ICSMSU 7th Meeting 2015-2016

22/11/2015 – 19:30

Mezzanine, Reynolds Building CX


1.2 / Introduction
Rhys (Late due to another meeting 7-8), Laurence
2. / Action Points of the last meeting:
3. / Matters arising:
3.1 / Nepal Project (Sammy)
  • Sammy had meeting with Martin Lupton about it last week
  • Wants to know whether we as ICSM will endorse this charity and make it a long-term relationship. People are interested in going out to Nepal. Trek to a place for a couple of weeks and help with healthcare in Nepal when you’re there. Costs will be funded by ICSM to make it accessible for everyone. Only cost for student would be a set of walking boots.
  • Aimed mainly at first years. They would go Summer 2016.
  • RAG thinking home and away charity rather than just one charity.
  • People could also go there for elective.
  • AP Sammy: Put together a proposal about what money should go to away charity (Circle line: For the long journey) etc. If people go to events it can fund their trip to Nepal.
  • Less money actually going to charity.
  • Are we taking responsibility from faculty? Do we need to raise a minimum amount each year? What are the obligations? Faculty funds trip, RAG money doesn’t pay for student trip.
  • Pros: Long term relationship, see impact, relationship with faculty, social responsibility and making people more worldly

3.2 / Circle Line (Sammy)
  • Justifying day off
  • Lunchtime thing for freshers to meet up in a park somewhere to have lunch and do a bake sale etc? Advertise it as fresher luncheon. Book out a fast food chain if bad weather? Might be difficult to run alongside circle line. SU might be able to run that bit. AP Sammy: Talk to committee about RAG Circle Line luncheon
  • Applied for tube and street permits, could be fairly lucrative
  • Coming up to strike, lots of young people in scrubs on the street. Message?
  • Do we endorse going out on pub crawls in scrubs? Scrub bottoms with circle line tshirt? Can get around it by not publicly endorsing scrubs. Inform people about relevance of strikes just having happened and the responsibility we have to the profession.
  • Arts clubs would love to sing on the street and raise money etc. Could advertise it as an activities day and take emphasis off beer.
  • AP Sammy: Look into permit for performing on the street

3.3 / Finals Fortnight Theme Ideas (Mala)
  • Mala is about to sit down with Yannis to discuss. Need to discuss potential theme.

3.4 / Room Bookings System (Chippy and Rustam)
  • Switched system from union reception to random team in union, the current team will keep responsibility and work through the problems
  • Loads of clubs having difficulties booking conference venues for next term
  • People have been carpet booking and not using rooms.
  • Have a general meeting in the beginning of term with Sites and Services/President etc.?
  • Separate system for conferences vs. lots of long term bookings
  • AP Rustam: Tell people if you want to do carpet booking, don’t. Inform people about the situation.

3.5 / MedShr (Qas)
  • Medical app. Picture based cases that medics around the world can discuss.
  • Idea with ICSM: Younger years posting images of things they don’t understand and older years going around explaining.
  • Mala says it’s not a great company, they lack organisation.
  • James knows one of the guys who helped set it up, ok to contact.
  • Mala is sceptical about getting involved so early on… would like to let the company mature for a year and work with them later on potentially.
  • We can see if we can start working with them a little bit to start of, find out what type of company it is and if we want to extend the working relationship.
  • AP Usama and Becka: Have a look at MedShr to see if they think it’s a good app.
  • AP Becka: Look into more forums for inter year academic discussions.

3.6 / Student action on strike day (Med)
  • Med met with UH and working group.
  • Set up a day of handing out flyers in busy places. Get badges and strike specific things for event.
  • Google doc is up with 2 hour slots at 10 tube stations. Wear firms clothes/strike and explain the strike to the public. Public opinion at the moment is on the doctors side.
  • Don’t want to make the media coverage negative through strike. Medical students can’t strike but we are still doing something to back the junior doctors.
  • AP SU: Sign up to be team leaders for strike (optional)
  • AP Med: Make a dos and don’ts for strike day

3.7 / Arts Dinner (Chippy)
  • Decided to go with Millenium Gloucester, then woman went on a break so a bit rocky at the moment. If it falls through they are going with Radisson.
  • AP Chippy: Talk to Qas about sponsorship for awards for Arts Dinner
  • Sell tickets last week of term

3.8 / UBlend sponsorship packages
  • New feature: Send newsletters out through them and sponsors get free access to look and find things to sponsor. Rolling out in Imperial in the next few months. Based on number of people you send out to and how many people interact.

