The Centre for New Zealand Studies,
Birkbeck, University of London,
in association with The University of Northampton,
Birkbeck, University of London
4-6 September 2008
Conference sponsored by The New Zealand Society of Great Britain
Ki te taumata, Aotearoa kiIngarangi
Thursday 4 September
10.00-10.30Registration (Clore B01 foyer)
10.30-10.45Tea/coffee (Clore B01foyer)
10.45-11.00Welcome talk – GerriKimber and JanetWilson (Clore B01)
11.00-11.15Conference opened by SirGraemeDavies, FREng, FRSE, Vice-Chancellor of the University of London, and BronwenChang, Deputy High Commissioner for New Zealand to the United Kingdom.
11.15-12.05Keynote 1(Clore B01)ProfessorC.K.Stead (University of Auckland) “Meetings with ‘the Great Ghost’”
Chair: ProfessorRodEdmond (University of Kent)
12.10-1.20Session 1a(Clore B01)Music
Chair: RogerNeill (Chair, Music Preserved)
Andrée-Marie Harmat (University of Toulouse-le-Mirail)
“KatherineMansfield and Music: An Intersemiotic Approach to Writing”
VanessaManhire (RutgersUniversity)
“Mansfield, Woolf and Music”
Deliada Sousa Correa (Open University)
“KatherineMansfield’s Nineteenth-Century Musicality”
Session 1b (room TBC) Philosophical Reflections
Chair: JosianePaccaud-Huguet (University of Lyon II)
MiroslawaKubasiewicz (University of Zielona Gora)
“‘Authentic Existence’ and the Characters of KatherineMansfield”
EikoNakano (KyotoSangyoUniversity)
“KatherineMansfield’s Early Writing and HenriBergson”.
JannaStotz (TexasTechUniversity)
“KatherineMansfield’s Playframes”
2.30-3.20Keynote 2 (Clore B01) Professor Angela Smith (University of Stirling) “KatherineMansfield and the Rhythm Group”
Chair: ProfessorKirstyGunn (University of Dundee)
3.25-4.35Session 2a (roomTBC)Flora, Fauna and the Elements
Chair: UrmilaSeshagiri (University of Tennessee)
LeenaChandorkar (AbasahebGarwareCollege)
“The Gardens of the Mind: Flowers, Shrubs and Trees in the Short Stories of KatherineMansfield”
MelindaHarvey (AustralianNationalUniversity)
“KatherineMansfield’s Menagerie”
JankaKaščáková(University of Ružomberok)
“‘Turning Blue with Cold’: Coldness in the Works of KatherineMansfield”
Session 2b (Clore B01)‘Je ne parle pas français’ and First-Person Narratives
Chair: AnneMounic (University of Paris III)
AnnaSmith (University of Canterbury)
“Katherine Mansfield’s ‘Je ne parle pas français’”
ElkeD’hoker (University of Leuven)
“KatherineMansfield’s First Person Narratives”
Elleke Boehmer (University of Oxford)
“Mansfield as Colonial Modernist: ‘Je ne parle pas français’”
4.35-4.55Tea/coffee (Clore B01 foyer)
4.55-5.45Keynote 3 (room TBC) Dr Ian Conrich (Centre for New Zealand Studies, Birkbeck, University of London)
“Leave All Fair: Capturing the Story of Two Lives”
Chair: DrSimone Oettli-vanDelden (University of Geneva)
5.50-6.50(room TBC) Wine Reception and Finger Buffet
7.00-8.30(room TBC) Film Screening: Leave All Fair, introduced by DrIan
Friday 5 September
9.00-10.10Session 3a (room TBC)Mansfield in the Social Sphere
Chair: ValérieBaisnée (University of Paris II)
RishonaZimring (Lewis and Clark College, Oregon)
“KatherineMansfield and the Rhythms of Social Life”
JayDickson (Reed College, Oregon)
“Knowing What We Feel About KatherineMansfield”
UrmilaSeshagiri (University of Tennessee)
“KatherineMansfield, Race, and the Appearance of an Aesthetic”
Session 3b (Clore B01)Travel and Reception
Chair: MaryCondé (Queen Mary, University of London)
DeniseHill (University of Western Australia)
“KatherineMansfield and the Fictions of Travel: Border Crossings into France”
IgorMaver (University of Ljubljana)
“Trading Places in New Zealand: KatherineMansfield and AlmaKarlin”
MichaelaMudure (University of Babes-Bolyai)
“KatherineMansfield in Romania”
10.15-11.05Keynote 4 (Clore B01)ProfessorSydneyJanetKaplan(University of Washington) “‘A Furious Bliss’: Mansfield and Murry 1916-1918”
Chair: Professor Andrée-Marie Harmat (University of Toulouse-le- Mirail)
11.05-11.25Tea/coffee (Clore B01 foyer)
11.25-12.15Keynote 5 (Clore B01) Dame Jacqueline Wilson (Children’s Laureate 2005-2007) “KatherineMansfield and Children”
