Highline Academy

Board Minutes

Board of Directors’ Meeting

Highline Academy

2170 S. Dahlia St.

Denver, Colorado 80222

Monday, April 12, 2014

6:15 p.m.


Tom BulgerGregg Gonzales

David LarmSara Alesandrini

Ruth Kedzior

Edith Zemanick

Tina Valtierra

Rachel HutsonNONSTAFF

Paul KimJon Lowry

Jackie BellBrad Beauman

Ana Torres


Papa Dia

Malcolm Burleson



President called the meeting to order at 6:20 p.m.


A quorum was established.


President confirmed agenda.



Motion: To remove 3.10.2014 minutes from consent agenda

Tom moves the motion, Edith 2nd


Motion: To approve3.10.2014 minutes with three sentences struck.

Edith moves the motion, Rachel 2nd


PUBLIC COMMENT Jon Lowry and Brad Beauman, members of the Building Corporation, led a PD on the Building Corp. TABOR regulations do not allow charter schools to engage in multi-year contracts. The Building Corp. exists to allow Highline SE to participate in longer-term contracts; specifically those dealing with lease or mortgage arrangements for the facility. The Building Corp owns the Dahlia building. One requirement of the bond is that we can’t borrow money. BOD appoints two Building Corp members and the rest are elected by the Building Corp. Tom is the current president, Jon is the secretary. Although Jon and Brad are willing to continue, it is important to recruit a few new members, including at least one BOD member. The Building Corp is essential to the strategic priority of expansion at the SE facility.


The meeting began with a review, restatement, and discussion of officer roles. As a 501c3 organization, we need at least two officers: BOD Chair and Secretary. BOD members should consider what officers and roles they could take on. By-laws state that the president chairs all meetings and signs documents necessary for conduct of the school; vice president fills in as needed for president; secretary makes sure records are up to date, and treasurer must serve on Finance Committee. Historically, we have had a top-heavy model with the president working with the secretary to plan agendas, but another model of leadership can be chosen, and other responsibilities/duties can be restructured as members prefer. David volunteered to be nominated for president. BOD thanked David and accepted his nomination. A new treasurer will be needed as David will be stepping down from that role if elected president.


  • Sara gave an update on Replication. ECE is full and we also have two full classes for kindergarten and first grades. Sara also gave a hiring update for NE. ECE, kindergarten, first grade, and SPEDteachers have been hired and we are still looking to add a few more staff, including an ECE director.
  • Sara also reported that we had a great turnout and positive energy last Saturday at the welcome event held at Evie Dennis in Green Valley Ranch. Paul reported that he attended the event and visited with some of the new teachers who spoke positively about Highline. Jackie also attended and added her appreciation from a parent perspective in receiving timely and useful information. We are approved to begin purchasing furniture, fixtures, and equipment, using funds from our CDE grant. The playground equipment has been delivered and we have room for sports facilities. Since DPS owns the building, other groups can rent the space. Sara will look into what the possibilities and constraints are.
  • Gregg gave a hiring update for SE. We are still seeking more candidates for SE principal. There are no internal candidates. We are looking for someone with talent, desire, and a mission fit. Gregg will make the hiring decision with advice from the hiring committee. Once the choice is made, time will be needed to mentor and enculterate the candidate into Highline. Tom requested that if no candidate has been hired by next month, administration propose a plan on how to handlea scenarioin which we do not have a principal by August.


Executive Committee

  • Paul and Tom reported on BOD recruitment. Edith and Ruth are considering one-year reappointments, and we are not sure about Papa. Tom’s term will end as scheduled. Questionnaires are being sent out for reappointments. First announcement about recruiting new BOD members has gone out to SE We are looking for diversity as well as community connections to NE. We also need someone with financial experience and knowledge. Intention is to have BOD meeting locations alternate between SE and NE.
  • Paul will be attending a meeting at STRIVE Prep on April 16 from 5:30 – 8:30 to get ideas on streamlining meetings. Anyone who would like to join him is welcome. STRIVE Prep alternates between three-hour meetings and 30-minute phone sessions.

It would take planning to adopt a similar model as distinctions would need to be made between routine items and items requiring deeper dive-in. Committee meetings could also be phone conferences with fact sheet report outs on consent agenda.

  • Modules need to be completed by BOD members as part of the requirements for our $600,000 CDE grant. Consensus is to divide these up and distribute to BOD members. Tina will assign and send out.

Communications Committee. Ana reported on communication about transition updates. Gregg has held scheduled informal conversation sessions to allow SE community members to ask questions and get feedback. At least one more meeting to inform community about replication is planned. If BOD members are asked, only one first grade teacher (Vanessa Rodriquez) is moving from SE to NE.


  • Need to find BOD member willing to serve on Building Corp. David volunteered to do this if elected president.


  • PWP has requested that BOD provide breakfast for teachers as part of Teacher Appreciation Week. 2 – 3 members needed for setup on actual morning. Tom offered to help. Ruth will coordinate.

Motion: BOD authorizes $500 for staff breakfast and thank you gift for Teacher Appreciation.

Tom moves the motion, Tina 2nd.


  • Tina reported that BOD members are needed for BOD Fundamentals trainingon May 9 from 2:00- 5:00 and June 6 from 9:00 – 1:00. Both are days that students are not at school. This is also part of requirements for CDE grant. Paul and David can do June 6.
  • More information coming soon on BOD level HA 10-year anniversary celebration at the end of May.
  • The Bent Noodle Restaurant night is cancelled. The next restaurant night is in May at La Fogata. BOD members are encouraged to attend.



Motion: To adjourn

Tina moves the motion, Rachel2nd