Careers in Technology
This lesson has the following goals:
· To inform any student regardless of gender what information technology is and how it relates to a variety of different fields.
· To encourage students to look beyond the media stereotypes of a computer “programmer” and understand that technology jobs exist which will appeal to people with a wide variety of interests and skills
· To foster curiosity in students about information technology and the careers that are related to IT
1. Choose one technology related career. Research the career and create an online poster to introduce to the class. Include the following titles on your poster:
§ Career (no title needed, just list career, large enough to stand out)
§ Description: Basic description of the career, include the working conditions for the job (ex. Sitting at a desk on a computer all day, outside, physical labor, freedom of work space, work from home, travel, etc.)
§ Earnings: Use a Starting Salary and Salary Range: Example: $40,000-80,000
§ Education Required: What education is required (Ex. Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science) – Don’t just say Bachelor’s, list in what area
§ Career Path: Entry level of career, Middle level, Experience Level of career. (Use titles such as Teacher, Assistant Principal, Principal, Also some details of each)
§ Specialty Areas in that career (other fields that relate to this career) – List 2 & Brief Description of each
§ Traits: 3 traits a person should possess for the career (Adjectives) – List why they are appropriate for career
§ College/University where degree can be obtained (list 2)
§ Career Outlook of the career (% of growth or decline over ___ years). Use the website Occupational Outlook website.
§ Be creative…use pictures and images on your poster.
3. Students will share your career poster with the entire class. Students should explain what they learned, especially if it changed their understanding of career possibilities in technology.
Career Poster Rubric
Attribute/Trait / Possible Points / Student Points EarnedCareer Title / 5
Career Description / 10
Earnings (Starting and Salary Range) / 5
Education Required (Degree and Major) / 10
Career Path / 10
Specialty Areas (2) / 10
Traits (3) / 10
College you may attend (2) / 10
Career outlook (in terms of growth) / 10
Notes Sheet Correctly Filled Out / 10
Presented to class / 10
Total / 100