Chair: DrGerriKimber (Centre for New Zealand Studies, Birkbeck University of London)
1.30-2.40Session 4a (Clore B01)Children
Chair: AnnaSmith (University of Canterbury)
ClareBarker (University of Leeds)
“KatherineMansfield’s New Zealand Children”
ChristineLorre (University of Paris III)
“KatherineMansfield’s Children: From Sentimentalism to Psychological Awareness”
DelphineSoulhat (University of Paris X)
“Kezia in Wonderland”
Session 4b (room TBC) The Female Self
Chair: ElkeD’hoker (University of Leuven)
BruceHarding (University of Canterbury)
“A Disjunctive Vision Disjoined: ‘The Women in the Stor(y)’ in KatherineMansfield’s ‘The Aloe’ (1915-16)”
ElizabethKirkwood (University of Oxford)
“‘Essential Nourishment’: Tracing the Maternal Body and Motherhood in KatherineMansfield’s Fiction”
Ya-Ju Yeh (NationalChengchiUniversity)
“‘Ideal Wives?’ Domestic Objects and the Façade of Femininity”
2.45-3.35Keynote 6 (Clore B01) MargaretScott(Editor)
“From the Wizard London to the RhodesianMountain”
Chair: ProfessorIgorMaver (University of Ljubljana)
3.35-3.55Tea/coffee (Clore B01 foyer)
3.55-5.05Session 5a (Clore B01)Modernisms
Chair: AnneBesnault-Levita (University of Rouen)
NickHubble (University of Brunel)
“Rosabel is Still Dreaming: KatherineMansfield and the Limits of Modernism”
AnneMounic (University of Paris III)
“The Sense of Wonder in KatherineMansfield’s Stories and Poems”
JosianePaccaud-Huguet (University of Lyon II)
“‘A Trickle of Voice’: KatherineMansfield and the Modernist Moment of Being”
Session 5b (room TBC) Artistic and Cinematic Influences
Chair: DrIanConrich (Centre for New Zealand Studies, Birkbeck, University of London
Young SunChoi (KyoongPookNationalUniversity)
“‘All Glittering With Broken Light’: KatherineMansfield and Impressionism”
MelissaReimer (University of Canterbury)
“KatherineMansfield: Colonial Impressionist”
SarahSandley (Independent Scholar)
“Mansfield as Cinematic Writer”
6.30Conference Dinner
Venue: Penthouse, New Zealand House, 80 Haymarket, London SW1
6.30-7.00Arrival and drinks
7.00-8.00Keynote 7ProfessorMaryAnn Caws (CityUniversity of New York)
“K.M.: the Jump Experience”
Chair: ProfessorJanetWilson (University of Northampton)
Saturday 6 September
8.45-9.55Session 6a (room TBC)Representing the Self
Chair: RishonaZimring (Lewis & Clark College, Oregon)
NancyGray (The College of William and Mary)
“The Uncontained Self in Mansfield’s Narratives of Displacement and Play”
ThomasDay (University of Central Lancashire)
“The Politics of Voice in KatherineMansfield’s ‘The Garden Party’”
AnneBesnault-Levita (University of Rouen)
“‘–Ah, what is it? – that I heard’: Voice and Affect in KatherineMansfield’s Short Fictions”
Session 6b (Clore B01)Narrative Theory/Narrative Technique
Chair: AnnaJackson (VictoriaUniversity of Wellington)
JoannaKokot (University of Warmia and Mazury)
“Elusiveness of the World and a Person: The Borders of Cognition in KatherineMansfield’s Stories”
JacquelinePhilips (EdgeHillUniversity)
“A Poetics of the Implicit in KatherineMansfield’s Stories”
JennyMcDonnell (TrinityCollege, Dublin)
“The Famous New Zealand Mag.-Story Writer: KatherineMansfield, Periodical Publishing and the Short Story”
10.00-10.50Keynote 8 (Clore B01)Kathleen Jones (Royal Literary Fund Fellow) “JohnMiddleton Murry and the Mansfield Legacy”
Chair: DrGinaWisker (University of Brighton)
10.50-11.05Tea/coffee (Clore B01 foyer)
11.05-12.15Session 7a (room TBC)Literary Legacy
Chair: WilliamWright (MesaState College, Colorado)
Ailsa Cox (EdgeHillUniversity)
“Tragi-Comic Encounters and Mansfield’s Legacy”
KirstyGunn (University of Dundee)
“Place, Familiarity and Distance: KatherineMansfield and Me”
Simone Oettli-van Delden (University of Geneva)
“KatherineMansfield as Muse: The Mimesis of her Life and Art”
Session 7b (Clore B01) Portraits, Illustrations and Family
Chair: MelindaHarvey (AustralianNationalUniversity)
PennyJackson (University of Queensland)
“Facing KatherineMansfield: Mansfield as a Subject for the Artist”
SusanWilson (Prince’s DrawingSchool)
“What was it Like to be ‘The Little Governess’?”
