Minutes of meeting of Marldon Parish Council held on Monday 11th June 2007 at 7.15pm
MEMBERS PRESENT: Cllrs. Pennington, Webber, Palk, Veasey, Cllr Mrs Clarke
Clerk to the Council David Eeles
ALSO PRESENT: 14members of the public
The Chairman invited members of the public to speak before the meeting opened. Their queries and comments were duly noted, these would be taken into account in the Council’s deliberations of the matters raised.
1(6.07) APOLOGIES – Apologies were received from Cllrs Joinson, Danby and Thorp.
Cllrs Benney and Cox would be able to join the meeting later.
Clerk reported that the newly refurbished Totnes Police Station was holding an Open Day on Sat. 23 June to which all were invited.
The Chairman then introduced the new Community police officers replacing PC John Hodgson: PC Marcel Pearse and Police Community Support Officer Paula Frain. PC Pearse gave a short presentation on their roles, covering more villages than before but with the benefit of a support officer not previously available. He called for questions and members noted the vandalism of a riding horse in a childrens’ play area and various other incidents apparently connected to a party, but the police had no leads on who was responsible. Cllr Palk asked about response rates and was told this depends on where they are, if any other matter was in hand, and the priority grading the incident was given, but promptness was a key priority.
At this point Cllr Angela Cox joined the meeting
They also hoped to have a visible presence and noted members of the publics’ concern about the traffic situation outside the school, which they had already visited. Asked about crime rates, PC Pearse reported that there had been 12 incidents since May 1st but many of these related to the incident already mentioned or concerned people from outside the area. He gave his contact details: .
The Chairman thanked the team for their visit and looked forward to a productive relationship.
At this point the Chairman sought and gained members approval to make a presentation to ex- Cllr Bob Hooper. He outlined the exceptionally long service Mr Hooper had given the Council, having joined in 1975, 32 years ago. During that time he been very active, and had held several responsible posts, including a long period as Chairman of the Planning Sub- Committee, and also the P.C. representative on the School Governors. In recognition of this service the Chairman presented a card and a tie pin. In response Mr Hooper said it had been a pleasant association, and that both he and the Chairman had had the benefit of supportive partners. It had been a pleasure working with other Councillors, and his only regret was that the late Mrs Spencer had not been with them.
3(6.07) APPROVAL OF MINUTES MAY MEETING: Unanimously approved
On the exceptional item at the last meeting, the Chairman passed around a card from the previous but one Clerk, Anne Kirby, expressing her regrets at the passing of June Spencer
9(4.07) Chairman reported that he was still working on the matter of handrails on church Hill.
9(4.07) There was no progress to report on the footpath at Nether meadow, Cllr Cox to follow up.
10 (4.07) Cllr Cox reported that she has now affixed a sign saying simply “No Dogs” in the play AREA.
14(5.07) Clerk confirmed that there had still been no response from the Insurance company regarding the field at 5 Lanes, clerk to follow this up
This item was deferred until members of the public could return from attending the QS4/ T-mobile meeting in the pub
Cllr Benney joined the meeting at this point
The Chairman moved and it was agreed that the Council accept paragraph 12(2) of the Model Code of Conduct as suggested by the Standards Board.
7(6.07) REPORTS
South Hams District Council
D. Cllr Pennington reported that the interim Chief Executive of South Hams D.C. was David Incoll, who shared this role with E. Devon, following the departure of Ms Bagley
Devon County Council
C. Cllr Pennington reported that he had attended a meeting of the Devon Planning Steering Group, and had been instrumental in persuading them to add Environmental Policy Areas to a list of conditions applying to the siting of Telecommunication Masts. This would have the effect of making an application such as the current one in Marldon only possible if it could be demonstrated that there were no other suitable sites, as the Church is in a Policy Area. This proposal would be very likely to be incorporated in the Local Development Framework.
Village Hall Council Meeting
Cllr Mrs Cox reported that the Village Hall was getting quotes to make the entrance to the Community Hall more wheelchair-user friendly. Cllr Pennington noted that this confirmed what he had said at the time of the election.
Cllr Mrs Cox reported that leaflets and maps continued to sell and gave £13.50 to the Clerk for the Environment Account.
Concern had been expressed by the Pembroke Park Residents Association that beer cans had been deposited under the new seat in the bridleway, and members debated whether a rubbish bin should be sited nearby. The Clerk was asked to find out if S. Hams would empty one at that location.
Cllr Cox also mentioned the anonymous donation towards the materials costs of the notice boards that Mr Ralph was making for the Council, and it was agreed that the clerk should send a letter of thanks to the Charitable Trust concerned.
Correspondence received was circulated to Members
Members considered a request by DCC to send a copy of the letter opposing the establishment of a Unitary Authority by Exeter to Ruth Kelly the minister for Local Government and it was agreed to do so.
Members also considered the request for support for the Sustainable Communities Bill by writing to Gordon Brown, MP, and it was agreed to do so
Finally members considered a proposal by DCC to create a cycle underpass alongside the pedestrian underpass at 5 Lanes, and this was supported.
