The Scottish Innovation Network and Cluster (Health and Social Care)
Innovation Cluster Quarterly Meeting
Lister Lecture Theatre, Level 2,
New Lister Building, GRI Campus.
11thMarch 11.00 to 15.00
Remote attendance available
Workshop Agenda
11.00-11.10 Welcome and Introduction Angus Watson
11.10-12.00Crowd Sourcing- Creating Solutions for Health and Social Care
Hear from the UK’s innovative crowd source companies
on how they help solve and fund challenges and see the
proto-type web site built to help you-
12.00-13.00Innovation andMedicalPhysics ScotlandStuart Parks/David Keating
Showcasing joint work with Scottish Industry, the Medical Physics Network, and theMedicalDevicesUnit a GG&C Med Tech Centre. A “Team Scotland” approach to solving problems in app development, diagnostics, emerging treatments and beyond.
13.00-13.45Lunch& Networking:Tam Watchorn
Building Scotland’s Cluster capacity we need your help in creating the Map of Innovation- a live demonstration and construction of Scotland’s top projects, industrial capability and partnership potential.
13.45-14.05Update on Innovation Projects & Angus Watson
National Programmes Jillian Moffat
14.05-14.45OI process and action planTammy Watchorn
Interactive workshop to develop & agree the OI process, and roles of the cluster in driving forward the activities
14.45-15.00Final thoughts and closeAngus Watson
Cluster meetings
The purpose of the cluster is to develop our capacity across Scotland in adopting innovations that promote health and wellbeing.
We will support and enable data sharing on innovations, funding, barriers and ideas.
We will identify where we can share resources, spread good solutions
As a group we will commit to being part of the cluster and volunteer for identified activities
We will do things once and once only
We will do things quickly.
We have an Open Approach: The quarterly meetings are open to industry, academia, third sector and NHS/Social Care. Numbers are restricted to venue size so book early to secure a place
The cluster consists of NHS innovation leads, social care partners, industry partners, Scottish Enterprise and Scottish Government. We will also seek support from leaders in innovation from across the globe as needed.
The cluster will host quarterly meetings/workshops to provide updates, share information and develop activities. These meetings will be hosted by an NHS Board.
Other meetings and workshops will be developed and supported by cluster members on specialist topics e.g. funding opportunities and Open Innovation challenges. These sessions will be hosted locally by a board or network.
We will measure our success on
The level of increased engagement we have between health, social care and industry on service challenges and collaborative innovative solutions
The development and sue of interactive solutions for accessing data (on e.g. funding), visualisation of innovations in Scotland and Crowd sourcing opportunities.
We will have a number of “big” Open Innovation challenges between health, social care and industry and a number of “small” Open Innovation challenges between health boards (nationally & regionally)
We have an Open Approach: Meetings are open to industry, academia, thirdsector and NHS/Social Care.