This letter is for those athletes whose names are listed alongside numbers

11 to 16 in their category on the team selection sheet:

Your status in the Squad:

In the South-West Schools Cross-Country Championships on the 28th February, you have been selected as reserve. A reply to this letter is still required.

Ian Denison, Cross-Country Secretary,

82 Leigh Road,

Wimborne Minster,


BH21 1AJTel:01202 842499

Mobile07957 209024

Thursday 29th January 2009

Dear Athlete,

On behalf of the Dorset Schools Athletic Association, I would like to invite you to be a reserve for Dorset at the South-West Schools Cross-Country Championships at Taunton Race Course on Saturday 28th February 2009. Please read all the details in this letter. It is essential that you give me your reply by Wednesday 12th February. An emailed Word document (not PDF format, please) will be quickest. This will ensure that any follow-up calls can be made before Half-Term.

I must stress that I need to receive your reply even though you are a reserve. Failure to reply may jeopardise your place in the squad. After the South-West Schools Championships, I will contact you by phone to inform you of your selection status for the English Schools on the 21st Marchat Stanford Hall, near Kegworth, in Leicestershire. At the moment, please do not send any payment. If you are required to run, I will contact you by phone. If I do not contact you, I am sorry, but unfortunately it means that you will not be needed.

If you are unavailable, please telephone me immediately on: 01202 842499.

To contact me on the day of the race, please use my mobile number: 07957 209024


To keep costs down, the DSAA will be providing minibuses for those who are unable to make their own way to the event. These will leave from the following points:

  • King's Park:9:00 am
  • QE School, Wimborne9:15 am
  • Bryanston School gates:9:30 am
  • Leweston School:9:45 am
  • Colfox School:9:15 am

Event Fee:

Do not send this yet. If you are asked to run, please bring it with you on the day. Cheques for £7 payable to “Dorset Schools A.A.” This covers all expenses except purchase of a Dorset team vest (see below).


Runners will need to wear the correct county green vest and black shorts. If you wish to borrow a vest, please indicate the size on your reply slip You will need to bring food and drink, plus plastic bags to keep your tracksuit dry and to put your muddy shoes in. The course is suitable for spikes or cross-country studs. You must also bring four safety pins for your number. Changing and showering facilities may be extremely limited.


The venue is Taunton Race Course. Full details of the event, as produced by Somerset Schools AA, is copied at the end of this letter

Programme of Events:

  • Please refer to the information below

The first race will start at 1.30 pm

Team Managers / Officials.

You will be allocated a Team Manager; (s)he will show you the start / finish areas and the important parts of the course, as well as lead your warm-up session; prior to this, it is important that you save energy and stay off your feet as much as possible.

What you should do now:

Fill in the relevant sections of the reply slip and return it by email to (if for some reason this address is inoperative, then or may be used) Your reply must reach me by Wednesday 12th February at the latest. Apologies, but I will not be able to accept replies after that date.

If I contact you to ask you to run, please also send a match fee (cheques payable to Dorset Schools AA) of £7, to: Ian Denison, 82 Leigh Road, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 1AJto reach me by the day of the Championships at the very latest. Alternatively, bring the fee with you on the day.

If for some reason you are unable to compete, please would you telephone me immediately on: 01202 842499 (home) / 01258 453348 (school). Alternatively, email me on:

If there is an urgent need to contact me on the day, please use my mobile number: 07957 209024



South-West Schools Cross-Country Championships, Taunton Race Course: Saturday 28th February 2009


Name…………………………… Age Group……..… School………………………

Home Address…………………………………………………………………….……

Postcode……………Home Telephone …….….…… Emergency No………………...