Other correspondence was listed and circulated to members
9(6.07) PLANNING
34/0448/07/F- The Old Cart Shed, Compton: It was reported that at the site meeting it was agreed there should be no objection to these plans and this was met with approval by the members
34/1186/07/F- 4 Rookery Cottages, Love Lane, construction of pitched roof to replace existing flat roof. Members found NO OBJECTION to these plans
The Chairman reported a very sympathetic response from Mr Deane regarding the refuse collection vehicles encroaching on Pembroke Park and the Highways Dept will repair the verges on this occasion. The Pembroke Park Residents association passed on their thanks to the Council for dealing with the matter
The Chairman reported on a site meeting held to discuss the new bus stop with Mr Fishpool, and Cllrs Pennington, Danby, Webber and Thorp. Members agreed that the new location was probably safer, as the previous location had no pavement.
Following this the same members inspected the reduced visibility at the top of Vicarage Hill caused by an overhanging hedge, and it was agreed to write the residents of the Vicarage to ask them to cut back the hedge so that the pavement underneath can be used.
Cllr Palk reported that some of the potholes at Compton had been dealt with
The following were reported for the attention of the DCC Highway Authority:
- A hole in the entrance to the car park at Furzegood
- Stinging nettles in Vicarage Road in the vicinity of the Torbay Coast and Country Club
- The verge between Moorview and Farthing Lane on the Totnes Road needs cutting
- There is a very deep pothole at the bottom of Butterlake about 25 yards from the junction between Butterlake and the Compton Road
Cllr Veasey reported an overgrown bench and Cllr Cox noted this as an item for MEG, together with the footpath Moorview to the Totnes Road, where the hedge needed trimming
Cllr Clarke asked when there would be a meeting of the Leisure and Recreation Committee and it was agreed that Cllr Webber would arrange a meeting on Thursday 28th June.
Cllr Clarke asked when there will be a public meeting on 5 Lanes field; it was agreed that this should be discussed at the above meeting but a reply was still awaited from the Insurance Company
It was reported that the Football Club had achieved very creditable success on the pitch and off it- they had won a £9000 Lottery award to improve their facilities and now sought permission to increase the size of the pitch slightly and move their shed, both of which were agreed, with the Cricket Club to be consulted regarding the pitch. Cllr Cox congratulated them on the Lottery award on behalf of the Council.
Cllrs Cox and Palk declared an interest on account of their links with the Church, and accordingly did not vote.
Cllr Pennington recounted the events of the day at the poorly attended “drop-in” that afternoon, and also the unsatisfactory nature of the consultation process so far. He noted that QS4 and the Vicar seemed unable to accept that there was huge hostility to this proposal and it was dividing the village. QS4 had still not replied to the 60 questions members of the public had posed for the aborted visit of QS4 and T-Mobile at the last parish Council meeting.
At this point the Chairman with the approval of members suspended standing orders to allow members of the public who had attended the pub meeting to report back.
Members of the public reported that T- mobile did not after all attend the meeting, and that the QS4 representative did not have replies to the 60 questions asked earlier to hand. Several members of the public expressed strong misgivings about the health and safety aspects of the proposal and disappointment that the Vicar and Parochial Council appeared impervious to the strongly held view of many villagers, urging the matter be taken to higher Church authorities. It was felt the issues of Church funding and health and safety should be separated.
Standing orders were reimposed
Members expressed the view that they had not felt a proper consultation process had taken place as required under Para. 59 of the PPG 8 document, that the applicants had treated the Council with disrespect in pulling out of the previous meeting at such short notice and then arranging a meeting when the Council was in session that evening, that many Councillors as well as members of the public had unanswered questions particularly of a technical nature such as the strength of the signal, and that these views should be expressed in their response to QS4
Cllr Benney proposed the following motion, Seconded by Cllr Clarke:
“the Parish Council is not inclined to agree to a mast in close proximity to
a) a listed building
b) in an environmental policy area
c) a pre- school play group and play areas”
This motion was passed by 4 votes in favour to none against, with Cllrs Cox and Palk not voting having declared an interest and Cllr Pennington abstaining at this stage as was customary to enable him to participate fully at subsequent debates at a higher level
It was agreed that copies of the letter to be drafted be sent to all relevant parties including the Bishop of Exeter.
12(6.07) FINANCE
The following items were approved:-
Clerk salary and expenses May £291.30
Clerk honorarium £30.00
David Carlisle, Love Lane wall repairs £395.00
Ricoh photocopying (60% share) £42.54
2X Grass cutting at Tor Field and Petersfield(KJ Thurborn)- £140.13
South West Water refund £59.59
BANK ACCOUNTS as at 30-5-07
Main Account: £22,041.95
P3 Account: £550.37
Environment Account : £449.56
16(6.07) DATE OF NEXT MEETING - Monday 9th July
Signed …………………………………………………… 9-7-2007 ( JT Pennington)