This application form is used by the Chhahari Group Nepal to assess your suitability for the program. Please take the time to fill out the form thoroughly, telling us about any skills and experiences that specifically relate to the program that you wish to volunteer for.
NameDate of birth / 1979-01-01
Gender / Male Female Other
Mailing address
Post/Zip code
Phone (home)
Phone (work)
Email address
How long would you like to volunteer for? / 12345678910111213141516171819202122232526 / WeekWeeksMonthsYearMonth
Program Start Date / YYYY-MM-DD
Highest Qualification
Other relevant qualifications and skills:
Work and travel experience:
Please state any health condition that you have, including allergies (It is important for us to be aware of any condition so we can be prepared in placing you). :
Which volunteer project are you interested in?
English Teaching
Community development
Information Technology
International Marketing
Cultural Exchange Program
Environment Awareness
Conservation work
Medical Electives
Medical Tours
Please specify if others:
How did you locate our website?
I have read and agree to your legal terms of service and Policy Yes No
Applicant Signature
Chhahari Group Nepal- Legal Terms and Conditions
In this document, the following words shall have the following meanings:
'you' and 'your' means the volunteer/intern who applies for a placement through Chhahari Group Nepal and we', 'us', 'our' means `The Chhahari Group Nepal’, Thamel, Kathmandu,Nepal.
Terms and Conditions
By accepting our Terms and Conditions on the web site and/or signing the Application Form,you agree to be bound by it's terms. If you are uncertain as to your rights under theseconditions, or you would like an explanation of any part of them, please contact us. You can alsoobtain your own legal advice on them, should you wish to do so. We honestly believe that all statements made in our brochure or website are factual and correct. Every reasonable effort has been made to describe the placement and to provide the amenitiesdescribed. We cannot therefore be held responsible for any changes that become known after thebrochure was produced (up-to-date information can be found on the website), nor can we acceptliability for happenings outside our reasonable control. We undertake to advise you of anymaterial changes known to us prior to your departure.
Details of whether accommodation (if any) is provided as part of each placement are set out inthe brochure, on the website or are available from us when you book.
In placement accommodation, your sleeping arrangements may be private or shared, and in mostcases you will be required to share a bathroom and toilet facilities. Due to the villagesthat the placements are located in, it is important for you to realize thatbathroom and toilet facilities and standards of hygiene will be in accordance with local standards.These facilities and standards may sometimes be very basic.
You are responsible for arranging and paying for your own travel (including your air fare and VISA). Wewill not plan a program until you have sent us your flight details. We are unable to reimburse orotherwise be responsible for any flight, travel or other costs or expenses of any nature,forexample if your flight is cancelled.
Collection from the Airport
On receipt of your flight details we will organize for you to be picked up from the airport and transportedto youraccommodation in Kathmandu. This is covered in the cost of your volunteer fee and as suchthere will be no charge, We willtry our very best to be on time. We can notbe held accountable for problems such as vehicles breaking down, but we will do our best to meetyou punctually.
Please follow the cost section of our web site.
Travel Insurance
You will take out your own insurance cover for the period of your placement. You are responsiblefor ensuring that the amount and type of cover is sufficient and appropriate for the nature andlocation of your placement. You must provide us with a copy of your certificate of insurance assoon as possible. This insurance should at least cover; the cost of cancellation of the placementby you; the cost of assistance including repatriation in the event of accident or illness; legalliability and expenses; lost baggage; cancelled flights; medical expenses; kidnapping; liabilityarising due to personal injury to you or a third party; cancellation of your placement for any otherreason including our liquidation or any other reason beyond our control.
We advise you to have adequate Travel Insurance, however, if you choose not to do so, please remember that we don't accept responsibility for any claims made by you.
Cancellations and Refunds
If you need to cancel your trip prior to training, please contact our office. The amount of yourrefund will depend upon the date and conditions of your cancellation. Once you have startedtraining there will be an agreed refund depending on the circumstances, however, once you havetraveled to your placement there will be no refund.
Program Dates
Dates of your program are agreed prior to training in Kathmandu. You may leave your placementearly with agreement of Chhahari Group Nepal but no refund will be granted. You may extend yourvolunteer period at the discretion of and with prior agreement of Chhahari Group Nepal provided monies forthe extra months are paid in advance. When your placement is over you must leave your hostfamily's residence.
Where meals are provided, you should receive at least two meals a day throughout yourplacement, which will be of a suitable quality or quantity by local standards. Ifyou wish to supplement your diet with other foods the responsibility of these expenses areyours. We will only cover food and accommodation for the period agreed for your placement andonly at your placement, also for return to Kathmandu for Visa renewal if your placement is for a period of more than two months. For example if you go trekking or wish to stay in Nepalafter your agreed period of placement you will be responsible for your own expenses. If youdecide to go away during your placement we cannot refund you any monies and you do thisat your own cost.
I have read Chhahari Group Nepal's General Terms and Conditions included with this application and agreeto my participation on the Chhahari Group Nepal Volunteer Program.
Our Application Procedure and Policy:
Participants must be at least 16 years old on their program start date.We also require the parent/legal guardian to sign our standard release form in case of minor. Children who are at least 10 years of age may accompany their parent/legal guardian on a trip.
Application Fees:
We will start to process your application only when we receive the application fees, which is due within Ten (10) calendar days of the date you submit the online application. In Ten days, we will send alter message. After 2 weeks, we will notify you by email that your application has been canceled. The application is non-refundable, unless we are unable to find a placement for you. The deposit does not counts toward the total balance of your program fees.
Program Fees
The full balance of the program fees must be paid at least 30 days before the program start date. If the full balance is not paid within 30 days of the program start date, your trip may be canceled.
Group Discounts
There are discounts available for groups. For groups of 5 or more there is a discount of 5% off the program fees. The group must have the same start date and volunteer in the same location.
In the event that you decide to cancel your program, we must receive a letter or email from you informing us of the cancellation. When you cancel your program, CGN retains your entire application fees ofEuro50.00 as a cancellation fee. The amount of the program fees refunded depends on the date you cancel in relation to your program start date:
Number of days before start / date Program Fees Refunded30 + / 100%
10 to 30 / 50%
10 Days / 25%
After Program Start / None
Gift for Host Families
First of all, please do not feel obligated to bring a gift from home for your new host family. Just sharing your culture, experiences and yourself is the best gift you can give your host family. However, if you really want to bring a gift from home, you can bring chocolates or sweets especially for the kids.
Academic Credit
Our participants often receive academic credit for their programs with Chhahari Group Nepal. Normally, students find out the eligibility requirements for academic credit from their school, then the school provides CGN with paperwork to complete and/or contacts us by phone.
Use of Photos & Comments
Participants agree that we may use any photos that we or someone on our behalf take of them or any comments (written or verbal) they make during or in connection with their program for our promotional purposes, without obtaining the participant's specific permission or making any remuneration to them. We may include their name, age, city, and the dates and nature of their program with us.