KEEP+ factsheet for Academic Colleagues
Are you interested in translating your knowledge to current business scenarios while generating income and contributing to your research?
You could benefit from taking part in the KEEP+ programme
If you’re interested in taking part in KEEP+, this factsheet will provide youwith an overview of the Programme, its offering to businesses,the role and responsibilities involved with taking part and most importantly the benefits to you.
What is KEEP+?
The KEEP+ Programme is led by Anglia Ruskin University and delivered in partnership with, University Of Suffolk, University of Brighton, University of Essex, University of Greenwich, University of Hertfordshire, University of Kent and the East of England Local Government Association. KEEP+ gives researchers the opportunity to apply their knowledge to real business problems. KEEP+ will leverage European Regional Development Funding (ERDF) against SME match to provide subsidised innovation support services, including knowledge transfer and consultancy to local SMEs.We’re aiming toincrease companies’ profitability, create jobs, reduce costs and develop/adopt new products or services for businesses.
What are the benefits to you, the academic?
Getting involved with the kind of interventions supported by the KEEP+ Programme can support you to build your academic career by:
- Generating income for your faculty/department.
- Achieving impact through your research, which could contribute to REF.
- Applying knowledge and expertise to current business scenarios to validate your research.
- Developing long term relationships with the business sector, which can help you identify new research themes.
- Informing your teaching activities, including case studies and data for teaching and potentially projects for your undergraduate and/or postgraduate students.
- Providing employment opportunities for your most promising graduates.
What’s on offer?
There are three ways you can get involved in the Programme.
- KEEPs (Knowledge Exchange and Embed Partnership)– your Knowledge Transfer/Business Development office will support you to develop a partnership between an SME and your organisation to facilitate the k. You’ll supervise and mentor a graduate who’ll be specifically recruited to support the SME develop a new product and service, aided by your knowledge and expertise. There is a supporting capital grant available (max purchase value £20,000) for those projects which need to make capital investment to realise their goals.
- The KEEP Research and Innovation Collaborations – you’ll work in collaboration with an SME and potentially a larger corporate or public sector organisation to develop a new product or service. R&ICs require a more intensive level of feasibility work and research support from academic and technical colleagues than the KEEPs.There is a supporting capital grant available (max purchase value £20,000) for those projects which need to make capital investment to realise their goals.
- Innovation and Dissemination Network events – you can attend a series of events (free to both you and SMEs) that bring public and private sector players together with universities enabling you to initiate discussions with potential research and innovation partners.
What will I need to do if I am interested?
Talk to your Research or Knowledge Exchange Office – let them know that you’re interested in taking part, they will be delighted to hear from you.
Talk to your line manager – it’s vitalthat you involve your line manager at an early stage as any involvement in KEEP+ activities will involve time both on your behalf and possibly on behalf of colleagues involved in administration.
If you already have a partner business in mind make sure they are eligible for the KEEP+ Programme and that their business need matches the goals of the Programme - enquire toyour Research or Knowledge Exchange Office and let them know about the potential intervention. Please be aware that there is a requirement for the SME beneficiary to tender for the knowledge base with whom they will work so the opportunity to collaborate must be advertised for a period of time after thee SME’s eligibility for the Programme has been established. The business will need to complete an SME eligibility form and there will need to be a good match between the goals of the KEEP+ Programme and the business need. If in doubt please contact the KEEP+ Programme Management Team to discuss.
What will I need to do if I take part in a KEEP+ project?
For the KEEPs:
- Act as academic supervisor to the project, which will usually involve supervising the Associate’s activities on behalf of the Knowledge Base Partner
- Contribute directly to the academic element of the project activities, usually involving meetings at the place of business
- Contribute towards Interim and Final Reports
- Provide evidence of your activity in the form of timesheets
- Respond to all audit-related enquiries and requests in a timely and accurate manner
For the KEEP Research and Innovation Collaborations:
- Carry out the relevant research activities, as defined within the application form
- Provide evidence of your activity in the form of timesheets
- Complete the Final Report
- Respond to all audit-related enquiries and requests in a timely and accurate manner
If I already know of a potential SME partner how do I know if they are eligible?
To qualify for KEEP+ funding every project must be focussed on what the EU recognises as a small to medium sized enterprise (SME). To understand the full definition of an SME please read SME Definition User Guide - 2015, the following provides only a summary of the most relevant points. To qualify as an SME the business must:
- Be considered as an enterprise - an enterprise is “any entity engaged in an economic activity (the sale of products or services at a given price, on a given/direct market), irrespective of its legal form”
- Have its registered head office, as per its Companies House records, within England, ideally within the Programme’s qualifying geographical area (SELEP, GCGP, Hertfordshire and New Anglia LEP areas - see map below) OR have at least 75% of its economic activity occurring there
KEEP+ qualifying geographical area
- Employ fewer than 250 persons (including full/part-time/seasonal employees, owner/managers, secondees)
- Have EITHER an annual turnover not exceeding 50 million euro, OR an annual balance sheet total not exceeding 43 million euro as evidenced by last approved annual accounts or in the case of new businesses by a declaration from the SME containing a bona fide estimate of future turnover (exchange rate to be used is 1 euro = 0.78 pound sterling)
- Be no more than 25% owned by another company
If a potential SME partner has their registered head office outside the qualifying area but carries out at least 75% of their economic activity in that area they would have to complete an additional KEEP+ Economic Activity Statement form which MUST be submitted alongside their eligibility form.
Who’s paying?
The KEEP+ Programme is a match funded activity, with part of the costs of each activity being met by the European Regional Development Fund and part by the beneficiary SME, intervention rate are as follows:
SME contribution to costsRevenue towards running the project / Capital(max purchase value £20,000)
Innovation Internships / 50% / n/a
KEEPs / 50% / 70%
KEEP R&I / 50% / 70%
Innovation Network Events / FREE! / n/a
Only certain costs are eligible for funding and each application requires a detailed budget to be put together, this is done generally by the Research or Knowledge Exchange office of the participating university. It is vital that as an academic potentially active on a KEEP+ project that you understand what constitutes eligible costs and what type and level of costs have been agreed at application stage.
It should be noted that an SME will be required to pay to the relevant Knowledge Base the entirety of costs upfront and will claim back the percentages listed above retrospectively from the KEEP+ Programme itself. The schedule of the payments from the SME to the Knowledge Base is a matter for the partnership to decide, however no funds can be reclaimed from KEEP+ before they have been fully paid and evidencedby the SME.
I want to get involved, who do I contact?
Discuss with your line manager and Research or Knowledge Exchange Office tolet them know you areinterested in taking part in the KEEP+ programme, and if anyone has any questions contact the KEEP+ Management Team:
Carole Randall – KEEP+ Programme Manager
Phone: 01245684310
Post:Anglia Ruskin University, Research and Innovation Development Office, 3rd Floor Ashby House, Bishop Hall Lane, Chelmsford CM1 1SQ
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