Success Action Plan
As discussed in the blueprint to success it is very important you take the time to set up your system to be successful. If you do not have a system you are very much starting in a hole or continuing in a hole. Make your life much easier by putting in the time to create the following before you start marketing.
You must have
A Sales Funnel
A Marketing Plan that generates clients & Power partners for you
The ability to identify opportunity
The ability to close deals when you find opportunity
(Each system above is in the back office and taught at Achieve University)
If you are missing any of the above your chances of becoming successful are extremely limited. You must have a system in place and not just simply be chasing business and dollars!
Now that you have your system set-up (the above list) it is time to go to work. I teach this is when your business is actually open and you are ready to succeed! You are BUILT FOR SUCCESS! This is the first day of the rest of your life and you are going to work at generating leads to plug in to your system so the system can sell you!
Won’t it be nice in a year when clients and power partners are knocking down your door to either partner to do business with you or to pay you! This is a much nicer situation to be in then chasing business every day. If your system is set up to succeed and you follow the lead generating system this day will come! It is every business owners dream to be sitting on the beach and have numerous calls come in that day of people wanting to hire you or your business.
Developing your network is now your goal. You want to stimulate interest in what you have to offer. Make sure to review the many programs in the back office on how to develop your data base to acquire success. We have tons of great stuff based upon the market you want to target.
I recommend you start by picking 5 marketing systems. You will work for 1-2 hours every day on generating new leads for clients and power partners. Any more then 1-2 hours a day is over kill and is not productive.
In 1-2 hours a day you can generate up to 25 new people or power partners to enter into your data base (see back office on how). This is a system you must be loyal to because if you miss one day and you’re doing this for 5 days you have lost around 15% of your work week and you could land a big deal in that 15% so make sure you go to work every day and be loyal to your SYSTEM.
Achievers: Visit the back office for help and support. Make sure to attend all mastermind calls, conferences and ask your coaching leader questions as you have them. Education is the foundation of your success and progress and we have it!
Why you might fail?
Once you create your system and dedicate to your marketing plan and start working on your marketing hours to generate new business leads every day success is in your hands as the system will help support you and grow your business over the long-run. You will at some points gain business now for immediate income but in most cases it’s about being loyal to your system. There are some failure modes as followed that you must beat to be successful.
Failure Mode / ExplainExcuses / You must not make excuses based upon not getting your work done or hours in. When you own your own business you need to point your finger at yourself each week and analysis your efforts. Efforts should be based upon
People just do not respond to you! / After your business system is set-up it is all about you bringing in relationships. Of course people must like you in order for you to be successful. I have seen professionals not succeed because people simply do not like them. If people do not like you our industry is not for you.
You’re just not good at what you do! / It is of course very important you are great at what you do. That has to be assumed even before you start getting business. If you are a fitness pro that talks on the phone during sessions and drops the ball on your clients you will not grow!
You do not have a plan and you need money now! / People become successful in our industry as a business owner because they have a plan. If you are chasing money urgently people can generally feel your stress. Chase success and not money. Money comes with success! If you have put yourself into a hard financial situation you must get out of it without effecting your business.
I don’t adapt! / You must be loyal to your system but it something in your system is not working you must adapt to it. Change a script, a marketing campaign, who you are going after but remain loyal to the system is the most important thing because the system will not fail you and never has!
OMG I blame you, the economy, Fred Flintstone and the guy who cut me off today driving in to work! / You in no way can blame anyone for your failure in business or use it as a crutch. This is in line with the first one above (excuses). No one is responsible for the success of your business except you! Take action today and make it happen. Use the resources your power partners and network provides you and never blame or point fingers of why you are not successful. Turn that finger around to yourself in all cases.
Now that you understand the only things that can make you fail, and agree to make sure you will not let the above list effect you it is time to go to work. Use the marketing systems provided in your back office, discussed in mastermind calls and work 1-2 hours per day on setting up new business relationships (action). Use the back office marketing plans, partnerships, network and systems we provide you to help you succeed!
What do I do in the rest of the hours in a day if I am only working 1-2 hours a day on marketing?
You are working 1-2 hours a day strictly on setting up new business relationships and going after clients using the systems provided or creating your own. In the remainder of the hours you are doing follow-ups, working with clients, doing meetings, organizing your systems and making your business better and stronger. 1-2 hours per day is strictly what you must do to generate new leads for clients and power partners. This is a major key to your success!
How many power partnerships should I have and define a power partner?
As you are working your system you are working to set up power partners. This is anyone or any business that can refer your business. A great power partner has the ability to provide you over 100k in business a year. An example would be if you are a fitness professional and you team with a therapy clinic that sends you clients after insurance goes out. I know a number of professionals who have set up this relationship and get 1-10 new clients a week.
Achievers: Go through the list we provided you of over 100 places to get clients and power partners and go to work!
This information is a major key to the success of your business but is one of many. If you wake up in 6 months with a 30-100% increase in your business then you implemented strategies, avoided the failure modes and gained huge success. If you did not then you tripped up somewhere along the way. If you identify you tripped up and you fixed it then you are a future successful business owner. If you ignored the problem, made excuses and pointed fingers then you will see in another 6 months and probably 6 years you will be earning the same income or maybe even less. Be true and blow up your success people.
Cheers to your Success,
Robert Raymond, CEO
Client and business development specialist
National Author and Presenter