
Gaddesby Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meetingheld at Gaddesby Village Hall

on Monday,12th October 2015, commencing at 6.45 pm.

Councillors Present

Mrs Pat Walton - Vice-Chair Mrs Jenny Hurst

Mr Howard Bakewell Mr Edward Kitson

Mr Gary Fox

Mrs Trudy Toon – Clerk to the Council

Mr Alex Stroud – Ashby Folville parishioner

Mr Barry Preston – Ashby Folville parishioner Mr David Patton – Ashby Folville parishioner



Co-option of Councillor

Mr Gary Fox was co-opted to become a member of GPC – proposed by Councillor Mrs Jenny Hurst and seconded by Councillor Mr Howard Bakewell.

Apologies – Apologies were received from the Chair,Councillor Mr Gordon Bigam and Borough Councillor Mrs Janet Simpson.

Parishioner/Public Time

Mr Alex Stroud of Ashby Folville attended the meeting to address Councillors in relation to the planning application submitted by Ashby Folville Land Trust for the proposed demolition of the derelict mushroom shed and the erection of four cottage dwellings, gardens and parking at land between 15 and 21 Folville Street, Ashby Folville.

Before discussions began, Councillors along with the Ashby Folville parishioners, understood that the original application submitted for conservation area consent had been deemed invalid by MBC and that a second replacement application would be submitted for full planning consent – although it was thought that the second application would be more or less the same as the first one.

Firstly, Mr Stroud thanked Councillors for allowing him to speak at the meeting.

Mr Stroud went on to explain that he had noted on the MBC planning portal, that GPC had submitted a letter of objection to MBC. With this in mind Mr Stroud expressed his wish to work with GPC in order to ensure that Ashby Folville grows in population and becomes a thriving village community. Mr Stroud advised that the existing site had become derelict and dangerous and felt that the proposal to erect four cottages would encourage younger families into the village. Mr Stroud advised Councillors that many Ashby Folville parishioners, who he had spoken to, were in favour of the proposal.

Mr Barry Preston of Ashby Folville went on to advise that he was shocked to see the letter of objection from GPC and that he, along with many other Ashby Folville parishioners, were in support of the proposal. Mr Preston disagreed with the points raised by GPC and asked why GPC had objected to the application. Councillors explained the planning reasons behind the four comments raised in the letter submitted to MBC and explained the meaning of sustainability.

Mr David Patton of Ashby Folville advised that he was currently the Treasurer for St. Mary’s Church, Ashby Folville and that it was his wish to try to encourage younger people into the village.

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Councillors Bakewell & Bigam

Parishioner/Public Time cont.

Following discussion, Councillor Walton suggested that, once the second application had been approved and publicised by MBC, parishioners should be encouraged to write into MBC with their comments and to ask that the application is considered by the MBC Planning Committee.

Minutes – Minutes of the previous meeting no’s 2015/2016 33-38, having been circulated, were taken as read, approved and signed.

Matters Arising

  1. Councillor Vacancy – Mr Gary Fox of Gaddesby had been co-opted to become a member of GPC, therefore filling the vacant seat.
  1. Church Lane, Barsby – As previously reported, Church Lane, Barsby would be included in the LCC, Highways Department provisional programme for surface dressing next year, 2016.
  1. Public Footpath 189b, Gaddesby –The Clerk had forwarded an email to Mr Graham Hancock of LCC, Highways Department. Following which Mr Hancock advised that the slurry sealing contractors are currently working in the Melton district and would shortly be in Gaddesby to carry out the work on the public footpath from Main Street to St. Luke’s Church. Mr Hancock added that he had asked the contractors to apply two coats of the slurry seal to the footpath and that he would inspect the work following completion.
  1. Street Light Replacement Programme –The Clerk reported that the replacement lantern at Highfield End, Ashby Folville, the replacement lantern at Baggrave End, Barsby and the new column at Baggrave End, Barsby had all been installed, but as yet are not operational. The Clerk was sure that they would be in full working order in due course.
  1. New Bus Shelter, Barsby – Following the discussion at the September meeting during Parishioner/Public Time with Mr Alex Stroud, Mr Stroud had emailed the Clerk to advise that he had asked the agents who act on behalf of the Estate, Brown and Co, the reasons for the original request from GPC being turned down. The request being to set the bus shelter back off the grass verge into the hedgerow of the Dairy Farm so that the front of the shelter is level with the wall and near to the existing bus stop sign. Mr Stroud subsequently emailed the Clerk to ask if a reminder of the request could be sent to Mr James Walton, the land agent from Brown and Co, with a copy sent to Mr Stroud himself. Mr Stroud reported that the Estate Trustees would be meeting on Friday, 20th November 2015, where this proposal would be discussed.

