Summary of minutes of a meeting

Burrowes Building Renovation

Project Kick-off Meeting

26 June 2012

124 Sparks Building, Penn State University

1. Introductions

* Susan Welch, Dean of the College of the Liberal Arts and Professor of Political Science;

* Ron Filippelli, Associate Dean Emeritus and Professor Emeritus of Labor Studies and Employment Relations;

* Chris Hort, Assistant Director of Administrative Operations;

* Carey Eckhardt, Head, Department of Comparative Literature, Director of the School of Languages and Literatures, and Professor of Comparative Literature and English;

* Mark Morrisson, Head, Department of English and Professor of English;

* Rich Riccardo is attending this meeting in lieu of Dave Zehngut – OPP, University Architect;

* Chad Spackman – OPP, Facilities Project Manager;

* Michael Prifti, FAIA, Principal-in-Charge, BLT Architects;

* Nicole M. Dress, AIA, LEED AP, Project Manager BLTa;

* Kyle Kernozick, RA, Project Architect, BLTa;

* Jeff Polo, PE, Project Manager, Vanderweil Engineering;

* Jim Miller, PE, LEED, Mechanical Engineer, Vanderweil Engineering

2. Review of Project Expectations

Physical Facilities

* OPP didn’t envision moving many walls

* Windows on wings facing east and west would be greatly desired.

* Electricity is at capacity and needs to be fixed.

* Increase usable space “storage configurations”.

* The lack of connectivity between the 2nd and 3rd floors; one loses the sense of location.

* The roof leaks.

* Student activity - small partial lounges and waiting spaces are needed.

* Need a faculty lounge that is acoustically separated.

* English Department has spent considerable effort consolidating into the Ground and 1st Floor; would like to maintain that cohesiveness for the department.

* Reconfiguration of spaces in the core is not out of the question as many functions are outsourced to other buildings, which cost the College money.

* In one instance on the ground floor, the College had planned to enlarge a seminar room into the adjacent, abandoned office. This work will now be postponed for this project. This work was to create a slightly larger room for department meetings and poetry readings.

* Agrees that a faculty lounge is necessary.

* Flexibility for future programming necessary.

* Need many more offices, a substantial amount more.

* Current configuration of offices in wings is terrible, but the faculty love them because they’ve gotten an office that was to have housed two people and many have it to themselves.

* New offices to have better furnishings.

Building Characteristics

* Historic building with modern functionality

* Loves old character, but not many of the spaces “showcase” the grand aesthetics.

3. Faculty-Staff Committee

The College has a committee established and we discussed how to involve this committee in the process. At end of the next meeting, there will be a half-hour presentation by BLT of the plans for the project.

4. CLA website

The College discussed creating a page on their website that would contain pertinent information.

5. Swing Space

* OPP is attempting to find appropriate swing space to be able to abandon whichever portion of the building is affected so that construction can be uninhibited.

* College is interested in moving people once at most, if possible.

* Perhaps people from one wing could double-up in the other wing, thus not being located to far reaches of campus.

6. M/E/P Overview

* Will bring new services into the basement.

* There will be excavation outside of building.

* If center section is abandoned, then work will not be disruptive to faculty who remain in other sections of building.

* During initial phases, Vanderweil Engineering will be testing feasibility of various heating and cooling solutions.

* Locations of connections to campus systems will be verified.

* Preliminary load calculations will be done.

* Preliminary energy modeling will be done.

* Concept- at end will have all the pieces of the puzzle, and will have done much of the research.

* Schematic Design – we’ll begin to put the various component pieces together (discarding some).

7. FF&E

* Majority of building needs all new furniture

* May use the existing furniture in the swing space.

* Faculty offices furniture - refer to new wing of Moore Building.

8. Schedule

* Reviewed overall schedule and milestone dates.

* Construction is anticipated to begin September 2013, so faculty will have to have moved over summer break.

* Design phases total approx. 13 meetings with this Steering Committee.

* Decision on which part of building is the first phase will have to be resolved by the end of Schematic Design phase (end of October) to maintain current schedule.

9. Steering Committee Meetings

Steering Committee Meetings will occur every other Tuesday from 10am-12pm through the end of December, unless otherwise noted.

10. Next Meeting - 7/10/12

* Programming 10:00am-11:30am

* Faculty/Staff 11:30am-12:00pm

Burrowes Building Renovation

Preliminary scope of work:


• Replace doors and windows (possible Historic preservation requirements).

• Site work- lighting, sidewalks, landscaping (minimal).

•Site utility work- extend Campus chilled water to Burrowes and Oswald Tower, install new electrical and telecom ductbanks to Burrowes.

• Upgrade exterior entrances for ADA and also to comply with University access control policies.

• Masonry was re-painted and cleaned in 2010 and roof was replaced in 2001 - so minimal work is anticipated for these portions of the envelope.


• Asbestos Abatement- ceilings, floors, pipe insulation, window caulking, etc.

• Install new flooring and ceilings.

• Painting- only where needed.

•Minimal wall/partition changes, with the exception of reconfiguring the faculty and graduate student offices in the north and south wings. These offices should be reconfigured to be more efficient and to gain additional office space.

• Upgrades for ADA - doors and hardware, restrooms, and address accessible circulation path between the central section and the north I south wings.

• Address code issues with the stairwells and interconnecting ramps between the central section and wings of the building.

• Upgrades to classrooms (finishes and technology).

• Elevator upgrades.

• Replace HVAC and plumbing systems. Add air conditioning to entire building.

• Install sprinkler system.

• Upgrade electrical system and install new lighting.