Community Garden at Athabasca University
Mission Statement
Developing community spirit and pride through gardening.
Hello and thank you for your interest in the Community Garden at Athabasca University. We hope to have many years of bountiful growing together.
This information package contains general information on the community garden, terms of reference, rules and an application form.
· Please review the Information Package contents carefully.
· For questions or to submit your Application Form please contact:
Diane Morrison:
780-675-6176 (phone) 780-675-6145 (fax)
· Once your application has been processed, you will be notified and provided with additional information.
The Community Garden at Athabasca University Committee (AUCGC) involves:
· Athabasca University (AU) represented by the Facilities and Services Department;
· Community representatives appointed by local organizations to represent the interests of the community;
· Members of the Athabasca community.
The Community Garden membership shall consist of the following:
· AU representative(s), gardeners, members from the community at large.
Community Garden at Athabasca University
Terms of Reference
1. In exchange for the free use of the Community Garden at Athabasca University area, gardeners are asked to respect the rules (please see page 3 of this package), to treat fellow gardeners with respect and to volunteer for work parties when requested. There may be occasions where a volunteer group will be needed to assist with completing a task for the betterment of the community garden space such as laying out plots, site or pathway maintenance, social events, perimeter plantings and weeding.
2. As long as the community garden is maintained in a high degree of cleanliness and tidiness, Athabasca University will provide the following:
◦ a fenced garden area for the overall garden;
◦ soil preparation and tilling activities for the overall garden twice a year (spring and fall) as the weather allows;
◦ a water supply for garden use;
◦ a composting area for allowable community garden waste;
◦ a garden shed and basic garden tools for garden use. (The shed will have a combination lock.)
◦ a garbage can with lid which is emptied weekly.
◦ mowing and trimming of grass outside of plotted area.
3. The garden area will be open to plot holders 24 hours a day. During off-hours, please report suspicious activities on University property to campus security, 780-689-7767. Call 911 if there is an emergency.
4. Athabasca University washroom facilities are in the office buildings adjacent to the garden area and are open from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. on weekdays. Please be considerate and remove muddy footwear etc. The multiplex is also across the road.
5. Gardeners (individuals or groups) can select a small plot, medium plot, large plot, a root crop space or all the options if space is available.
Plots Sizes:
Medium Plot: 12 x 12’
Large Plot 24 x 24’
Small Row Plot: 6x24 (approximately equal to 2 rows)
Large Row Plot: 12x24 (approximately equal to 4 rows)
6. Gardeners will be assigned garden plots on a first-come, first-served basis (according to requested plot size(s) whenever possible).
7. Gardeners cannot reserve the same plot from year to year as we wish to rotate plantings from year to year.
8. There is no fee or charge for a garden plot or row.
Community Garden at Athabasca University
Gardeners are asked to observe the following rules which allow everyone to work together in harmony. Please be courteous in all interactions and work to resolve any disagreements.
Please note that the Community Garden at Athabasca University is a Non-Smoking Area.
For any unresolved questions or concerns, please contact one the committee member(s) listed on the first page of this package.
1. Weather permitting, initial spring tilling will be performed by approximately April 30. Plots will be available to gardeners approximately mid-May to early June (weather permitting).
2. Use wood chips, wood shavings, mulch, shredded straw or grass clippings to reduce weeds and conserve water. Do not use weeds which have flowered or gone to seed as mulch. The university will try to provide some grass clippings throughout the growing season.
3. Deal with insect and weed infestations quickly and organically to prevent spreading to other areas of the garden.
4. Access to the garden site is by foot only; vehicles must be left in designated parking places. Note: Apart from drop-off and pick-up, parking is prohibited on the approach to the garden or in front of the cement materials containment there.
5. Gardeners must stay within plot boundaries and perform regular maintenance of the assigned garden plot and adjacent area (pathways) including planting, watering and weeding. Pathways must be kept clear of obstacles.
6. Gardening tools provided for the use of plot holders cannot be removed from the Community Gardens site. Plot holders are welcome to bring their own gardening tools. These may be left in the garden shed, but at your own risk.
