Scholarship Name
DEADLINE for entry is
Name Today’s Date
Social Security # Birth date Telephone
Address (Street, City, Zip)
If working, list employer name & address
Beginning date of enrollment at Sweetwater ISD
Expected graduation date
Awards, honors, scholarships received to date
Organizations/extracurricular activities/offices held
List college you plan to attend
Seeking: Associate’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree
Program of Study
I certify the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge and I authorize the release to the donor and the media any information concerning a scholarship I may receive.
A copy of the letter of acceptance from a college must be included with the application for all scholarships.
Signature ______Date
Write in your own words your educational and life goals, how a scholarship will help you meet those goals, and your reasons for applying for this scholarship. You may have as many Personal References as you choose, although three is suggested.
Use additional pages as needed
Applicant’s name______Date: ______
The above named student has made application for a scholarship. The scholarship is awarded solely on the basis of the information provided by the student’s application, of which your Personal Reference will be a part. The following form is furnished as a guideline, and you may use additional pages or whatever format you choose.
How long have you known this student, and in what capacity?
What is your relationship with the student?
In your judgment, what makes this individual deserving of receiving a scholarship?
List three (3) areas in which the student excels.
(1) ______
(2) ______
(3) ______
In your judgment, describe the student’s level of commitment to his/her education.
Signature of individual submitting reference ______
Name of individual submitting reference (print) ______
Applicant’s name______Date: ______
The above named student has made application for a scholarship. The scholarship is awarded solely on the basis of the information provided by the student’s application, of which your Personal Reference will be a part. The following form is furnished as a guideline, and you may use additional pages or whatever format you choose.
How long have you known this student, and in what capacity?
What is your relationship with the student?
In your judgment, what makes this individual deserving of receiving a scholarship?
List three (3) areas in which the student excels.
(1) ______
(2) ______
(3) ______
In your judgment, describe the student’s level of commitment to his/her education.
Signature of individual submitting reference ______
Name of individual submitting reference (print) ______
Applicant’s name______Date: ______
The above named student has made application for a scholarship. The scholarship is awarded solely on the basis of the information provided by the student’s application, of which your Personal Reference will be a part. The following form is furnished as a guideline, and you may use additional pages or whatever format you choose.
How long have you known this student, and in what capacity?
What is your relationship with the student?
In your judgment, what makes this individual deserving of receiving a scholarship?
List three (3) areas in which the student excels.
(1) ______
(2) ______
(3) ______
In your judgment, describe the student’s level of commitment to his/her education.
Signature of individual submitting reference ______
Name of individual submitting reference (print) ______