3.9 / Role restructure proposal – entz
  • Went through “Points to be made from 3.9” in Mala’s officer’s report
  • Chippy disagrees with taking C&S away from entertainments team because of the appeal of running events and the benefit of knowing what is going on with C&S events.
  • C&S to still be part of the ents team but not run its own events?
  • Formals chair instead of ball chair?
  • RAG drops off face off the earth after RAG week etc. should we prevent this somehow? RAG Team do work under social sec for other events even after RAG is done too?
  • Future treasurers: Summer ball or RAG treasurers could run.
  • AP Mala: Set up google doc for pros and cons debate regarding ents restructure, send around

3.10 / Newsletter delegation (Emma)
  • C&S to go to Chippy and external to go to Emma?
  • External events to only go on website?
  • Kiran to do external all external and Emma and Chippy to liaise about C&S

3.11 / Teaching awards (Med)
  • Currently branded as NHS Teaching awards
  • Students should get recognition from faculty for what they do

3.12 / SU mid-term social (Med)
  • Does anyone want to come hang out with Med sometime?
  • Thoughts on Sunday meetings? Mixed. Clashes with church things sometimes and Laurence can never come.
  • AP Willis: Redo secret santa and make it double blind. Can’t eat it or have it be living. Reduce budget to 10.
  • Rustam: “How is it going to work if we’re 17?”…
  • Just leave socials with what we currently have (Christmas party, snow ball, and SU retreat)
  • Should SU come to (Usama’s) LO show, can mingle with faculty etc.

3.13 / Mansfield Lecture
  • AP James and Med: Sort Mansfield lecture

3.14 / Clear Office pre sofas
  • Will have it by this time next week
  • Need to clean office before it arrives. Will do this Wednesday before sports night.

3.15 / OSCE tutoring
  • Don’t do anything about explaining procedures
  • Will be developing the histories as well
  • AP Usama: Update everyone on OSCE tutoring. What is approved?
  • Hoping January for Sofia
  • Curriculum map hasn’t been officially revealed yet
  • New thing of log books where you need to record how many hours you tutor
  • AP Usama and Becka: Formalise SU tutoring groups

3.16 / RAG Dash
  • Will people want to go post attacks? Is it a viable event? Numbers of tickets are reduced so could still work.
  • Everything is already booked but only money paid so far is deposit for hostel (300 pounds)
  • It’s hard to make it international without visiting the place. This would mean another pre-dash... Could do Edinburgh?
  • RAG Dash campaign for Christmas. What do you want for Christmas? A ticket.
  • AP Sammy: Application for RAG/Ball freshers
  • Keep Paris but have to campaign a lot

3.17 / AOB
  • Rhys asks if he can be kept in the loop about anything money related after problems regarding Snow Ball
  • Need to resign the contract for Snow Ball
  • AP Mala: Sort out Snow Ball contract. What has actually been signed for and do we need to resign?
  • AP James: Add C&S grant to EGM agenda
  • Med and Usama were invited to be a part of curriculum and assessment group with faculty
  • What is it that makes Imperial’s curriculum unique? Etc.
  • Drafter an email surveying 100 people per year about curriculum
  • What is the culture within ICSM?
  • Will be making announcement public to med school within the next couple of weeks
  • Rhys had meetings with heads of ICU Services
  • AP All: Get friends to start filling in the Reynolds bar survey, need 300 responses. Need to be non sports club people as well.
  • AP Rustam and Rhys: Stock check shop.

4. / Officers’ reports
4.1 / Academic Officer Early Years: Rebekah Judge
Video planning continuing.
Preparing 2x talks for Year 2 - re: new assessment (OPSE), and their first clinical attachment.
Really enjoyed teaching awards
  • Usama: can you poss go to Feb EC for me? And when is academic tutoring meeting?

4.2 / Academic Officer Clinical Years: Usama Asif
Opera has taken over my life. I still need to sort out Cases for next term
I also want to discuss the Curriculum Review with you all. Hopefully med can fill in too.
Teaching awards opened up the prospect of having a Student Teaching Awards? Discuss
4.3 / Biomedical and 4th Year Rep: Saloni
Yr 4 BSc:
  • had the first SSLG meeting last week, and it was really productive, loads of updates:
  • DAL for Part C is going to be removed, and replaced with a new full year BSc on humanities, ethics, etc. in 2017
  • Vivas removed
  • ICA feedback - we’re asking for this to be categorised into sections according to the marking criteria, but still ongoing
  • Calendar issues sorted
  • Panopto recordings - most LTs are enabled but for some reason not all are getting recordings, I’ve been checking up on this and will ask for training for reps if they have to be done manually and there aren’t enough technicians
  • Journal clubs, mock exams, revision tutorials - we’ve asked reps to request them for each BSc because they’re really useful
  • CX library updates - going to be open from 10am-9pm Sat + Sun from Jan to June :D
  • SSLG is in the coming week, loads of changes have happened so at the moment it’s just transient issues regarding the restructuring of the course
  • New BMS course in 2017: Jane Saffell is now the head of UG science degrees (apart from medicine) and she wants to set up a curriculum advisory group of students to help her get feedback on how the new degree should be structured (it’s mostly going to be lab stuff)
  • She’s also thinking of developing a ‘spin-off’ BMS course which is more focused on humanities, epidemiology, science communication; and this runs along with the BMS course - i.e. people choose modules and based on the modules they choose they either get the degree of the lab-BMS course or the humanities-BMS course
  • I’ve also asked BMS leads to do many more careers events for us, hopefully that will be sorted out soon

