P.O. Box 621489
Littleton, CO 80162-1489
February 2010
Lockheed Martin's Workplace Security policy, CPS-565 is strictly enforced. One provision of the policy is a workplace free of weapons, which includes Firearms, Ammunition, Bows and Arrows. The club must emphasize this policy to our members. Additionally, a state issued CCW permit does not supersede nor over ride this LMA policy. Members wanting to store firearms or archery equipment during the day ONLY, must contact Gene Adamson (303-971-1531) or Dave Mulholland (303-977-3674) for access instructions.
Club Elections 2010
Club elections are upon us. We have an excellent slate of candidates on the ballot for the 2010 SHFC Board this year. Please find the ballot under separate cover with this newsletter. Included in the ballot is a paragraph from each candidate seeking office for 2010. Please help decide the leadership of the club and cast your vote. Completed ballots must be returned by February 1st, 2010. Please follow instructions on the ballot. The completed ballot can also be dropped off at the Clubhouse at the beginning of the February Board Members meeting on Monday February 1st at 5:15 pm.
The Skyline Hunting and Fishing Club annual banquet will be held on Sunday 21 February 2010 at Las Brisas Restaurant, 6787 South Clinton, Greenwood Village. Arrival at 11:00 am with lunch served at 12 noon. Come and welcome the new board members, socialize with fellow members, see who takes home the Big Game Contest Trophies, door prizes and more. The price is $20 for adults, $10 for children 12-18 years old and kids 11 and under are free. Tickets will not be sold in advance, payment will be at the door. A reminder email with the restaurant directions and the menu for the Banquet will be sent out and posted to the website a week or so before the event.
As a reminder, the current 2009 membership badges expire at the end of February, 2010. This year, we are going to run the membership renewal a bit different from what we have done in the past. The skyline club will email you your membership dues (minus any workbond you have had for the year). Members that get their newsletter via US Mail will receive their notice via US Mail. Once we receive your check, we will then mail you your 2010 membership badge. It is hoped that this process will be more convenient for our members and streamline the process for the club. Look for further details included with the membership dues notice. Members are encouraged to review their Work Bond history as it should be claimed and credited when renewing for the 2010 year. Still not too late to volunteer if you need workbond. Check the workbond article below for new work bond opportunities. Thank you to all of you that have dedicated time to the range and the club this past year!
2010 Foul Weather Shoot Results
For Additional info call Keith Davis @ 303-972-1661 .
On-Ice ice fishing seminar report
Ten people were at the parking lot ready to go at 2:30, a few more rolled in around 4:00 or so. The guide drilled the holes, set up the rods, and answered questions until at least 6:30. Six trout were caught throughout the early evening and one walleye bit at night arrived. It was a slow day but the key here was that we learned an awesomely effective system for hooking into walleyes and have the confidence that we are ready to catch more next week.
Having a group of 10 anglers we could change colors and lure sizes to see if that was the issue. We also knew that if a walleye came even remotely close to us it would see our baits. I’m used to fishing with one or two others and I’m always wondering, “what if they were right over there?” The group was really fun to meet and hang out with and the kids actually caught the most fish.
Anyways, the guide is going to give us a couple of other spots to fish next week. He guides out there multiple times every week so he usually knows what areas have fish and what areas don’t. I will send out another email next Tuesday indicating where to park and where we will be fishing. We typically have the largest group on the ice so if you come late we aren’t that tough to find.
If you do buy equipment here is what you want:
2 rods
2 reels
The best jigging rod for walleye is a medium action rod that’s 24-32 inches long.
The best bobber rod for walleye is a medium light action rod of the same length.
Buy the best reel you can afford.
Both rods will also work for trout.
4lb Berkley Trilene XT line in camo green is what the guide uses.
Try to find “ice buster” bobbers. These are yellow foam bobbers with a red bottom. Buy the medium size.
Buy a small bag of bobber stops (small strips of cord that hold your bobber in place and tell you how deep your spoon is jigging. Put one of these on each rod and cut the ends with 1” of extra line.
For jigs buy the #6 size of the northland fire-eye grub in one or two colors. The lindy frostee jig also works. Truthfully, and jig that’s around 1/8 oz will work.
For spoons, buy any medium sized spoon in chartreuse glow, silver, gold, and red glow. Pick a spoon style that you like the best.
The club has extra bobber stops, bobbers, and jigs that you can use. We have a few extra rods too if it’s your first time out.
SHFC members can “check out” the gas auger and bait bucket for the weekend (or weeknight) by emailing me the day before.
Board Meeting Minutes January 2009
Skyline Hunting and Fishing Club
Date: 1 / 4 / 2010
Meeting type:
Board X Membership □ Other □
Board Attendance:
David Mulholland (President) X David Norris (Vice President) X
Corey Kroll (Recording Secretary) X Walter Tang (Corresponding Secretary) X
Tom Frickell (Treasurer) X Dennis Dal Pra (Past President) X
Sherry Woodard (Director 2011) □ Tony Christensen (Director 2010) X
Keith Davis (Director 2009) X
Dave Harrison – Fishing Chair – present.
Call to order at 5:25 PM.
Dave Harrison presented some venue changes for the ice fishing at Chatfield Reservoir.
So far, 10 individuals e-mailed showing interest. Dave obtained a power ice auger for the club.
Ice fishing will start Wednesday, January 6th. Stated that both trout and walleyes are biting.
Membership renewal – Walter Tang wants to procure the range rules booklet for FY 2010
And has asked for an “official” copy of the range rules. Motion from Keith Davis to provide an
addendum to the range rules noting the storage and display location for the red “range in use”
flags. Motion carried. Corey Kroll to provide flag storage and display locations to Walter Tang.
Tony Christensen suggested having a membership renewal safety test question regarding
use of the flags. All agreed that this is a good item to include on the safety test.
