Sixth Grade Social Studies Syllabus
Instructor / Email/Phone / Room NumberMs. Sarah Adams / /770-651-5853 / B119
Class Description
Sixth grade social studies begins a two year world studies course. In sixth grade, the focus is on the geography, government, economics and history of Europe, Latin America, Canada, and Australia.Geography focuses on both human and physical geography. Students will be able to start to understand how geography plays a part in their everyday lives. Government introduces several of the more prominent types of governments found around the world. Students start to understand these different types of government systems. Economics focuses on how other countries answer the economic questions of what to produce, how to produce and how much to produce, History focuses on the important events that occurred in the particular area in the 20th and 21st century.
Materials *(note these materials may not be used every day. It is suggested that students keep them in their lockers for easy access) *
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- 1 2 pocket folder with prongs
- 1 college ruled composition book
- Pencils
- Blue or black pens
- Colored pencils or Markers
- A pencil pouch
- Scissors
- Glue stick
- Pack of 3x5 ruled index cards
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Class ExpectationsStudents are expected to come to class prepared and ready to learn each day. The following items MUST be brought to class daily:
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- Agenda
- Pen/pencils
- Loose-leaf Paper
- Social studies folder (with all notes inside)
- Any assignment(s) that may be due
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Students are also expected to follow all class and school rules.
Class Procedures
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- Enter class quietly andbe in assigned seat when the bell rings
- Write down homework in agenda and leave on desk for teacher’s signature
- Write down the EQ and complete warm-up in composition book
- Wait quietly for further instructions
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Homework PolicyHomework is assigned every Monday (or every other Monday) and due the following Monday. It is the student’s responsibility to write down the homework in his/her agenda and to have the items turned in the day they are due.Any classwork started in class can be taken home and completed for homework, but it must be turned in the next day in order to not be counted as “late”. It will also still count as a classwork grade even if completed at home as it was started in class.
Absence Policy
It is student’s responsibly to get any work she or he missed while absent. She or he will have the same amount of time she or he was absent to complete any missed assignments. For example, if she or hemissed two days of school then she or he will have two days to complete the assignment without receiving a penalty for it being late. Notes and copies of assignments are posted on my page on the FSMS website and also available in the classroom.
Late Work
In general, late work will be accepted but ten points will be deducted from the grade for each day it is late. This includes: homework, classwork and projects. Students who have a valid absence excuse will not receive a penalty as long as work is turned in on the day that they return to school or within the length of their absence. Meaning, if they were out for three days then the work will need to be turned in on the third day they return to school.
Make-up Work
Students are allowed to make up any work that they are missing; this work MUST be turned in by the end of the nine weeks in which the assignment was assigned. It is the student’s responsibility to get his/her missing work. I always have extra copies of each assignment in my classroom. I also post every assignment on my page on the FSMS website and email it to parents. Students and/or parents are welcome to email me with a request to send the assignment(s) again.
Students are welcome to stay after school in order to make up any work they are missing as long as a parent/guardian has provided written permission either through email or a handwritten note. Permission must be received at least a day in advance. They days they may stay are Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday.
Notebook Check
It is especially important that students have a folder with prongs because every nine weeks, they will be checked. Students will receive a 100 in the grade book only if they have all papers/notes for the nine weeks and they are all neatly organized in their folder.
Grading Scale
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A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 71-79
D = 70
F = 69 or below
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Grading Weights
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Quizzes = 10%
Projects = 20%
Unit Tests = 30%
Classwork = 25%
Homework = 10%
Participation = 5%
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Tentative Schedule *(please note: schedule is subject to change without notice; the last half of April (after GMAs testing) up until the end of the year will be spent working on an in class project that will require students to use the knowledge they gathered throughout the year to create a product)
Month(s) / Unit Title / Topics Covered / Unit NumberAugust / Geography / Review of Basic Geography Terms; Five Themes of Geography / 1
August-October / Influence of Europe and Europe Today / Europe Geography, Culture, Government, History / 2
October – November / Environmental/Economic forces in Europe / Europe Environmental Issues and Economics / 3
November – December / Latin America Today / Latin America Geography Government and Culture / 4
December – January / Environmental/Economic Forces in Latin America / Latin America Environmental Issues and Economics / 5
January – February / Cultural Legacy of Latin America / Latin America History / 6
February - March / Canada / Canada Culture, History, Economics, Government and Geography / 7
March- April / Australia / Australia Culture, History Economics, Government and Geography / 8
- Email:
Phone: 770-651-5853 - Please text @adams6ss to the number 81010 in order to receive text message updates.
Signature Page
I have read and understand the sixth grade social studies syllabus for the 2017-2018 school year.
Child’s Name ______
Parent’s Name (please print) ______
Parent’s Signature: ______
Signature Page
I have read and understand the sixth grade social studies syllabus for the 2017-2018 school year.
Child’s Name ______
Parent’s Name (please print) ______
Parent’s Signature: ______
Signature Page
I have read and understand the sixth grade social studies syllabus for the 2017-2018 school year.
Child’s Name ______
Parent’s Name (please print) ______
Parent’s Signature: ______
Signature Page
I have read and understand the sixth grade social studies syllabus for the 2017-2018 school year.
Child’s Name ______
Parent’s Name (please print) ______
Parent’s Signature: ______
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