Warsop Parish Council, Town Hall, Church Street, Warsop.

MINUTES of Finance and General Purposes Working Party held in the Town Hall on Monday 8th September, 2014 which commenced at 5.30pm.

Present: Cllrs. P. Crawford (Vice-Chair), J. Kerr, H. Kochanowski and J. Allin.

Apologies: Cllr S. Moody, (Chair).

494. Declarations of Personal and Prejudicial Interest

CCTV/Age Concern – Cllr. J. Allin. P. Crawford (AC) & H. Kochanowski (AC)

Meden Vale The Future – Cllrs. J. Kerr and J. Allin

Market Warsop Players – Cllr. S. Moody.

Footpaths Group & Unit 2000 – Cllr. H. Kochanowski & S Moody (Unit 2000)

Friends of the Carrs – Cllr. J. Kerr and P. Crawford

495. Minutes of the meeting held on 14th July, 2014. Accepted as a true record.

496. Town Hall:

a. British Gas – Still awaiting a letter of apology and they have asked if this is

enough, it was agreed to try for compensation.

b. Roof – Fothermill have been to survey the roof and have recommended that

it could be sprayed from the inside and the lead flashing could possibility

replaced using a cherry picker, awaiting a quote.

c. Infotech – Still need to arrange a meeting with Mike.

d. Fire Risk Assessment - Halina discussed with the group about obtaining a

fire risk assessment, she passed on contact details to arrange a site visit

and get a quote.

e. Rent increases – only Alan Meale has accepted in writing, so it was agreed

to go ahead and charge everyone the extra 5%.

497. Warsop Web – It was suggested we look at alternatives to cut costs on how much we are being charge by Carol Hill to put the minutes on. Copies of W&DN are now available on the Big Warsop website now. Halina suggested that we look at having our own website but it would need someone to do this and keep it updated.

498. Section 137 – Application received from Warsop Athletic FC for £200, it was discussed and decided that more information is needed. Cllr. Crawford will ring the manager.

499. AOB: None

Signed ……………………………… Date ……………….