Minutes of a Meeting of the
Shippensburg Borough Authority
October 12, 2010
The regular monthly meeting of the Shippensburg Borough Authority was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson W. Edward Goodhart. Those present: Vice Chairperson Keith Swartz, Kenneth Morgan, Christopher Woltemade, Dennis Fleagle, Secretary Earl Parshall, Water Foreman Louis Larson, Solicitor Forest Myers and Jared Hockenberry, of CET, Inc.
1. Public Comment.
Huckleberry Land. John Pharo, 101 Sandbank Road, questioned the Authority's decision to deny him water at his Sandbank Road property.
Engineer Jared Hockenberry explained that there isn't sufficient pressure to serve the location according to the model that had been run.
Secretary Earl Parshall stated that when the system was taken over, certain permits had been issued and thus consumed the remaining capacity of the system.
Mr. Pharo stated that he had a 2-1/4" water line up to his property and, if he couldn't get water, he would have to drill an expensive well.
Mr. Pharo was told that he couldn't get water until the moratorium is lifted.
2. Reports.
Roxbury Road, Phase 1. Engineer Jared Hockenberry reported that the pipework for Phase 1 has been completed, with sidewalks, ramps and yard and trench restoration to be completed within the next week. He added that milling and overlay of the entire roadway to scheduled to occur in Spring, 2011.
Roxbury Road, Phase 2A. Approximately 6,000' of water main has been installed in Phase 2A and all services on Route 641 have been completed. Currently work is being done on the removal/abandonment of the existing system on SR641 and yard and trench restoration.
Roxbury Road, Phase 2B. Engineer Hockenberry informed the Board that staff is working on award paperwork with Michael F. Ronca & Sons, Inc. for Phase 2B. A pre-construction meeting is to be scheduled within the next couple of weeks.
Air Scour/PAC. Engineer Hockenberry reported that vendor pricing for the air scour pipe system is $27,950, making the revised construction cost estimate of $163,000 for the system and approximately $88,000 for the PAC system. The air scour system pricing will be included in the bid packet when it's rebid.
Dykeman Road Water Main. CET, Inc. has received the "as built" information for the Dykeman Road water main and is preparing the record drawings.
Roxbury Road, Phase B. Solicitor Forest Myers stated that all the rights-of-ways, for Roxbury Road, Phase B, have been completed and recorded. He added that he worked on various items throughout the month.
Timber Hill. Solicitor Forest Myers stated that a subdivision/land development plan needs to be done for the tract of land purchased by the Authority on Timber Hill. He recommended contacting Carl Bert, who already has the necessary data.
Kenneth Morgan moved to authorize staff to engage the services of a surveyor to prepare a subdivision plan and submit it to Southampton Township/Franklin County. Motion seconded by Dennis Fleagle. Motion carried unanimously.
Solicitor Myers reported that he and Secretary Parshall met with property owners Robert and Jen Kasper regarding a potential location for a water stand pipe. It was agreed that this location would be investigated by the Authority and that the Kasper's will be informed of any decision.
South Mountain Estates Road. Water Foreman Louis Larson reported that the turbidity meter at Well No. 2 had to be replaced due to a failure. He added the meter was too old and parts weren't available.
South Mountain Estates/John Pharo. Borough Manager Earl Parshall commented that the Borough Authority needs to begin thinking about some "fixes" to the Huckleberry Land water system. In addition to Mr. Pharo, a couple of South Mountain Estates' residents recently asked about water because their wells are failing.
Engineer Steve Huntzinger stated there was a list of prioritized items that would improve service in the Huckleberry Land system.
Two Turn Road. Manager Parshall reported inquiries for water for a planned development at Two Turn Road.
Rosenberry Connection. Manager Parshall questioned why Robert Rosenberry, 11397 Forge Hill Road, received water service without the Borough Office knowing or having to pay a tapping fee.
Solicitor Forest Myers replied that this was normal practice of giving up a tapping fee in exchange for easements.
Manager Parshall pointed out that the easement agreement signed by Mr. Rosenberry doesn't mention a free hook-up and that any such agreements must be documented.
Solicitor Myers explained that it was cheaper years ago to give up a tapping fee rather than pay for an easement.
Manager Parshall stated that its different now with higher tapping fees and free taps should be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Christopher Woltemade expressed concern that the Authority never heard of this policy.
Chairperson Goodhart directed the Manager and the Solicitor to bring back a policy and procedure for consideration.
3. Approval of minutes of September 14, 2010. The following changes were made to the minutes:
Page 4, Paragraph 5: Change "if" to "it"
Page 6, Paragraph 3: Delete "a"
Page 6, Paragraph 10: Delete "stated"
Page 7, Paragraph 3: Delete "and"
Page 8, Paragraph 2: Insert "job"
Kenneth Morgan moved to approve the minutes of September 14, 2010, as corrected. Motion seconded by Christopher Woltemade. Motion carried unanimously.
4. Consideration to approve reduction in Bond and begin maintenance period for Thornwood, Phase 4. The Board discussed a request from Eric L. Diffenbaugh, Surveyor, on behalf of Grove Farm Development Corporation, for a reduction of the original bond, for Thornwood, Phase 4, to 15% ($26,823.72), and to begin an 18-month maintenance period.
Following a brief discussion, Christopher Woltemade moved to approve the request of Grove Farm Development. Motion seconded by Kenneth Morgan. Motion carried unanimously.
5. Consideration to approve reduction in Bond and begin maintenance period for Thornwood, Phase 5. The Borough Authority reviewed a request to reduce the original bond, for Thornwood, Phase 5, to 15% ($9,330.75), and to begin an 18-month maintenance period.
Christopher Woltemade moved to approve the request of Grove Farm Development. Motion seconded by Vice Chairperson Keith Swartz. Motion carried unanimously.
6. Discussion of water main size requirements. The Board discussed water main size requirements.
Secretary Earl Parshall and Solicitor Forest Myers were directed to review the Rules and Regulations and make a recommendation as to the water main size , as well as other Rules and Regulations that need to be updated.
7. Discussion of draft 2011 budget. Secretary Earl Parshall outlined a draft of the proposed 2011 budget. He stated that no rate increase was planned and that the Authority should be prepared to pass a final draft budget for advertisement at the November meeting.
Questions were raised concerning the need for a new pickup truck.
Secretary Parshall stated that he and the Budget Committee would be reviewing the budget, for tentative approval at the November meeting.
9. Timber Hill. The Board discussed hiring a surveyor to prepare a subdivision plan for the land being purchased, on Timber Hill, from Lane Thrush.
Kenneth Morgan moved to authorize staff to hire a surveyor to prepare a subdivision plan for Timber Hill. Motion seconded by Dennis Fleagle.
Member Fleagle asked where the run-off from a future tank would go.
Chairperson Goodhart replied that there is an existing drainage swale and stream.
There being no further discussion, the Morgan/Fleagle motion carried unanimously.
10. Adjournment. There being no further business, Kenneth Morgan moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion seconded by Dennis Fleagle. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned, 9:13 p.m.