Soccer Standards Covered: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
It is said that early growth of the modern soccer started in England. Some even mention that the first ball used was the head of some Danish bandit. The old form of soccer used to allow many ill practices like kicking, punching, biting and gouging. Sometimes the competition grew fierce and masses got so wild that there were frequent incidents of violence during the game. The history of modern-day soccer was established in 1863 and in 1869 the Football Association strictly banned any kind of handling of the ball. Soccer’s popularity spread rapidly during the 1800s as British sailors, traders and soldiers introduced the sport to different parts of the globe. Italians, Austrians and Germans drew to Europe, while Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil adopted the sport in South America. FIFA was established in the year 1904 and by early 1930s different leagues were operating from various countries. FIFA is credited with organizing the first world cup in Uruguay. The game begins with a stationary kick from the center line and is done so after every goal. Teams are made up of 11 players and one point is awarded for every goal.
Direct kick- results from a trip, push, or handball and a goal can be scored off of it
Indirect kick- results from all other fouls and two players have to touch the ball before it is scored
Penalty - results from a foul inside the goal box, and is a 1 on 1 play from 12 yards out
Corner Kick- ball goes out of bounds over the end line off of the defense and is a direct kick for offense
Goal kick- ball goes out of bounds over the end line off of the offense and the goalie kicks the ball in
Sideline Throw in- ball goes out of bounds on sideline and opposing team over head throws ball in with two hands on ball and both feet on the ground
High kick- When a foot of a player extends over waist high. The result is an indirect kick.
Trap- When a person stops the progress of a moving ball with his/her body
Offsides- When a player is passed the ball and there is no defender between them and the goalie
Goal box – the area where the goalie can pick up the ball with his/her hands. He/she is the only one allowed to touch the ball with her hands.
· Contact the ball with the inside of your foot and don’t lead the ball too far
· Kick the ball with toe pointed up and ankle locked
· Plant the non-kicking foot with toe pointing at target
· Keep toes pointed up and ankle locked and eyes on ball
· Transfer weight from non-kicking foot to kicking foot
Toes pointed down and contact on top of foot if it is an instep pass
· Plant non-kicking foot slightly in front of ball to keep shot low
· Toes pointed up and ankles locked and eyes on ball
· Hips and knees of kicking foot are pointed toward target
· Keep weight going forward and land on kicking foot to get shot low
Toes pointed down and contact on top of foot if it is an instep shot