Swinderby Parish Council.
Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 30th March 2015.
7.30 pm in the Village Hall, Swinderby.
Chairman Cllr Andy Page Vice Chairman: Reg. Ketteringham
Cllrs, Bob Crozier, Lynne Carter, Nick Marris and Gary Shelbourn.
Apologies, Ron Hodgson, (work)
Clerk. Lesley Piper
Police; PCSO Sarah Lingard
Declarations of Interest-None.
Members of the public. 7
Public Forum.
1. Play Area-High Street.
Concerns were raised as to the exact position of the boundary posts and wire which the Parish Council intend to put in place very soon. Parishioners were concerned that their traditional access onto the area via their gates at the end of their gardens would be impeded. Assurances were given that this would not be the case. (from minutes 2/3/15)
Further assurances were sought, given, and agreement gained that the boundary would be marked by wooden posts, in a straight line, but without connecting wire being used. Any “no man’s land” would be maintained by the Parish Council. It was agreed that this would be put into Link Up.
Any vehicular access that may be required by residents bordering the area (for large deliveries) would need to be agreed by the Parish Council prior to it happening.
2. Taking back ownership of the Play Area.
Questions were asked about this Parish Council decision, and reassurances were given.A Deed of Covenant would be signed prior to this being completed that would prevent any building taking place on this area at any time in the future.
3. Playing Field-Station Road.
Questions were asked about the earth-works currently being carried out. The Parish Council have no knowledge of what is happening (despite owning the field) Cllr Page will investigate.
4. Antisocial behaviour.
Youths are reported to be causing a nuisance in and around Swinderby. PCSO Lingard has investigated and had an informal “chat” with those thought to be responsible.
- “Illegal Rave” PCSO Lingard gave a brief report about this event which caused a sleepless night for surrounding villagers.
- Theft of 4x4 vehicles in the area. Everyone is warned that this activity is increasing.
Minutes of the last meeting.
Read, signed and accepted.
Action Points.
· Cllr Ketteringham had nothing to report with regard to Community Speed Watch and his meeting with a Councillor from Collingham Parish Council.-defer to next meeting.
· Cllr Crozier gave a brief report on correspondence sent to LCC Highways regarding a possible footpath for Station Road. –meeting needed with the residents to discuss what they would prefer. (defer to next Council)
· Cllr Marris had nothing to add to what had been said in Public Forum with regard to positioning the boundary posts on the High Street Play Area.
War Memorial
Letter received from PCC Gill Lloyd.
No further progress to report.
Highways matters.
Cllr Crozier gave a brief report.
Ownership of The High Street play Area.
2015 elections of the Parish Council.
Briefing from the Clerk on “Purdah” (30th March – 7th May)
Planning Applications/decision.
Erection of dwelling and detached double garage.
Land to the rear of 40 High Street.
No comment or objection to make.
Development to export material from Swinderby Airfield Quarry without complying with conditions 5,12,13,14,15 of Planning Permission N/76/0606/08 for a temporary period not exceeding 6 months.
No comment or objection to make.
The Bungalow, Newark Road.
No comment or objection to make.
Erection of car port.
30, High Street.
Permission granted.
Treasurers Report 30th March 2015
Play Area accounts
21537091 (HSBC) £1476.31
01570757 (HSBC) £1831.77
Total £3308.08
a/c no 41147137 (HSBC) £1799.40
a/c no 31205218 (HSBC) £5597.83
a/c no 41552112 (mower) (HSBC) £0
Total £ 7397.23
Cheques signed at this meeting
PAYE £35.60
SLCC (clerks manual) £70.50
Repair to computer and petty cash £186.
The Broker Network-mower insurance. £145.96
Anne Hood £45
Total £483.06
Total. £10,183.25
Support requested by The Plough Pub for their charity event for Armed Forces Day.
Discussed briefly and vote taken. 5 “for” and one abstention.( the exact monetary figure for a contribution is unknown)
“Adopt a kiosk” for £1 (www.payphones.bt.com)
Councillors will investigate.
Annual Parish Meeting
This will be held on Monday 13th April @ 7.30pm in the village Hall.
The meeting closed at 9.00pm.
Date of next meeting:- Monday 4th May . 2015.