Wednesday, October 21, 2015

12:00-1:30 pm, University Union, Havasupai C

MeetMe line: (928) 523-6991

  1. Call to Order
  2. Chris Lanterman called meeting to order at 12:00 p.m.
  3. Changes to September meeting minutes:
  4. Chris Lanterman stated that the Office of the President offers the Commission on Disability Access and Design (CDAD) a good deal of support; CDAD there is a budget for the commissions as a whole, and CDAD is supported through these funds. Chris stated that David Camacho, has asked the various commissions to work together on projects. NAU commissions share many things in common: all commissions bring speakers to campus and there are some projects that all commissions support—e.g. accessible Cline Library bathrooms.
  5. Chris asked commissioners to note that all future proposals will most likely be supported if they have an intersectional theme.
  6. Matthew moved to approve the September meeting minutesand Lauren seconded the motion. All in favor—all. Those opposed—no one. Abstentions—no one.
  7. Classroom Technologies and Accessibility (Kegan Remington, ITS)
  8. Kegan stated that the NAU community is working towards IT centralization, developing support services, and implementing standardized A.V. equipment. Classroom Support, a new group and point of contact on campus, has been established as a central resource for classroom innovation—technical support and new technology implementation support.
  9. Goals of Classroom Support: to increase efficiency of IT support, to ensure classroom environments are sustainable, viable, and pedagogically sound, to increase technology accessibility, to standardize technology, and to provide a flexible learning environment. In part, this initiative is in response to new facility scheduling and utilization priorities.
  10. Chris asked a question concerning purchasing software. Lauren commented that the Equity and Access Office is working on a policy for checking and vetting all software purchases, to ensure accessible products are purchased by all areas on campus.
  11. Kegan commented that during the spring semester, Classroom Support staff will pilot a new class scheduling software.
  12. Kegan stated he is open to further discussion; he left his contact information and is willing to create a review panel to overlook target goals.
    or 928.523.7517
  13. Update on DHM Events (Lauren and Chris)
  14. NAU 4 All Accessibility Scavenger Hunt; October 9, 3:00 – 4:30; limited participation, but two representatives from Facility Services attended.
  15. A Conversation about Disability with Matthew Wangeman, October 13, 6:00 pm.
  16. Matthew stated that about 30 to 35 people attended the event. The NAU football coach attended the event.
  17. Seated Volleyball Tournament – October 16th, Regional Tournament November 7
  18. Lauren stated that the volleyball tournament was not as well attended as the spring tournament, none of the fraternities or sororities registered teams.
  19. Chris noted the importance of providing diverse sporting options to NAU community.
  20. Sled Hockey Grant
  21. Lauren discussed the opportunity to apply for a grant to obtain sleds for inclusive hockey. Lauren talked with Campus Recreation. The commission and Campus Rec could use grant money to purchase sleds.
  22. Debate Team Event in Havasupai A-B, October 20, 4 p.m.
  23. Matthew stated he was impressed by the topics covered at the event. This event provided a great opportunity for students who have not taken classes on disability and access. Students showed their passion about various disability topics at event.
  24. Chris proposed having this event during fall and spring semesters.
  25. Tom Uno discussed the possibility of creating a video, an online montage of the CDAD events of the month of October.
  26. Lives Worth Living Event
  27. Will be held next Wednesday, October 28th, at 6:00 p.m. at Cline Library.
  28. Student Life has yet to approve this event.
  29. Matthew can serve on panel if necessary.
  30. NAU Biomedical Campus Visit for Disability Heritage Month
  31. Lauren discussed the possibility of taking an NAU vehicle to event—David Camacho has approved commissioners to take NAU vehicle.
  32. The event will describe a soldier’s experience with disability. A Q and A session will take place.
  33. New Directions in Diversity Symposium series kickoff Event Sponsored by Commission for Ethnic Diversity
  34. Chris stated this event was powerful. A discussion on women of color in the academy took place. Chris stated he hopes similar events can provide interdisciplinary commission discourse.
  35. New Directions in Diversity Symposium Series (Lauren and Chris)
  36. Spring Symposium Event
  37. Chris stated that it’s a great opportunity for CDAD to host spring symposium event.
  38. The Body Politic. Commissioners discussed what the Body Politic means in society and the academy. This event can also include other commissions.
  39. Lauren stated that the Body Politic panel can be made up of a diverse group. Speakers can be found on campus or in the local community.
  40. Matthew stated that disability is a step-child todiversity on campus. This event provides a great opportunity for CDAD to change that view.
  41. Tom also raised the possibility of a topicaround health disparities.
  42. Facility Services Update
  43. Lauren described the monthly construction meeting she attended.
  44. Construction will begin on an all-gender bathroom in SBS.
  45. Du Bois Center will see a dining expansion—project still in design phase.
  46. Partial funding has been identified for PED way summer project.
  47. Work has been done on a new landscape master plan.
  48. Andrew is working on concrete plans—e.g. sidewalks in the College of Education Building will be replaced.
  49. North Gammage sidewalks will be replaced.
  50. Blome Building, an accessible parking spot and a crosswalk will be installed in a future project.
  51. GIS Mapping Project
  52. Will identify accessibility problem areas.
  53. This project will make NAU unique.
  54. Accessible Documents, Usable Materials Center, and Campus Trainings (Chris, Lauren, Teresa)
  55. Lauren stated she still sees inaccessible materials coming her way.
  56. Teresa stated many people in the NAU community send emails without accessible documents.
  57. Lauren and Teresa are providing trainings.
  58. Teresa has hired a new PDF specialist.
  59. Matthew stated he’s very interested in participating in the trainings.
  60. Chris commented that we should train the trainers on providing accessible format documents.
  61. Other Business and Updates
  62. Matthew stated the call for proposals came out for SDS. Proposals are due December 1, 2015.
  63. U.S. Forest Service Project
  64. The U.S. Forest Service is partnering with Jody Bartz and others to help with study dealing with children with autism. Researchers will take findings from the study to inform accessibility guidelines for summer camps.
  65. Accessible Astronomy
  66. Chris talked about a conversation he had with son-in-law. Chris’s son-in-law is working on a project which will provide accessible astronomy tools.

PO Box 4142 Flagstaff, AZ 86011-4142 (928) 523-0708 (fax)