J. LawrenceMitchell (TexasA & MUniversity)
“KatherineMansfield and ‘Little Brother’: Death in the Family”
1.15-2.05Keynote 9(Main B36)ProfessorClareHanson (University of Southampton) “Current Perceptions of KatherineMansfield in the UK”
Chair: ProfessorEllekeBoehmer (University of Oxford)
2.10-3.20Session 8a (room TBC)Literary Influences
Chair: NickHubble (BrunelUniversity)
StuartClarke (VirginiaWoolf Society)
“Cranford and ‘The Daughters of the Late Colonel’”
SueReid (University of Northampton)
“‘The Subject of Maleness’: KatherineMansfield and D. H.Lawrence”
WilliamWright (MesaState College, Colorado)
“A Theatrical Mansfield: The Influence of Chekhov’s Plays on Selected Stories”
Session 8b (Main B36)Autobiography: Diaries, Letters and Fiction
Chair: JayDickson (Reed College, Oregon)
ValérieBaisnée (University of Paris II)
“‘My Many Selves’: KatherineMansfield’s Diaries”
AnnaJackson (VictoriaUniversity of Wellington)
“Not Always Swift and Breathless: KatherineMansfield’s Letters”
JanetWilson (University of Northampton)
“‘Whereis Katherine?’ Longing and Belonging in the Works of KatherineMansfield”
3.20-3.40Tea/coffee (Clore B01 foyer)
3.40-4.50Session 9a (Main B36)Fantasy and the Gothic
Chair: JoannaKokot (University of Warmia and Mazury)
EmilieWalezak (University of Lyon III)
“Fantasy in KatherineMansfield’s Short Stories: The Lure of Narrative and the Lament of Loss”
GinaWisker (University of Brighton)
“Suburban Fairytales: KatherineMansfield’s Gothic”
GerardoRodriguezSalasandIsabelMariaAndresCuevas (University of Granada)
“‘My Insides Are All Twisted Up’: When Distortion and the Grotesque Became ‘The Same’ Job in KatherineMansfield and VirginiaWoolf”
Session 9b (room TBC)Biography and Representation
Chair: ChristineLorre (University of Paris III)
MonicaGirard (University of Nancy II)
Stealing and Reconstructing Katherine Mansfield’s Life in JaniceKulyckKeefer’s Thieves”
MaryCondé (Queen Mary, University of London)
“Stealing from KatherineMansfield: JaniceKulykKeefer’s Thieves”
GerriKimber (Centre for New Zealand Studies, Birkbeck, University of London)
“Cornish Jealousies: Mansfield in Mansfield and the poetry of C. K. Stead”
4.55-5.45Keynote 10(Main B36)ProfessorVincentO’Sullivan(VictoriaUniversity of Wellington)
“Signing Off: KatherineMansfield’s Last Year”
Chair: ProfessorJ.LawrenceMitchell (TexasA & MUniversity)
6.15-7.15Theatre Performance(Clore B01)
Written and performed by Lorae Parry:
“Bloomsbury Women & the Wild Colonial Girl”
Conference Ends