Travel to the South-West Schools Cross-Country Championships on Saturday 28th February (please tick)

I would like to take up the offer of minibus transport, to be picked up at:

  • King's Park:9:00 am
  • QE School, Wimborne9:15 am
  • Bryanston School gates:9:30 am
  • Leweston School:9:45 am
  • Colfox School:9:15 am

(please circle as appropriate)

I will be making my own way to the event

Kit requirement: (Please circle details as appropriate)

  • I would like to borrow a county vest size: 3234363840

Fees for the South-West Schools Cross-Country Championships

If required to run, an event fee of £7 (Cheques payable to “Dorset Schools AA”)

Additional important information (this section MUST be filled in):

Please list any known relevant medical or dietary conditions and current medication: ……………………………………………………………………………………...…


Your doctor’s name and phone number (including area code): ………………………

If you are under 18 years old, your parents’ signature. If you are boarding at school, the member of staff responsible for your welfare signs this on behalf of your parents:

“I / We give permission for our son / daughter to participate in the South West Schools Cross-Country Championship. I / We give consent for emergency medical treatment should this be necessary. I / We consent to any reasonable disciplinary measures undertaken by the accompanying staff in order to ensure the safe and smooth running of the event.”


Return this form no later than Wednesday 12th February to:


and (if asked) payment to:

Ian Denison, 82 Leigh Road, Wimborne Minster, Dorset BH21 1AJ


Taunton Racecourse.

  • You will see from the contained information that the course the athletes will be using will be set out on the infield of the horse racecourse.
  • It is vitally important that all competitors and spectators keep off the racecourse itself and that only the one access point to the centre of the racecourse is used.
  • We will utilise laps of four different distances:
  • very small lap -ABCK
  • small lap -ABDIK
  • medium lap -ABEHK
  • large lap -ABFGK

Senior Boys1 small + 3 large6950m1.30 pm

Minor Girls2 small1965m1.31 pm

Junior Girls1 very small + 2 medium2900m1.55 pm

Intermediate Boys1 medium + 2 large5210m2.10 pm

Intermediate Girls3 medium3500m2.30 pm

Senior Girls3 medium3500m2.45 pm

Junior Boys3 medium3500m3.00 pm

Minor Boys1 very small + 2 medium2900m3.15 pm

  • The above distances are approximate as the cross country laps are dependent upon the position of the inner rail of the racecourse.
  • The start area, admin. area and finish area are in very close proximity, being within a triangle of approximately 80 metres.
  • Access to all parts of the course is easy with spectators almost certainly viewing the races from the infield. The open concrete grandstand will, as one would expect, also give a good view of the course. It must be remembered, however, there is only one access point to the centre of the racecourse.
  • The course itself will almost certainly be deceptively difficult. The grass is fairly long and coarse. There are gravel paths in places, which athletes could use as an alternative to grass. There is an incline up towards the finish. The area can be quite windswept.
  • This is in fact the one possible problem (as can be remembered from 2002!) in that only the open grandstand gives shelter from the weather. Athletes and team managers must therefore prepare wisely for inclement weather.
  • We ask that male athletes utilise the team coaches for changing. Male toilets can be found behind the admin. block in the centre of the course. There are also a couple of female toilets here also.
  • Changing accommodation and toilet facilities are limited. We have decided therefore to utilise the jockeys’ changing room under the main grandstand for female athletes. There are numerous toilets within.
  • Therefore, we would urge all athletes to arrive changed.
  • Light, hot refreshments will be on sale during the afternoon.
  • Entry to the venue must be via the first entrance journeying from Taunton. This gives easy access for both cars and coaches. Team coaches will be directed in front of the grandstands. There is ample room for turning so that exit is via the same ‘entrance’. Cars will park in the grass areas leading towards the grandstands. There is ample hardcore under the grass.
  • Programmes will be on sale at the entrance to the course.
  • Team declarations must be made at the admin. area on the inside of the course by 1.00pm.
  • Set(s) of results will also be available from here at the end of the meeting.
  • Individual presentations will take place at the end of each race. Team presentations will take place in front of the admin. area as soon as possible after the last race.

Taunton Racecourse is on the B3170 road from Taunton to Corfe & Honiton, approx 2 miles south of Taunton town centre. Leave the M5 at Junction 25, and travel towards Taunton, following the signs for Racecourse.

If you are travelling on the A303 or from Dorset or South Somerset, take the A358 which crosses under the M5 and pick up the Racecourse signs. For those travelling from North Devon or Minehead, the B3170 leaves Taunton from the traffic lights by the town centre Sainsbury’s.
