Teacher Name: Mr. Lewis
Student Name: ______
CATEGORY / Excellent 4 / Good 3 / Satisfactory 1-2 / Poor 0-1
Creativity / -project has original and innovative mechanics, story and design is unique, several customized sprites and a detailed stage have been used / -project is similar to an existing project but with a different feel, story or design is similar to another project, several sprites and a stage have been used / -project design shows signs of basic interaction, a sprite and a stage have been used / -project is non-existent, project is missing a stage and/or a sprite
Appearance / -use of multiple colours to form a detailed environment, animations flow seamlessly
- multiple backdrops / -use of several colours to provide the necessary environment, animations run with smoothly but with minor irregular movements that do not interfere with project play / -only a few colours are used but the environment is there, animations run choppy and somewhat interfere with project play / -little to no colour is used, animations are non-existent and/or are not present
(see below) / The project exceeds the list of requirements / - minimum list of requirements has been met / 1 or 2 requirements not met fully / -several requirements not fully met, or some are completely missing
X2 / f / -project mechanics run but with minor interrupts that do not affect project play, project has a start and an end but could use some more information displayed / -project mechanics do not run smoothly and affect project play, project has a start but does not end and no project information displayed / -project mechanics are non-existent and the project doesn’t work, project seems to have no purpose and leaves user confused
Use of Logic Programming / -uses most of the logic programming blocks (sensing, motion, sound, music), advanced use of logic programming to allow calculations /control/if then statements /multiple players / -uses several logic programming blocks of different types, uses logic programming to allow user to interact with project / -uses two different logic programming blocks, user has very little control or interaction with the project / -uses only one type of logic programming block, user has no input into the project
- 4 sprites, each with their own scripts. Some sprites may use the same script, but they cannot all be copies of each other. Remember, you can import images to be sprites.
- Multiple backdrops. This might be different “pages” or “chapters” of a story, or different levels of a game. These may include pictures, edited pictures, and drawings imported from other programs.
- Sound: incudes appropriate background music or sound effects.
- Splash/Instruction screen. Create a screen that tells the user how to control/proceed through the project. This should be the first screen to open.
Any media (pictures, video, sound) from outside sources must be credited, possibly on the splash screen.