Degree and
Program Name:
Submitted By:
PART ONE Merchandising/Apparel and Textile Design Concentration
What are the learning objectives? / How, where, and when are they assessed? / What are the expectations? / What are the results? / Committee/ person responsible? How are results shared?1. Identify professional terminology in both supply chain distribution and garment construction and quality control. / A. 2233 Fashion Distribution Systems
Students correctly identify historical development of supply chain distribution of apparel and soft goods in class on midterm exam.
B. 2234 Clothing & Soft Goods Construction. Students construct one garment and one soft goods product applying professional and quality control terminology
C. Senior Exit Survey item # 17
“I know professional terminology . . .” / A. Minimum score of 80 % on midterm exam
B. Minimum score of 85 % on construction of final project
C. Survey score to average 4.0 on 5 point scale / A. 2233 Fashion Distrib.
Fall 2013 52%
B.2234 Clothing Soft Goods
SP 2014 Sect 1 100%
FA 2013 Sect 1 81%
C. Survey
AY 2013-2014
Data Not Available / A. Shaw
B. Reifsteck
C. FCS Department
2. Demonstrate knowledge and skillful use of technology. / A. 4926 Public Presentation Techniques. Students create store layout/visual merchandising design, color palette, and concepts for a retail business or agency using imaging software / A. Minimum score 85 % / A. 4926 Public Presentation Techniques
SP 2014 100%
FA 2013 93.3% / A. Shaw
3.Demonstrate written and oral communication skills / A. 2233 Fashion Distribution Systems
Students submit company proposal using the retail strategy mix and present an oral presentation of business. Score based on rubric.
B.Senior Exit Survey Item #18
“ I have designed a professional oral presentation demonstrating skill using presentation….”
C.Senior Exit Survey Item #21
“ I have demonstrated effective written and oral skills by ….”
D. Electronic Writing Portfolio –Score for Family and Consumer Sciences --ACHM / A. Minimum score of 85 %
B. Survey score to average 4.0 on a 5 point scale.
C. Survey score to average 4.0 on a 5 point scale.
D. EWP Score increase / A. 2233 Fashion Distrib.
FA 2013 78%
B. Survey
AY 2013-2014
Data Not Available
C. Survey
AY 2013-2014
Data Not Available
D. Increase in score of 3.07 in previous year to 3.24 for current academic year. / A. Shaw
B. FCS Department
C. FCS Department
4. Demonstrate critical thinking skills, problem solving and investigating / A. FCS 2232 Historic Costume Analysis
Investigate and analyze global issues impacting costume/dress in history. Scored on a rubric
B.Senior Exit Survey Item #5
“ I can effectively apply major theoretical perspectives…”
C.Senior Exit Survey Item #9
“ I can effectively use problem solving and critical thinking skills….” / A. Minimum score of 85 %
B. Survey score to average 4.0 on a 5 point scale.
C. Survey score to average 4.0 on a 5 point scale. / A. SP 2013 82%
B. Survey
AY 2013-2014
Data Not Available
C. Survey
AY 2013-2014
Data Not Available / A. Shaw
B. FCS Department
C. FCS Department
5. Demonstrate practical skills and awareness of current industry standards and challenges. / A. FCS 2233 Fashion Dist.
Students summarize learning from The Chicago Merchandise Mart fieldtrip.
B. Participate in professional activities as reported on Exit Survey Item 20, “I have participated in a professional activity related to merchandising and/apparel & textile design.” / A. Minimum score of 85% Attendance required
B. Minimum score 4/5 / A. FCS 2233 Fashion Dist.
FA 2013 Score 94%
B. Exit Survey
AY 2013-2014
Data Not Available / A. Shaw
B. FCS Department
6. Demonstrate the ability to function as responsible global citizen. / A. Senior Exit Survey Item #19
“ I am a active student member of one or more professional organizations….”
B. Senior Exit Survey Item #20
“ I have attended at least one professional conference related to the ….”
C. Senior Exit Survey Item #10
“ I recognize the importance of ethical practice.”
D. Senior Exit Survey Item #8
“ I recognize the importance of engagement in professional development.” / A. Survey score to average 4.0 on a 5 point scale.
B. Survey score to average 4.0 on a 5 point scale.
C. Survey score to average 4.0 on a 5 point scale.
D. Survey score to average 4.0 on a 5 point scale. / A. Survey
AY 2012-2013
Data Not Available
B. Survey
AY 2013-2014
Data Not Available
C. Survey
AY 2013-2014
Data Not Available
D. Survey
AY 2013-2014
Data Not Available / A. FCS Department
B. FCS Department
C. FCS Department
D. FCS Department
Describe what your program’s assessment accomplishments since your last report was submitted. Discuss ways in which you have responded to the CASA Director’s comments on last year’s report or simply describe what assessment work was initiated, continued, or completed.
The four learning goals developed for general education by CASL and the VPAA offices continue to be addressed throughout the curriculum in the merchandising/apparel and textile design concentration. The ability for our students to demonstrate the capacity to function as global citizens continues to be addressed by the MATD faculty in our curriculum. Integrative learning is a key component in further evolving the students’ awareness of global citizenship and has been implemented throughout the program where possible through various service projects, industry related field trips, and campus visits by industry professionals. Such opportunities allow the students to think critically about their future career and the impact they will make as a citizen in the global economy. The next step in the process will be to develop an assessment tool to gather data on the global citizenship and critical thinking aspect of each of these opportunities for the students. Step 1- develop integrative learning opportunities for the students (AY 2013-2014). Step 2- continue integrative learning opportunities and develop assessment tool for data collection to evaluate impact on critical thinking and global citizenship.
Summarize changes and improvements in curriculum, instruction, and learning that have resulted from the implementation of your assessment program. How have you used the data? What have you learned? In light of what you have learned through your assessment efforts this year and in past years, what are your plans for the future?
Assessment data from the program over the last four years has indicated the need for continued growth in curriculum updates through technology application and industry contribution. Mockshop software has been implemented as part of the curriculum for the FCS 4926 final project (Objective #2) and an increase in student scores for the final project over the 2013-2014 academic year is apparent. MATD faculty will continue to update curriculum for our concentration area over the next year(s). The FCS department faculty and curriculum committee have revised the FCS core over the 2013-2014 academic year and have reduced the required core hours allowing for an additional 3 credit hours in a student’s concentration area. The core has now been set for the 2014-2015 catalogue and the MATD faculty will address the curriculum for merchandising/ apparel and textile design students as previously mentioned. Syllabi, learning objectives, projects, and textbooks will be evaluated to improve student learning outcomes and develop student learning objectives that are cohesive with the four learning goals of the University.
Due to the revision of the core, the Family and Consumer Sciences department is in the process of revising the Senior Exit Survey—the data is not available for the 2013-2014 academic year.
Strengths of the program revealed by assessment continue to include the students’ knowledge of professional terminology, designing a professional oral presentation, and garment construction skills. The assessment data also indicates a need to further develop the students’ critical thinking and writing skills. The current EWP score for all FCS students is 3.24/4 a slight increase from the 3.07/4 score in 2012/2013 according to the CASL Executive Summary for LCBAS. A goal for the next year for this concentration area will be to continue to raise students’ writing and speaking skills through curriculum revisions and allow for measurable integrative learning opportunities for the students to increase critical thinking and responsible global citizenship skills.