Neighbourhood Plan meeting: Tuesday 8th March 2016

Present: Cllr Morley, Cllr Kelly, Keith Fairburn, Hilary Binns, Howard Foster,

John Urwin, David Gluck (Consultant), Robert Silkstone.

Apologies: Cllr Payne, Chris Porter

  1. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved unanimously. There were no matters arising that would not come up under other agenda items.
  2. There was £16,357.83 in the bank. We have spent £840 leaving a total of £15,517.83. Information id needed regarding the grant before completion, dependent on whether invoices are needed in advance. Francis to email David accordingly.
  3. The second version of the draft plan is now on Dropbox, since yesterday. David reported that things have progressed quite a bit. A program that took in the most used words during the consultation has produced a diagram representing the most raised issues. It was agreed that it would make a very interesting second page in the plan. The main issues of traffic, transport, parking, and speeding vehicles will need to feature strongly in the C.I.L section at the end of the plan. They will not appear in the plan itself as they are not planning issues.
  4. The front cover will be an updated version of the Village Design Statement.
  5. David asked for the dates of the original application and the acceptance. The latter date was 15/06/2012. The other date will be e-mailed to David.
  6. District information will be taken from the V.D.S.
  7. A map of shop types and frontages in the village was examined. It was agreed that the designation of some properties needed to be changed. David will walk round the area and sort.
  8. A response from Leeds City Council regarding conservation area status will take time as was indicated at the last meeting. It was agreed that a conservation policy will go in the plan and reviewed at a later date.
  9. David talked about a map regarding green infrastructure. He identified 3 or 4 corridors. A series of becks at the western border, maintaining the distance from Great Preston; Ridge Road provides a complete eastern boundary; the regionally significant River Aire basin and the magnesium limestone corridor to the south. There is no natural border to the north.
  10. It was agreed to omit any mention of renewable energies from the plan.
  11. There is housing market information available. Doug will look up information of housing built in the last ten years.
  12. For the CIL we should ask the people of Kippax what the order of priorities should be.
  13. At the next meeting we will have an almost completed draft plan. The next step will be to send to LCC Planning for comments.
  14. The plan will not designate sites.
  15. The project plan is on track. There was a discussion about design and printing of a flier for every dwelling and about twenty draft plans. Richard to get a quote from someone in Garforth.
  16. At the next meeting an agenda item will be on how to manage the consultation.
  17. Landowners are largely Leeds City Council. Doug to draft a letter and send to David for checking. This will go in with the plan.

The next meeting is on Tuesday 12th April at 7.30 in The Band Club