Assessment Project Proposal Feedback


Assessment topic:

Reviewer Name: Date:

Assessment Proposal / Established / Developing / Underdeveloped / Comments
Relationship to Departmental Outcomes
(Question1) / Project assesses one or more departmentaloutcomes. / Lack of clarity in howproject assesses one or more departmentaloutcomes. / No connection or a stretch between proposed project and departmental outcomes.
Research Question(s)
(Question 2) / Research questions are specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic, and time-specific in that they can be answered this year. / Research questions lack clarity in one or more of these areas: specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic, and time-specific in that they can be answered this year. / Research questions are not specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic, or time-specific in that they can be answered this year.
Resultsfrom Previous Academic Year(s)
(Questions 3-4) / Assessment results from previous years were used to inform the proposed project OR this project is different from a past one. / If previous years’ assessment results were used to inform the proposed project, the relationship is unclear. / No link between previous assessment projects and the proposed project is given, or the proposed project is a replicate of one done in the past.
Relationship to Student LifeGoals or Strategic Initiatives
(Questions 5) / Projectaligns withone or more student life goals or strategic initiatives. / Lack of clarity in howproject aligns with one or more student life goals or strategic initiatives. / Project does not align with any student life goals or strategic initiatives.
Assessment Project
Rationale & Plans
(Question 6) / Project is clear and helps readers understand what hopes to be accomplished as well as the importance of this project to the department’s ability to better serve students. / Project needs to be developedto help readers understand what hopes to be accomplished and the importance of this project to the department’s ability to better serve students. / Project is unclear and does not help readers understand what hopes to be accomplished or does not establish the importance of this project to the department’s ability to better serve students.
Assessment Project
(Question 7) / Project is informed by research, a brief synopsis of which is provided. / The brief research synopsis needs to be developed to show how it informs the project. / No research synopsis is given to show how research informs the project.
Assessment Proposal / Established / Developing / Underdeveloped / Comments
Assessment Project Type
(Questions8-10) / Both project type and number and type of participants will adequately answer the research questions. / Assessment type is vague orwill not answer research questions sufficiently, or it is unclear whether the number or type of participants are adequate. / Assessment type is not appropriate for answering the research questions.Participants are not identified, or participant sample proposed will not answer the research questions.
Data Collection
(Question 11) / Clear plan for data collection. / It is unclear whether the plan for data collection is adequate. / Plan for data collection is questionable.
(Question12) / Mode of analysis aligns with assessment type. Clear plan for data analysis. / It is unclear whether the plan fordata analysis is adequate. / Incongruence between data to be collected and mode of analysis, or no clear plan.
(Question 13) / There are clear plans to share the results both within and outside the department. / It is unclear how the results will be shared. / There are no plans to share the results.
Final Report
(Question 14) / Final report can be completed by April 15. / It is unclear whether report can be completed by April 15. / Plans will not allow for final report to be completed by April 15.
IRB Approval
(Question 15) / Appropriate decision was made regarding IRB approval. If approval is needed, IRB application was completed. / It is unclear whether IRB approval will be needed or whether, if needed, approval will be sought. / The decision as to whether to seek IRB approval was inappropriate, or there are no plans to submit an IRB application if one is needed.

Assessment Office Review: Signature & Date:

Form Revised 9/2018

Assessment proposal is approved and ready to be implemented.

Concerns need to be addressed and the proposal resubmitted.

Major revisions are needed and the proposal resubmitted.

Form Revised 9/2018