Welcome to Honors PreCalc !!!

Mr. Gibbon

“We have to reinvent the wheel every once in a while, not because we need a lot of wheels; but because we need a lot of inventors.”

-author unknown

Teacher Mr. Gibbon,

Phone: (414) 351-8250

Email :

Webpage: http://www.nicolet.k12.wi.us/faculty/dgibbon/

Materials Students should have with them on a daily basis :

Three ring loose-leaf binder with paper


Graphing Calculator

General Rules It is very important to me that you treat others in the class with respect at all times. We will be more productive as a class working together

All students are to be in their seats and ready to work when the tone sounds. Three tardies = one detention.

Students are expected to follow all school rules as outlined in the student handbook

No Food or Drinks in the classroom

“There’s no I in team, no food in Math.

No hats or coats in the classroom

Grading Quarter grades 85% Tests and Quizzes 15% homework (see below)

Semester grades 40% each quarter 20% Final Exam

Grading Scale The school grading scale is found on page 3 of the student planner.

Tests There will be approximately 3-4 tests per quarter..

Quizzes, sometimes unannounced, will be smaller point values than tests

If a test or quiz is missed due to absence, the retake may or may not be of the same form as the missed test or quiz, although the same content will be tested.

“homework” factors impacting quarter grades

Daily homework completion - effort only

Homework is checked daily for completedness, this means work is shown.

There are 5 points possible every assignment.

Homework is posted as a unit score.

Notebook contents, organization, and neatness will affect homework grade.

Keys to success: Do daily work.

Be willing to ask questions in class.

Seek help from me when you are having difficulty.

Keep up with your daily work.

Participate in class and ask questions.

Be willing to stay after or meet before school for help.

Keep up with your daily work.

You may at some point want to stay after for extra learning.

Collaborate with others in class. ( Just not during a test)