Meeting Summary

Conformity Assessment Section (CAS) Executive Committee Phone Conference

August 28, 2013; 11:00 am ET

Participants via Call: Scott Wentworth – Vice Chair (Retlif Labs); Sarah Owen (UL); Adam Gouker (A2LA); Peter Unger (A2LA); Ann Weeks (UL); Steve Koster (Washington Labs); Brian Mattson (DLS Electronics); Ray Klouda (Elite); Barry Quinlan (TUV SUD); Scott Lambert; Derek Larson (UL); Don Heirman (Don Heirman Consults); Mike Violette (WLL); Richard Bright (ACIL COO); Milt Bush (ACIL CEO); Robert Uttenweiler (ACIL SEO).

1.0 Call to order – Vice Chair, Scott Wentworth – 1:03 pm

2.0 Introductions: Members & Guests All

3.0 Antitrust Statement: Uttenweiler

The Essential Principles of ACIL Sections provides thatmeetings must comply with the antitrust rules that apply to trade associations. This means that, during any ACIL meeting, there shall be no discussion of the following: current or future prices of services; price lists or procedures for coordinating price changes, sales quotas, allocation or division of territories or clients; boycotting any party or denying any party access to markets, products, or information; commercial practices of competitors or clients; anything dealing with trade abuses or excluding or controlling competition. There is a degree of constitutional protection from antitrust liability when dealing in good faith with taking positions on legislation. Nonetheless, following the foregoing will help avoid potential problems.

4.0 Review and Approval of Minutes of teleconference meeting held on 08-08-13 The meeting summary needs completion and will be discussed at the next meeting

5.0 ACIL Annual Meeting Reminders - Richard Bright

a. Everyone was reminded to sign up for the meeting if they had not already done so

1. Registrations are good and most of the Section leadership will be attending

b. A proposed agenda for the Section meeting has been completed

6.0 TCB Council Update - Steve Koster

a. There is a semi-annual training program set in Baltimore – Council Workshop - Oct 22-24

1. ACIL members will get discount if they register for this workshop

7.0 Third Party product certification issues – Scott Wentworth

7.1 Accreditation Issues

1. Laboratory Accreditation Bureau is working on becoming recognized by the
Federal Communications Commission

2. There was a motion to support L-A-B’s efforts at recognition

a. Don Heirman moved to support L-A-B’s efforts at recognition and Mike
Violette seconded the motion

b. The majority approved with one abstention

7.2 CPSC

7.3 DOE

7.4 FCC

7.5 OSHA

7.6 Trade Matters (and Market Access)

No additional materials added

8.0 ANSI C63 – Committee Matters - Don Heirman

8.1 The matter for ANSI C63 is in ballot

a. Ballot document and versions have been circulated by Harry Hodes

b. Comments should go back to Harry Hodes by due date

c. ACIL has submitted comments on the issue

d. CAS members who wants to send comments should do so promptly

8.2 NPRM – C63 comments to NPRM makes a strong case to move directly to 2013 from 2009
version in specific cases and also dispose of 2003 version

9.0 Smart Grid Committee Report – August 27, 2013 – Don Heirman

9.1 The SmartGrid Committee webinar was held on August 27

a. There are normally two face-to-face meetings each year

b. There will be only one this year in November in Palm Beach, FL

c. Transition from NIST is taking longer than anticipated

d. The prior budget was approximately $5 million and is now down to $2.5 million

1. NIST gave stipend of $750,000 for year and the budget is still low

2. There will be progress on the efforts in new year

10.0 Upcoming Industry Seminars and Events – Scott Wentworth

11.1 ACIL Annual Meeting, October 6-9, Scottsdale, AZ

11.2 TCB Council Workshop, October 22-24, Baltimore, MD

11.0 A.O.B. – Scott Wentworth and Richard Bright

a. There will be a discussion as to whether or not there should there be any broadening of
coverage of topics for CAS

Suggestions send to Dan

b. There is an ACIL value proposition being built for each section

c. The SGTF was changed to the to SG Committee of CAS by a unanimous vote

12.0 Next Meeting: Conference Call - September 25, 2013 at 11:00 a.m. EDT

a. After discussion, it was decided to skip the September call

13.0 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:38 am

Respectfully submitted,

Robert Uttenweiler


CAS Agenda 082813