Walter Tang brought up the issue of billing for the SHFC web site and that the mailings
need to be sent to the clubs P.O. box rather than to particular individuals.
Keith Davis will be taking over the club insurance issues from Ken Boetcher.
The club received a notice from the IRS of late tax filing. The club’s accountant is
coordinating with the IRS over the matter. It appears that there is a mis-understanding within
the IRS over the club’s fiscal year not aligning with the calendar year.
The banquet date has been set for Sunday, February 21st, tentatively again at Las Brisas,
although alternate venues are being considered (Roxboro golf course, Jack & Grill). Planning
is for 100 guests for a proposed 11:00 to 2:30 time period. Similar budgeting provisions as
for last year’s banquet. The deadline to complete is January 18th. The club is in the process
of developing the VIP guest list.
The road grader located on the range will be made operational in preparation for sale. Jack
Malin and Dave Mulholland will coordinate the required maintenance and expedite the sale.
Dave Mulholland will ask Scot Roby for a listing of gate card “swipes” from the range road
barricade on a quarterly basis.
Jamey Smith has agreed to continue to work the membership effort.
Meeting adjourned at 6:30 PM.
Minutes recorded by Corey Kroll, recording secretary, January 4, 2010, to be approved at next board meeting.
December 2009 Members Meeting Minutes
Skyline Hunting and Fishing Club
Date: 12 / 14 / 2009
Meeting type:
Board □ Membership X Other □
Board Attendance:
David Mulholland (President) X David Norris (Vice President) X
Corey Kroll (Recording Secretary) X Walter Tang (Corresponding Secretary) X
Tom Frickell (Treasurer) X Dennis Dal Pra (Past President) □
Sherry Woodard (Director 2011) □ Tony Christensen (Director 2010) X
Keith Davis (Director 2009) X
Call to order 5:20 PM
Introduction of new fishing chair, Dave Harrison, promoting the Wednesday, after work, Ice
fishing event.
Roll call of officers present.
Treasurers report – Tom Frickell: $115,000.00 balance. The club will be continuing to try
and sell the grader for additional funds. Only $35,000.00 to $40,000.00 of the budget has
been used so far. Individual groups can ask the Treasurer for their groups’ account balance.
Walter Tang provided a “reading” of the minutes from the previous BoD meeting from
memory as his notes were not available.
The hunter education date for the Colorado Division of Wildlife is scheduled for June 27th.
Funding was approved for fishing and for a $1000.00 club sponsorship of the new shooting
range being built in Como. This sponsorship will allow SHFC club members a one year ½
price discount for use of the facility. The expected opening of the Como range is May 1st, 2010.
More details will be provided as obtained. The 1st year membership cost will be $35.00, and
thereafter it will cost $50.00. Lifetime membership can be obtained for $350.00.
The annual banquet date has been set for February 21st with the venue still TBD.
Membership is disappointed that the manual trap thrower, which was removed from service
will not be repaired. The BoD will look into other options for installation of an alternate product.
The December newsletter was stated as having been distributed with the January
newsletter to be to be published next week.
Voting for next year’s slate of candidates for the Board of Directors will commence with the
January newsletter. All ballots will be due by February 4th.
Membership renewal is coming up beginning January 2010. The club’s approximate
membership count is between 650 and 700 members.
Committee Reports:
Ron Steen – nothing to report; Mitch Arnold – hunter education scheduled for Archery and
rifle. 2009 had 400-500 students. 8 animals were harvested on the company property in
2009. One buck deer tested positive for CWD. Mitch is still awaiting a BoD quorum decision
on the decisions regarding the wounding of animals. Mitch Arnold received the Colorado
Division of Wildlife hunter education instructor of the year for this area of Colorado; Ray
Schwindt – trap is not currently getting a lot of participation; Road conditions – road is graded
and is much improved; Keith Davis – foul weather shoot is scheduled for Saturday, January
23rd; CMP/high power – The last high power match was cancelled due to frigid weather;
Silhouette - matches still occurring as scheduled; NRA – 2010 training schedule is set; 3-gun
- match set for this [12/19] Saturday; Skeet – shooting every other Friday, will also shoot
Christmas eve. at 11:00 AM; Muzzle loader – annual turkey shoot was successful, will pick up
again starting January 9th 2010.
Unfinished Business:
Red range in use flags – Don’t forget to deploy. Plant protection – Dave Mulholland to
Initiate service request to replace phone at the 200 yard range.
New Business:
Nominations requested from the floor for club officers. Jim Cathcart and Tim Anderson
Nominated for President from the floor. Ron Gorski added as nominee for Recording
Secretary. Remainder of the slate of officers as candidates to be published. Dennis Casey
motioned to accept the ballot as presented, motion seconded, and approved by voice vote.
Motion to close the meeting made and seconded.
Meeting adjourned at 6:15 PM.
Minutes recorded by Corey Kroll, recording secretary, December 14, 2009, to be approved at next members meeting.
New Archery Hunting Regulations for hunting on LMSSC Property – Effective 2010 Season
Recently the Board had a discussion regarding the possible consequences of a wounded deer or elk being sighted by non hunters with an arrow in it either on or close to the LMSSC property. Each year, SHFC has to get special permission for its members to participate in the archery only hunting on LMSSC property. Any adverse publicity may impact the possibility of that special permission being granted by LMSSC Management. To minimize the possibility of wounded animals being wounded and sighted by the non-hunting public, the Board has voted to incorporate the following new regulations for the possible 2010 season:
- If a hunter wounds an animal on LMSSC property and is unable to recover it, that particular tag is no longer valid for use on LMSSC property. The hunter may continue to hunt in an effort to recover the wounded animal only. The hunter may also continue to hunt using other tags valid for another species.