7. Water will be provided to the site. Buckets and watering cans are provided.
8. The use of all pesticides, herbicides or DDT/derivatives and any non-organic fertilizer by plot holders is strictly PROHIBITED.
9. Gardeners may use netting, chicken wire or other types of plant supports for climbing or taller plants but these must be removed from the site by October 15 or by the determined harvest date for a particular year.
10. Gardeners should not plant trees or any woody plants or bushes in individual garden plots. Perennial plants should not be planted unless they will be removed in the fall prior to the garden being tilled.
11. The use of metal pegs and wire for boundary markings are prohibited. Low fencing (no higher than two feet) is allowed around each individual plot but must be removed from the site by no later than October 15 annually.
12. Because the grassy areas outside of the garden plots will be mowed regularly please make sure your squash or other trailing plants are not too far outside of your plots or they may get mowed.
13. Gardeners are to dispose of weeds and healthy (non-diseased) plant materials in the compost area(s) located at the site. Unhealthy plant material must be removed from the site and disposed of in the correct manner. Apart from manure, animal waste (ie: bones, egg shells and meat) is not appropriate compost.
14. Pets are NOT allowed in the Community Gardens area.
15. Typically, gardeners should complete harvesting by October 15; however, an early killing frost would require an earlier harvesting date. Gardeners would be notified of changes.
16. During harvest and garden clean-up plant tops and other compostable waste should be placed into the designated compost area.
17. The garbage can provided by the University should be used with due consideration. Bags should not exceed 50 lbs. Sharp, wet and large objects are not acceptable. Garbage lid must be secured after use.
Unkempt Gardens – Please Note:
· In the event of an unkempt garden or poor gardening practice, the gardener will be contacted and be advised of the concerns. If no improvement on the site is noted within five (5) days of notification, the subject piece of land will be forfeited. Gardeners that fail to conform to rules and forfeit their plot(s) may not be allowed a plot in future years.
· Reclaimed plots will be tilled and left fallow or passed on to a gardener who requires more space or to someone on the waiting list for a plot.
· Athabasca Community Gardens has the right to till any garden plot for the protection of the gardening community (in the event of pest damage, excessive weeds or growth of illegal plant material).
· The Athabasca University Community Gardens will not be held liable for any damages or injury arising out of the work performed in the Community Gardens site.
· If there is a problem or issue with the University’s Property serving the garden (ie: fence, picnic table, shed, cistern) please notify Facilities and Services, 780-675-6349. University staff are encouraged to use the Facilities request form on the intranet.
* * * Happy Gardening * * *
Community Garden at Athabasca University
Application Form
1. The name of a primary plot holder and each person requiring access to the garden plot must be listed on the application form.
2. If the primary plot holder contact information changes during the course of the growing season, please update contact information by notifying one of the committee members listed on the first page of this package.
3. Each gardener must respect and follow the Community Garden Rules. Not meeting this requirement may result in forfeiture of the plot(s) for the current year and restriction of access to the Community Garden in future years.
4. Questions, concerns or issues should be directed to one of the committee members listed on the first page of this package.
Detach and Submit the Following Application Form:
Application Date: ____________________________________
Name of Primary Plot Holder: ______________________________
Address: _______________________________________ Postal Code: _________
Telephone Number: (home): ___________(work): ___________ (cell) ____________
Email Address: _______________________________________
List others who may assist with the garden plot from time to time:
Check Size of Plot(s) Requested: (select one or more options)
Medium Plot: 12 x 12’
Large Plot: 24’ x 24’
Small Row Plot: 6’ x 24’ (approximately equal to 2 rows)
Large Row Plot: 12’ x 24 ‘ (approximately equal to 4 rows)
I have read the Community Garden at Athabasca University Rules and Terms of Reference and understand that not meeting the rules may result in a loss of gardening privileges.
Signature of Primary Applicant: __________________________ Date: ____________
Signature of Community Gardens Committee Member: ________________________
Date Approved: __________________________
Please submit completed form to Diane Morrison:
780-675-6176 (ph) 780-67506145 (fax)