Creating, Modifying and Using Rubber Stamps in ApplicationXtender

Rubber stamps in AX Document Manager provide a quick and easy way to mark the status of a document or to record the login name of the user and the date and/or time a document was reviewed, approved or processed. This document contains three sections:

Creating a New Rubber Stamp

Modifying an Existing Rubber Stamp

Using a Rubber Stamp on an Imaged Document

Creating a New Rubber Stamp

1.  Open ApplicationXtender Document Manger (AX).

2.  Right Click on the application _RSTAMP – Rubber Stamp Application

3.  Select New Text Rubber Stamp

4.  In the New Text Rubber Stamp window above, enter the desired text for the stamp in the Rubber Stamp Text box. You can use one of the defaults from the drop down list or create your own by typing in the text. You can enter a combination of system controlled variables and text by typing in the information instead of pulling values from the drop down. Following are the system controlled variables.

·  %username% - The login id of the user applying the rubberstamp.

·  %datestamp% - The date in the stamp is applied in mm/dd/yyyy format.

·  %DATESTAMP% - The date the stamp is applied in long format. (Thursday, September 03, 2009)

·  %timestamp% - The time the stamp is applied in HH:MM:SS AM/PM

5.  Choose the Orientation from the dropdown list.

6.  Choose the Border.

7.  Choose the Border Size.

8.  Click the Font button to select the desired font.

9.  Select a Back Color

10.  Click OK when done.

This will take you back to the image window. To save the rubberstamp, the image has to be indexed into the _RSTAMP application.

11.  In the Name field on the index enter the value you want to see when the rubber stamp list is displayed. For example: Request Complete

12.  In the DESC field enter the description of what the rubber stamp is for.

13.  In the APP field type in the name of the imaging application the stamp is to be used for (i.e. STURECS). You can limit rubberstamps to only one application. If more than one application will use the stamp, then leave the APP field blank and all applications will have access to it.

14.  Leave the USER and DOMAIN fields blank.

15.  Click the SAVE button to index the rubber stamp.

Modifying an Existing Rubber Stamp

Following are the instructions to change a rubber stamp once it has been created.

  1. In AX, right click on the _RSTAMP application and select New Query.
  1. In the query window enter known values for the index in the search fields or leave them blank to return all rubber stamps. Click Search.
  1. Open the rubber stamp to be modified by double-clicking on the name in the query results window.
  1. With the rubber stamp open, click on the Annotate menu item then Edit Rubber Stamp…
  1. Make the desired changes to the rubber stamp in the Edit Text Rubber Stamp window and click OK to save the changes.

Using a Rubber Stamp on an Imaged Document

  1. Open the imaged document where you wish to put the rubber stamp.
  1. Click on the down arrow to the right of the Rubber stamp button on the annotation toolbar, or click on the Annotate menu and select New > Rubber Stamp.
  1. Choose a rubber stamp from the list to use
  1. Click OK
  1. Move the cursor to the spot on the imaged where you wish to place the rubber stamp and click on the left mouse button. Multiple clicks of the left button will place multiple copies of the rubber stamp. To remove any unwanted stamps, just right click and select DELETE.

C. Anteau Page 1 Revision Date: 3/30/2011