The Clerk was asked to write to Mr Walton and to provide Mr Stroud with a copy of the letter.

  1. MBC, Parish Council Liaison – The next Parish Council Liaison Meeting would be held on Tuesday, 24th November 2015 at 7pm at the Council Offices, Parkside. Councillor Bakewell agreed to attend on behalf of GPC and it was thought that Councillor Bigam may also wish to attend.

Councillors Bakewell, Kitson, Fox & Clerk
Councillor Bakewell & Clerk


Matters Arising cont.

  1. Dog Fouling : Gaddesby – The Clerk had emailed Mr Tucker, the editor of the Church newsletter to ask him to include a notice in the newsletter to remind parishioners of their responsibility to clean up after their dogs. This notice would be published in the November edition. It was understood that dog fouling along Main Street, Cross Street and Chapel Lane, Gaddesby continued to be an ongoing problem. Councillor Bakewell reported that after having looked around the area, a possible location for the installation of an extra dog waste bin would be at the upper end of Chapel Lane at the field entrance to the public footpath. However, this position would be near to several properties. With this in mind, Councillors Bakewell, Kitson and Fox agreed to liaise and to meet at Chapel Lane to discuss if this would be a suitable location. Following this meeting the Gaddesby Councillors would inform the Clerk of the outcome and if it was considered suitable the Clerk would distribute a flyer to all the households in the area to advise them of the intentions of GPC to install an additional dog waste bin.
  1. E.ON UK Plc : Prices For Un-Metered Supply (UMS) Tariff –The Clerk had yet to telephone E.ON to enquire if they could provide GPC with a more competitive energy price, but would endeavour to do so before the November meeting.
  1. Bench, in memory of Mrs Jean Cane –Councillor Bakewell reported that he had spoken with Mr David Cane, the son of the late Mrs Jean Cane, who advised that the family would be happy to replace the bench on Main Street, near to the Cheney Arms Public House in memory of their mother. The Clerk was asked to write to Mr Cane to advise that following discussion GPC approved the replacement and to confirm that the Cane family would undertake any necessary maintenance work to the bench in future years.
  1. Superfast Fibre Broadband, Gaddesby – The Clerk had emailed Dr Matthew Kempson, the Broadband Project Manager, to advise that GPC may be able to provide a suitable quote for their press release once the new Super Fibre Broadband has been up and running for a couple of months. Councillors noted that the Super Fibre Broadband had yet to be deployed to the villages of Barsby and Ashby Folville.
  1. Gaddesby Lane with Rearsby Bypass junction (A607) –The Clerk was pleased to report that LCC, Highways Department had re-painted the white line junction markings onto the Highway at the Gaddesby Lane with Rearsby Bypass junction. Additionally, the grass area around the junction had been mown and generally tidied.
  1. Annual Audit for Small Authorities – After having spoken to Mr Richard Willcocks, the Internal Auditor for GPC, the Clerk reported that, it was understood that smaller authorities with an annual precept of £25,000.00 and under, would have to complete an annual return, the accounts would have to be publicised but there would no longer be the requirement for the accounts to be audited by an External Auditor. However, the current External Auditor, Grant Thornton have been appointed for five years from the 1st April 2012. Mr Willcocks advised that the new rules and regulations were still very vague, but suggested that GPC should continue completing the full annual audit for the time being.

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Correspondence was either emailed or made available to Councillors as necessary.

Planning Matters

‘For Information Only’

a. Plum Cottage, 5 Cross Street, Gaddesby – Application submitted by Mr and Mrs Tyers-Smith, for consent to work on trees, for the proposed removal/felling of one Cedrus Libani Tree.

Planning Decisions

a. Elms Cottage, Gaddesby Lane, Frisby-on-the-Wreake – Application submitted by K S Mayfield and Co, for the proposed installation of one Endurance E-4660 wind turbine with a tip height of 48.4m and associated infrastructure including a control kiosk and crane pad, has been granted planning permission by MBC.

b. Orchard House, 3A Church Lane, Barsby – Application submitted by Mr and Mrs Murray for the proposed erection of an oak framed garden room, has been granted planning permission by MBC.

c. Various locations, Folville Street, Ashby Folville – Applications submitted by Ashby Folville Estate, for various works to trees as follows:

  • Fell to ground level one Horse Chestnut tree.
  • Remove the broken and fractured branches of one Blue Cedar tree.

Cut back adjacent weakened branches as necessary to stabilise.

