provide a “health check” for programmes which is both helpful but realistic in its demands and which focuses on key quality and standards issues and enhancement. The annual monitoring reports will be used to inform the production of faculty annual reports for the College Assessment & Standards Committee.

A separate ‘annual report for programmes’ form is required for each Joint and Dual Award programme(s).

If unsure, please refer to the Chair of your FacultyEducation Committee for further advice on the grouping of programmes and the deadline for production of the report.

1.Title of programme(s)

2.Programme co-ordinator

3.Response to issues raised and action planned in the 2015/16 report

4.Main issues raised by students on the programme and modules (through student feedback, module evaluation and via staff/student liaison committees) and departmental response. In addition please provide a summary of responses received for the questions included in module evaluations around inclusivity, along with what actions are being taken to resolve any identified problems.

5.Student Surveys (NSS/PTES): commentary on the following as follows:

  • What actions have you taken that have seen an impact this year?
  • If you haven’t seen any impact on actions taken when would you expect to see one?
  • What are the three key issues that have come out of the student surveys? Are the same as previous year or new ones?

6.[Standard data sets to be produced for inclusion here[2]]

Commentary on standard data sets as follows:

  • Has recruitment against Widening Participation OFFA targets been as expected? If not, please explain why?
  • Has student recruitment against targets been as expected? If not please explain why;
  • Has any student been recruited via Recognition of Prior Learning? If so what are the numbers?
  • Has the pass rate fallen over recent years? If so is there a clear reason why this is so? What action is being taken to rectify this?
  • Is there an unacceptable number of students not completing on time? If so is there a clear reason why this is the case? What action can be taken to rectify this?
  • Are numbers of students leaving with an exit award higher than expected? If so does this mean assessment patterns need to change?
  • Have many students have dropped out of the programme? If so what are the reasons? Does action need to be taken to rectify this?
  • Is there any relationships that emerge in degree awards between differing ethnic groups, age, gender, or Home/OS status etc.? If so, was this expected?
  • Is there any relationships that emerge in degree awards between different groups by ethnicity, age, gender, disability or Home/OS status etc.? If so, what action can be taken to rectify this?
  • If a programme is run both on-campus and off-campus is there any differences in the cohorts’ attainment data? If yes why is this? What action can be taken to rectify this?
  • Does a review of student feedback against the programme results indicate that action should be taken to rectify the assessment pattern of the programme?
  • Is there any correlation between comments raised in external examiner reports and student survey/feedback data relating to assessment? If so, what has the programme done to respond to the issues raised?

7.External Examiners: commentary should be provided as follows:

  • What are the 3 main themes/key issues that have arisen from External Examiner 16/17 reports?
  • How are you tackling these themes/issues?
  • Are the themes/issues new ones to previous years or recurring issues?

8.Major changes that have been made to the programme(s) and/or modules which have necessitated a review of the programme specification

9.For those programmes with collaboration attached:

  • How does the programme maintain academic standards on the collaborative activity/off campus study?
  • What are the key issues that have arisen this year that might impact on a good student experience?
  • How has the off-campus study enhanced the student experience?
  • Have there been any changes to the programme offered by the Partner or King’s that may affect the activity being delivered, and how have these been addressed?
  • Please provide information on any areas of good practice that can be shared or any particular challenges and how these have been overcome.

10.Professional, statutory and/or regulatory developments (if appropriate)

  1. Areas of good practice/enhancement that can be disseminated across programmes/departments/Faculties. What has been the impact of these?

12.Actions taken as a result of the implementation of the Student Voice Strategy and the impact this is having

13.Action planned for 2017/18


[1]Throughout this document the term “Faculties” includes the Dental Institute, The Dickson Poon School of Law and the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience

[2]Available at: