National Agriculture Alumni and Development Association

Standard Operating Procedures

NAADA Standard Operating Procedure Manual

Table of Contents

President Job Description

Vice President Job Description

Treasurer Job Description

Secretary Job Description

Awards Committee

Education Committee

Finance/Sponsorship Committee

iCenter Committee

Marketing/Communications Committee

Membership Committee

Outreach Education Committee

Publications and Projects Competition

Student Programs Committee

Track Representative

Hold CTRL and click on a heading above to take you directly to that section.

President Job Description

Purpose of the job:

The President is the Chief Executive Officer of the Association and presides over meetings of the Board. The President is responsible for overseeing the association’s activities and working with staff to ensure that all aspects of the organization’s vision, mission and strategic plan are implemented.

Essential functions and responsibilities:

  1. Support and promote the Vision and Mission of NAADA.
  1. Preside over the Board Of Directors as Chairperson of the Board.
  • Set agendas for Board meetings.
  • Facilitate Board meetings. The President has the highest order of responsibility and expectation to review all key documents distributed for each Board meeting.
  • Call votes.
  • Preside over the Executive Committee.
  1. Serve as Chief Executive Officer of the Association
  • Manage the association’s relationship with the management company and other vendors.
  • Execute, in the name of the Association, all contracts and other documents authorized by the Board or necessary and incidental to the carrying out of the business of the Association.
  • Read and understand NAADA’s financial statements and otherwise assist the Board in fulfilling its fiduciary responsibility.
  • Read and understand governing documents.
  • Foster leadership growth among Board members and other Association members: groom future leaders.
  • Be the visionary leader of the Association.
  • Serve as an ex-officio member of all Committees.
  1. Communicate to members and the industry, and serve as needed as the Association’s representative and spokesperson.
  • Write monthly article/letter for NAADA Connections.
  • Present a report at the conference Annual General Meeting (AGM) and otherwise be responsible for the overall agenda and running of that meeting.
  • Attend other industry gatherings and special events as appropriate and as approved by the Board to represent NAADA in the industry.
  • Be the spokesperson for the Association as needed and authorized.
  1. Communicate frequently by both telephone and e-mail with regular frequency even if necessity is not demonstrated, but at a minimum:
  • With the Vice President weekly or more.
  • With the Executive Secretary weekly or more.
  • With other Board members as needed.
  • With individual members as needed.
  1. Transition considerations to becoming President.
  • Complete signature cards as needed (banks, financial institutions, other).
  • GetNAADA letterhead, stationary.
  • Update website letter from the President.
  • Set in-person board meeting location and schedule for the term.

Desired Skills and Experience

  • Experience serving in a leadership capacity(s) within NAADA and on the Board of Directors.
  • Knowledge of NAADA’s history, mission and goals.
  • Knowledge of the agricultural, life sciences and environmental sciences advancement professional and volunteer areas served by NAADA
  • Working knowledge of NAADA bylaws.
  • Ability to handle all NAADA business with tact, enthusiasm and commitment.
  • Ability to communicate effectively.
  • Ability to motivate Board, committee and regular members.
  • Ability to take responsibility and follow through on assignments.
  • Ability to work well with people individually and in a group.

Term of Service

The President serves a 2-year term, commencing in July following the NAADA Annual Conference. The President is elected in even numbered years.

Time Commitment

Board meetings are held in-person three times a year: once in the fall, once in the spring and once at the Annual Conference.Considering travel time, Board members should set aside 3-4 days for each. Additional Executive Committee meetings are held monthly via conference call and average an hours in length. Board communication between meetings is managed through email and the use of list servs.


  • Opportunity to make a difference for agricultural, life sciences and environmental sciences advancement professionals and volunteers, and the institutions they serve.
  • Gain or enhance experience in building and working with teams.
  • Increase knowledge of NAADA’s activities and resources.
  • Develop leadership skills.
  • Help to shape NAADA’s direction and goals.

Vice President Job Description

Purpose of the job:

The Vice President will assist the President in managing the affairs of the Association and is expected to become President of the association. The Vice President serves as the liaison to NAADA committees and tracks.

Essential functions and responsibilities:

  1. Support and promote the Vision and Mission of NAADA.
  1. Assist the President in managing the affairs of the Association.
  2. Preside over Board or Executive Committee meetings in the absence of the President.
  3. The Vice President has a high order of responsibility and expectation to review all key documents distributed for each Board meeting.
  4. Participate fully as a member of the Executive Committee in special meetings and in handling special situations as they arise.
  5. The Vice President will annually inform all volunteer leaders about the Association Antitrust policy.
  1. Serve as an ex-officio member of all standing and ad hoc Committees of the Association, and be responsible for supervising and coordinating the activities of Committees and Tracks in accordance with the Standing Rules and Bylaws of the Association.
  • Facilitate Conference Task Force calls.
  • Motivate volunteer leaders to maximize their participation levels and the value they deliver to members.
  1. Communicate frequently by both telephone and e-mail with regular frequency even if necessity is not demonstrated, but at a minimum:
  • With the President weekly or more.
  • With the Executive Secretary weekly or more.
  • With other Board members as needed.
  • With individual members as needed.

Desired Skills and Experience

  • Knowledge of NAADA’s history, mission and goals.
  • Knowledge of the agricultural, life sciences and environmental sciences advancement professional and volunteer areas served by NAADA
  • Working knowledge of NAADA bylaws.
  • Ability to handle all NAADA business with tact, enthusiasm and commitment.
  • Ability to communicate effectively.
  • Ability to motivate Board, committee and regular members.
  • Ability to take responsibility and follow through on assignments.
  • Ability to work well with people individually and in a group.

Term of Service

The Vice President serves a 2-year term, commencing in July following the NAADA Annual Conference. The Vice President is elected in even numbered years.

Time Commitment

Board meetings are held in-person three times a year: once in the fall, once in the spring and once at the Annual Conference.Considering travel time, Board members should set aside 3-4 days for each. Additional Executive Committee meetings are held monthly via conference call and average an hours in length. Board communication between meetings is managed through email and the use of list servs.


  • Opportunity to make a difference for agricultural, life sciences and environmental sciences advancement professionals and volunteers, and the institutions they serve.
  • Gain or enhance experience in building and working with teams.
  • Increase knowledge of NAADA’s activities and resources.
  • Develop leadership skills.
  • Help to shape NAADA’s direction and goals.

Treasurer Job Description

Purpose of the job:

The Treasurer is the Chief Financial Officer with responsibility for oversight of revenues and expenditures and reporting on the financial affairs of the Association to the Board and members.

Essential functions and responsibilities:

  1. Support and promote the Vision and Mission of NAADA.Represent the NAADA organization and membership as necessary and appropriate.
  1. Assist the President in managing the affairs of the Association.
  • The Treasurer has a high order of responsibility and expectation to review all key documents distributed for each Board meeting.
  • Participate fully as a member of the Executive Committee in special meetings and in handling special situations as they arise.
  1. Preside over the financial aspects of the organization.
  • Supervise the maintenance of accounts, receipts, collection of membership dues and assessments, deposits and disbursements by the Association and establish billing procedures as appropriate.
  • Advise the Board as to overall financial policy and budgets for Association activities.
  • At the discretion of the Board of Directors, arrange for and supervise an audit of the financial books of the Association.
  • Assist the Board in fulfilling its fiduciary responsibility.
  • Prepare and present the annual Treasurer Report to the membership at the Annual Conference
  • Ensure that the annual tax filing (Form 990) is completed.The tax filing will be prepared by an outside tax preparer and reviewed by the Executive Secretary prior to being given to the Treasurer. The Treasurer reviews, suggests changes/corrections as needed, approves, and can sign or have staff sign.
  • Participate in meetings with committees, chapters, members, etc. as needed when guidance in Association financial matters is required or requested.
  • Establish policies and procedures for the association as needed that relate to matters of the association's financial interests, submit to Executive Committee for vote.
  1. Present financial information to the Board.
  • Review monthly financials and work with staff to report on the financial condition of the Association at each meeting of the Board of Directors.
  • Share these monthly financial reports with the entire Board: Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss, Profit & Loss Actual vs. Budget, and Investment Report. These reports normally are reviewed only by the Treasurer (and shared with the Board only upon request): Check Detail and Previous Year Comparison.
  • Respond to financial questions during, or in advance of, the Board meeting.
  1. Oversee NAADA financial investments.
  • The Executive Secretary interfaces with NAADA investment companies.
  • The Treasurer and Executive Secretary together monitor: overall market interest rates, the performance of current investments, maturity dates (and therefore upcoming needs for reinvestments), NAADA cash position relative to expected expenses and incomes, to determine if additional investments can and should be made.
  • Based on this assessment, the Treasurer and Executive Secretary together determine what, if any, investments should be made or modified on an ongoing basis.
  • New and renewal investments are approved and signed for by David Ewald (with backup provided by the President) on NAADA’s behalf.
  1. Prepare the annual NAADA budget.
  • Working with the Treasurer, the Executive Secretary will solicit Committee budget requests (including for conference) beginning prior to the Annual Conference.
  • The Executive Secretary will prepare a draft budget for the Treasurer.
  • The Treasurer works with the Executive Secretary to finalize a proposed budget for presentation to the Board at the June meeting.
  • The Treasurer presents the proposed budget to the Board, answers questions, and shepherds its passage/adoption by the Board by September 30.
  1. Communicate frequently by both telephone and e-mail with regular frequency even if necessity is not demonstrated:
  • With the President.
  • With the ED.
  • With other Board members as needed.
  • With individual members as needed.
  1. Transition considerations to becoming Treasurer.
  • The Executive Secretary will guide you through this process and forward needed paperwork to you with instructions.
  • Sign paperwork to transfer your name onto all accounts.
  • Sign and return signature cards for checking account.

