PRESENT: Mickey Thompson, member, Cheryl Cotner, member, Warren V. Nash, president.
OTHERS PRESENT: David Hall, Linda Moeller,John Burger, Alicia Meredith, Colonel Pennell, Chris Gardner, Jessica Campbell, Trent Baker, John Rosenbarger, Michael Hall, Stan Robison, Chris Koehler and Vicki Glotzbach
Mr. Nash called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
Item #1 - Mark Bliss re: Parking Limit sign in front of business and banner request for 2014 Bridal Show.
Mr. Bliss explained that there two businesses that compete for the four parking spots on the corner of Vincennes and Spring and he would like to be fair to the dry cleaners because they just need spots for a quick in and out for pickup and requested that they be allowed to install a five minute parking or loading only sign to limit those that are parking in the spaces in front of the dry cleaner for long periods of time.
Mr. Nash asked how much parking is there.
Mr. Bliss stated that there are four spots or at least enough space for four without any limiting on the parking.
Mr. Thompson moved to take under advisement so that he can meet with Mr. Bliss, Ms. Cotner second, motion carries.
Mr. Bliss stated that he would like to have the banner for the 9th Annual Bridal Show up from February 10th through February 24th at the Spring Street location,
Ms. Cotner moved to approve, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries.
Mr. Bliss stated that Mr. Thompson is a great guy and does a wonderful job for the City and wanted to thank him for that.
Item #2 - IN-AWC re: Street cut permits at 805 Captain Frank Road and 2507 East Elm Street.
Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Ms. Cotner second, motion carries.
Item #3 - John Rosenbarger re:Inspection Contract with BLN for the Mt. Tabor Slide Repair Project.
Mr. Rosenbarger stated that the slide project is due to get underway as early as next week and they are having a pre-construction meeting following the Board of Works meeting. He explained that this is for inspection of a gabion wall that is being built to retain the rocks and is about 150 feet long. He stated that this is at a cost not to exceed $15,000.00 and recommended approval.
Mr. Nash askedwhat they approved last week.
Mr. Rosenbarger stated that they accepted the low bid from MAC Construction last week for $145,495.95 for the work. He explained that they are trying to get this completed before the years end and recommended approval subject to final approval by the legal department.
Mr. Thompson moved to approve the inspection contract with BLN not to exceed $15,000.00, Ms. Cotner second, motion carries.
Item #4 - Amendment No.1 for Design and Construction Services with Clark Dietz for the E. Main Street Project.
Mr. Rosenbarger stated that this contract is with Clark Dietz for the inspectionservice and additional design on the East Main Street Project in the amount not to exceed $157,800.00.He recommended approval subject to final approval by the legal department and stated that Clark Dietz always does a very good job.
Mr. Nash asked if in the future they could get these contracts to them before the meeting so that they have time to review them.
Mr. Rosenbarger stated that he could.
Mr. Robison stated that it looks like a good contract but he would like to review it a little more. He explained that his main concern with Clark Dietz is the possibility of change orders.
Mr. Rosenbarger stated that they try to avoid them or minimize them but it is always a possibility. He explained that they have a strong presence in the community and they are very confident in their work.
Mr. Thompson moved to approve the amendment No. 1 subject to legal review, Ms. Cotner second, motion carries.
Mr. Nash asked where they stand with the gateway signage.
Mr. Rosenbarger stated that he thinks there has been a proposal and is headed to the Public Arts Review Commission.
Priscilla Bravo-Haub, Pathfinder Director, explained thattheir mission is to teach children 10-17 years old to be good citizens through community service. She stated that one of their projects is to benefit those less fortunate by disturbing cans. She explained that they would like to distribute a letter and bag door-to-door to collect canned goods for a food drive to make baskets for the holidays. She stated that they would set the bags and letter out on the 16th and come back to pick them up on the 23rd but they would never knock on doors to collect the food.
Mr. Nash stated that they have a City ordinance regarding going door to door but he isn’t sure that would apply to them.
Ms. Brave stated that they are not going to knock on doors but just drop off the sacks at the door and pick them up on the 23rd. She presented the board with the information that they would be leaving at the doors.
Lisa Haub stated that she was a previous Pathfinder Director and this program has been very successful in the past and while she does understand the need for their ordinance regarding door-to-door solicitation she was hoping that they would allow them to drop the bags off and not bother the individuals.
Mr. Thompson stated that he doesn’t think this would be any different than getting a door knocker on their knobs.
Mr. Thompson moved to approve providing that they comply with not knocking on doors,
Ms. Cotner second, motion carries.
Stephen Crim requested another lift permit and to block part of the sidewalk to switch out his holiday lights. He stated that it would be on November 26th at 1503 Market Street for a half day.
Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Ms. Cotner second, motion carries.
Keith Mugler requested a street light on the utility pole at 3110 Murr Lane and asked if that was something the City would do.
Mr. Thompson explained thatthe City provides one every 300 feet but if he wants and extra one he could purchase it and Duke would add it to his bill.
Mr. Thompson moved to take under advisement for review, Ms. Cotner second, motion carries.
Item #1 - Alleyway cleared at 514 E. Elm St.
Mr. Thompsonstated that he doesn’t know anything yet.
Item #2 - CVS re: New construction at New Albany location
Mr. Thompson stated that this was turned down by Planning & Zoning.
Item #3 - AT&T re: Bore Under Spring Street Hill
Mr. Thompson stated thathe spoke with Tom Schellenburg and he said that they can go ahead and approve it and that it will not cause a problemwith the hill.
Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Ms. Cotner second, motion carries.
Mr. Nash asked about the situation at Kensig Road.
Mr. Robison stated that he went out and visited the site twice and there were at least 137 trees destroyed and he wants them to make concessions on what mitigation they can do. He explained that he wants them to replace every tree that they knocked down or tore out. He stated that he took photos and they show a lot of damage and he has a complaint ready to file if it comes to that.
Mr. Nash asked if this was LG&E
Mr. Robison stated that it was and they spoke to two property owners for a switching station and never informed the City of any of this work.
Mrs. Moeller presented the following Claims Docket for 11/01/2013 – 11/14/2013 that includes the following:
General Claims (Bank 1): $58,606.31Fire Department: $12,353.66
Police Department: $6,788.72
Street Department: $11,691.02
Parks Department: $23,558.88
Stormwater/Drainage: $24,237.50
Economic Development: $16,098.52
(Banks- G,,T,6,111B)
Medical/Drug Fund: $0.00
(Bank L)
Payroll Claims: $1,315,231.83
(Bank 2)
Sanitation Fund: $194,646.82
Thursday Utility Claims: $243,444.99
Grand Total: $1,906,658.25
Mr. Thompson moved to approve the above claims, Ms. Cotner second, motion carries.
Mr. Thompson moved to approve the November 5, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes as corrected, Ms. Cotner second, motion carries
There being no further business before the board, the meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m.
Warren Nash, President Vicki Glotzbach, City Clerk
1 Board of Works
November 12, 2013
All meetings are recorded and on file with the City Clerk’s Office