4.4 / Summer Ball Chair: Nina
Snow ball decorations are sorted and on the way. Tickets were crazy. Summer ball venue is sorted with so so much stuff included. This will be the best ball ever. Need to check with hotel tomo for snow ball if we can increase capacity. Also in negotiation with opal for NYR. Everything's coming together hooraaah!
4.5 / Social Secretary: Thomas Willis
Good few weeks with a lot of planning for the various socials done. Snow ball is coming along fabulously thanks to all Nina’s awesome work and we have ordered decorations. Need a meeting with Chippy next week to discuss Arts and Sports dinner - AP. Have offered to support RAG, will be available whenever if Sammy wants any help. Freshers photos finally up and well received. Bop advertising to my year has gone v well, the turnout on Friday was well above usual partly due to the great work of Lax and Mala on the advertising. Will be putting out a survey to see how we can move on at improving from here.
4.6 / RAG Chair: Sammy Sundar
These two weeks have been pretty productive. Fashion show chair applications have been sent out and been responded to. Budgets for Dash submitted. Been in contact with RHN to try and arrange visits for committee/anyone that wants to go! Had a meeting with Qas re sponsorship and have been talking to the man from Barclays re matching money. Had a meeting with Martin Lupton about the Nepal Project - v exciting.
4.7 / Entertainments Chair: Mala Mawkin
  • Lax Bop
  • Snow Ball / Snow Ball video
  • Xmas Bop Meeting
  • SU Xmas Dinner
Point to be made from 3.9:
This year saw a change with only one social sec and the addition of a sponsorship officer.
I would like to recommend a change to the entertainments team structure
Here is my rough proposal to discuss at meeting before I make a final long proposal and take it to Med/Dina:
Entertainments Chair (Stupid Title) > Head of Events
Social Sec (Stays Same)
  • Give a more defined role. I.e. when elected the head of events will split out jobs with the social sec depending on strengths
RAG Chair (Stays Same)
Summer Ball Chair > Ball Chair
They organise the 4 balls of the year (Halloween, Christmas, Val and Summer)- 2 of which proceeds go to the RAG Charity. RAG team have way too much on to organise, and Ball chair would have access to all venues and be able to plan the balls a lot better. Gives the need for a committee too.
Sponsorship officer to leave the team, work more closely with treasurer and just be involved in any event sponsorship by working with Head of Events.
Clubs and Socs should also not be a part of the team- they have too much work on and it is better for the social sec to learn how to do these events and plan it a lot earlier on. Sports and Arts Dinner should be run jointly by the Social Sec and Head of Events. Sports day to aid with organising clubs but the runnings done by the entz team.
Communications/Secretary should be the one sending out socials newsletter monthly.
I welcome your thoughts on the above.
4.8 / Alumni and Careers Officer: James Bloomer
Trying to set up some meetings with Chippy, Rhys, Med and Dr Gabriel regarding the Careers Network. Likely to be early next year now.
Working on the careers section of the website
EGM for the alumni association coming up Monday 7 December to discuss structural changes and involvement of faculty
4.9 / Sponsorship Officer: Qasim Ali
  • Made plan for MDF instruments (can go through it if anyone wants)
  • Met with Sammy about RAG sponsorship, some good ideas came through
  • Researched Birmingham unis “amazing sponsorship work”, and have contacted all the sponsors who they have on the website. They have fewer sponsors than we do js. Also they have a few clubs who sponsor them, whats everyones thoughts on that. If its an avenue we wanna go down, might be good if nina and mala gave me contacts for clubs, might be a decent shout
  • MedShr - mentioned above
  • Snow Ball - do we want sponsors? if so, what can we offer? Have two v interested parties atm.
  • Organising post finals revision lecture stalls, slow progress. MPS, MDU, Wesleyan and BMA all in. Maybe MDF as well.
  • Rustam your haiku is amazing, Sammy dont give into the bebe hype please

4.10 / Sites and Services Officer: Rustam Karanjia
  • Stuff moved out of CX office
  • Need team to clean up and move stuff before sofas arrive. Before Sports night this week?
  • Mentimeter quiz re Reynolds Bar on the way
  • Stock check hopefully happened
  • Review room bookings and shop management

4.11 / Communications Officer: Kiran Patel
App-gate is almost over, I have worked my super-duper magic and like Professor Flitwick I have charmed the app into my control. I’m expecting a call from Mark Zuckerberg and his Facebook minions soon for them to offer me a job controlling their app. Nothing much else to report though. Do need to talk to Chippy about development of clubs and socs calendar as format will be quite difficult.
Also just seen that all the minutes have disappeared from the website, need to find them - AP
4.12 / Secretary: Emma Larsson
In contact with Steve about mailing lists, should be sorted within a week. 1 on 1 meetings have been good but still need to do a few.
4.13 / President: Maredudd Harris
Had productive chats with couple of Alumni. James and I continuing discussions with faculty. EGM happening soon where can sound some ideas with people. Had an interesting time at the ICHC grants committee meeting, unfortunately does not look like that avenue of finance will open up. Attendance raised for year 4s at SSLG but should all be fine. Meeting at Mary’s for the GEMV, interesting result of student feedback worth mentioning, SOLE does actually work.