Desired Skills and Experience

  • Experience serving in a leadership capacity(s) within NAADA and on the Board of Directors.
  • Knowledge of NAADA’s history, mission and goals.
  • Knowledge of the agricultural, life sciences and environmental sciences Advancement professional and volunteer areas served by NAADA
  • Working knowledge of NAADA bylaws.
  • Ability to handle all NAADA business with tact, enthusiasm and commitment.
  • Ability to communicate effectively.
  • Ability to motivate Board, committee and regular members.
  • Ability to take responsibility and follow through on assignments.
  • Ability to work well with people individually and in a group.

Term of Service

The Treasurer serves a 2 year term, commencing in Junefollowing the NAADA Annual Meeting. The position shall be elected in odd-numbered years.

Time Commitment

Board meetings are held in-person three times a year: once in the fall, once in the spring and once at the Annual Conference.Considering travel time, Board members should set aside 3-4 days for each. Additional meetings are held monthly via conference call and average an hours in length. Board communication between meetings is managed through email and the use of list servs.


  • Opportunity to make a difference for agricultural, life sciences and environmental sciences advancement professionals and volunteers, and the institutions they serve.
  • Gain or enhance experience in building and working with teams.
  • Increase knowledge of NAADA’s activities and resources.
  • Develop leadership skills.
  • Help to shape NAADA’s direction and goals.

Secretary Job Description

Purpose of the job:

To capture and document important meetings for archival.This will include the annual meeting and any conference calls held by the Executive Committee and Board.Assist the Executive Secretary as needed during the year.

Essential functions and responsibilities:

  1. Support and promote the Vision and Mission of NAADA.
  1. Assist the President in managing the affairs of the Association.
  • Participate fully as a member of the Executive Committee in special meetings and in handling special situations as they arise.
  1. Preside over the administrative aspects of the organization.
  • Supervise the preparation, distribution and archiving of all minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors and Special Meetings of the Membership. The Secretary shall supervise the maintenance of paper and electronic records with the exception of financial records.
  • The Secretary will supervise the annual Officer and Director Election and other Membership voting as required.
  • The Secretary may sign in the name of the Association all documents authorized by the Board by specific or general resolution, and affix the seal to all instruments requiring the same, and shall perform all duties incidental to the office of Secretary, subject at all times to the direction of the Board.
  1. Communicate frequently by both telephone and e-mail with regular frequency even if necessity is not demonstrated:
  • With the President.
  • With the Executive Secretary.
  • With other Board members as needed.
  • With individual members as needed.

Desired Skills and Experience

  • Experience serving in a leadership capacity(s) within NAADA and on the Board of Directors.
  • Knowledge of NAADA’s history, mission and goals.
  • Working knowledge of NAADA bylaws.
  • Ability to handle all NAADA business with tact, enthusiasm and commitment.
  • Ability to communicate effectively.
  • Ability to motivate Board, committee and regular members.
  • Ability to take responsibility and follow through on assignments.
  • Ability to work well with people individually and in a group.

Term of Service

The Secretary serves a 2 year term, commencing in Junefollowing the NAADA Annual Meeting. The position shall be elected in odd-numbered years.

Time Commitment

Board meetings are held in-person three times a year: once in the fall, once in the spring and once at the Annual Conference.Considering travel time, Board members should set aside 3-4 days for each. Additional Executive Committee meetings are held monthly via conference call and average an hours in length. Board communication between meetings is managed through email and the use of list servs.


  • Opportunity to make a difference for agricultural, life sciences and environmental sciences advancement professionals and volunteers, and the institutions they serve.
  • Gain or enhance experience in building and working with teams.
  • Increase knowledge of NAADA’s activities and resources.
  • Develop leadership skills.
  • Help to shape NAADA’s direction and goals.

Operational Calendar:July – June


  • Review and circulate to Executive Committee and Board minutes from annual meeting
  • Executive Secretary should post the minutes on the website (Board only section)


  • Attend fall Board meeting – taking minutes of Executive Sessions and full Board meeting.
  • Following meeting, circulate minutes to Executive Committee, then have them posted by Executive Secretary on website.


  • Minutes of conference calls as needed during the year


  • Attend spring Board meeting – taking minutes of Executive Sessions and fall Board meeting
  • Following meeting, circulate minutes to Executive Committee, then have them posted by Executive Secretary on website.


  • Attend pre-conference Board meeting, taking minutes of session.
  • Attend Executive Committee Executive Session if held
  • Attend Annual Business Meeting
  • take roll call of institutions
  • prepare any ballots necessary
  • have minutes for the attendees (check with Executive Secretary)
  • take minutes of meeting
  • Attend post-conference Board meeting, taking minutes of session.
  • Circulate minutes for review to Executive Committee after the conference, then have Executive Secretary post them to website.

Description of duties and assignment of responsibilities:

  • Take minutes of meetings.
  • Keep archives for future reference
  • Pass along archive to next secretary at end of term (CD)

Measure(s) of Success:

  • Accuracy of minutes
  • Speed of availability for reference

Awards Committee

Purpose: To recognize NAADA membership and key volunteers within the organization. To solicit, review and select appropriate nominations for awards given by the association.Awards include: