Name of staff member / What is the name of the person delivering the intervention?
Name(s) of pupils
and Year Group/Class Teacher – please use colours / Who are the pupils? Which year group do they come from? Who is their teacher? Are they boys, girls, pupil premium or EAL? If they are in two categories, do first name one colour, last name another. If in three categories, use an underlining in a third colour.
Area of focus (Reading, Writing or Maths) / What is the main area of focus for the intervention?
Aim of intervention (plus success criteria which must include levels) / What is the specific aim of the intervention?
Is it to move one sub-level? To move into the next book band? To increase their number of ‘points’ in Writing? To increase a particular score?
What are the other aims? (eg improve confidence, accuracy, use of vocabulary etc)
Evidence showing intervention is needed and entrance assessment results / What is their current Brick Wall level and why is an intervention considered appropriate? What is the starting Book Band level or Reading Age? What is the starting Talking Maths level? What is the Sandwell Maths level?
What is the starting point for this intervention?
We have to have this information to know how far the children have come during the intervention
Specific resources/materials/
learning programme to be used / What resources will you be using with the group? Are you using a specific programme? (eg Talking Maths)
Start date, end date and duration of intervention / When is your first session? When will your last session be? How many weeks will the intervention last?
Location of session / What day will the intervention take place?
What time will it take place?
How long is the session?
Where are you delivering the session?
Withdrawn from (timetabled session in class) / What are the children missing while they are doing the intervention? Check that the children are not missing the same thing from one half term to another.
Monitoring during the intervention / How are you planning to monitor the intervention? Will you do mini-assessments? Will you have a quick review after 3 weeks? 6 weeks? Will you keep brief notes on the back of this proforma? Will you use post-its at the end of sessions?
Exit Assessment - method / How are you planning to assess the success of the intervention at the end? Will you use APP? Assessed Writing? Sandwell? Wigan Maths? Book Bands?
Evaluation of intervention
(including comparison with entrance data and desired success criteria). If they have gone up or down a sub-level indicate with +/- / How successful has the intervention been? Put the names of the children in this box and if using sublevels say how much they have gone up/down egPupil X 3b(+1) since the start of the intervention. If no movement with sublevel eg with Writing, state the new criterion scale points score instead and +/-.
If using Book Bands, state how many bands they have moved.
You need to compare with the entrance data from the start of the intervention.
Further Action
(details of additional intervention/changes to programme/onward referral required) / What will you be recommending next for each child? Does anyone need a further intervention in the same area? Does anyone need 1-1 work to move on? Who needs to be referred to the Inclusion Manager and why?

Please use colours: Boys Girls PP EAL