  • Cut back the defective low limbs to live shoots just beyond the end of the cavity of one Red Oak tree. Remove lowest adjacent branch extending over the petanque court. Remove the dead wood from the remaining crown.
  • To undertake the overall crown reduction by approximately two metres but to cut back the lowest branches over the road by approximately three metres of one White Willow tree.

Consent to work on the above trees has been granted by MBC.

d. Walnut Tree Farm, 17 Main Street, Barsby – Applications submitted by Mr and Mrs K Troop, for the proposed conversion of a redundant farm outbuilding to residential, has been granted listed building consent and full planning consent by MBC.

Representative Reports

1. Ashby and Barsby Parish Hall – It was understood that the Ashby and Barsby harvest supper would be held on Thursday, 15th October 2015.

2. Barsby Village Hall Green – Councillor Hurst reported that a Barsby Village Hall Green committee meeting had been held to review the Barsby Feast Day held on Saturday, 29th August and to discuss and plan ahead for the skittles evening, which would be held on Saturday, 14th November 2015.

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Representative Reports cont.

3. Gaddesby Village Hall – Councillor Bakewell reported that a charity fundraising event would be held in Gaddesby Village Hall on Friday, 6th November 2015 and that the committee were in the process of obtaining quotations for the replacement of the Hall front doors. Councillor Bakewell advised that the Village Hall car park would be resurfaced shortly with an interlocking type gravel and that the committee were looking at obtaining funding to have the kitchen refurbished. Additionally the Hall website would be upgraded and improved.


Accounts paid since the last meeting:

Grant Thornton UK LLP – Annual Audit of Accounts 2013/2014, £100.00 plus 20% VAT £20.00, total £120.00.

E.ON Energy Solutions Ltd – Street light maintenance, ¼ ending 30.09.2015, £182.65 plus 20% VAT £36.53, total £219.18.

Lost/Unpresented Cheque:

E.ON UK Plc – Street light energy, ¼ ending 30.06.2015, £282.78 plus 5% VAT £14.14, total £296.92.

Accounts for payment:

E.ON UK Plc – Street light energy, ¼ ending 30.06.2015, £282.78 plus 5% VAT £14.14, total £296.92 (cheque re-issued).

E.ON UK Plc – Street light energy, ¼ ending 30.09.2015, £321.44 plus 5% VAT £16.07, total £337.51.

Total cheque to E.ON £634.43.

Melton Borough Council – RoSPA, Play Area Safety Inspection2015, £49.50 plus 20% VAT £9.90, total £59.40.

E.ON Energy Solutions Ltd – Two new lantern replacements Barsby and Ashby Folville, one new column, Barsby, £4,524.00 plus 20% VAT £904.80, total £5,428.80.

Trudy.M.Toon – Clerks salary and expenses from 01.07.2015 to 30.09.2015, salary £1,281.28, expenses £103.94, total £1,385.22.

The Society of Local Council Clerks – Membership renewal 2015, total £103.00.

Payments Received:

2?.09.2015 – MBC, 2nd precept payment for 2015/2016, total £6,787.37

Estimated Balances:

Barclays Bank Business Reserve Account £15,999.34.

Barclays Bank Community Account £9,207.63.

The latest bank statements were made available for Councillors.

Other Business

1. New Councillor, Mr Gary Fox – Councillors welcomed Mr Gary Fox to GPC. The Clerk asked Councillor Fox to complete the Declaration of Acceptance of Office form and the Declaration of Registration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Other Interests form. Following completion the forms these would be photocopied, with one copy being retained by GPC and other copy being forwarded to the Monitoring Officer at MBC for their records. The Clerk would let Councillor Fox have copies of the various policies held by GPC.

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All Councillors & Clerk

Other Business cont.

2. Land between 15 and 21 Folville Street, Ashby Folville – Following on from Parishioner/Public Time, prior to the meeting, Mr Patton and Mr Preston had telephoned the Clerk to express their views in relation to the application submitted by Ashby Folville Lane Trust for the proposed demolition of the derelict mushroom shed and the erection of four cottage dwellings, gardens and parking. Subsequently, both Mr Patton and Mr Preston had written to Clerk. As it was understood that a replacement application would be submitted shortly to MBC, Councillors felt that it may be necessary to meet prior to the November meeting in order to discuss the application and to discuss the contents of the letter from Mr Patton and the email from Mr Preston.

The Clerk would inform Councillors, once the application had been received by GPC.

Arrangements for the next meeting :

Monday, 9th November 2015, at Ashby and Barsby Parish Hall, commencing at 6.45 pm.

The meeting closed at 8.30 pm.
