Technical standards for components of the rail system

In order to be placed in the European Union (EU) market components of the rail system must meet the essential requirements laid down by Directive 96/48/EC (OJ L-235 17/09/1996) on the interoperability of the Trans-European high speed rail system or Directive 2001/16/EC (OJ L-110 20/04/2001) on the interoperability of the Trans-European conventional rail system.

Product Scope

Provisions laid down in Directive 96/48/EC (OJ L-235 17/09/1996) apply to the products destined to be integrated in the European high speed rail system as it is defined in Annex I. The system comprises trains conceived to operate at speeds of the order of 200 Km/h and the railway infrastructures to be operated at high speeds (i.e. new built lines equipped for speeds of at least 250 Km/h and upgraded existing lines equipped for speeds of the order of 200Km/h).

Provisions laid down in Directive 2001/16/EC (OJ L-110 20/04/2001) apply to the products to be incorporated in the European conventional rail system as it is defined in Annex I. The system comprises the lines, fixed installations and the rolling stock (including mobile railway infrastructure and construction and maintenance equipment) designated to travel or be installed on the conventional infrastructure.

Both rail systems are divided into five structural subsystems (i.e. infrastructures, traffic operation and management, energy, rolling stock, and control command and signalling) and two operational subsystems (i.e. maintenance and telematics applications for passenger and freight services) which are laid down in Annex II of the respective directives (conventional / high speed).

Essential requirements

The essential requirements to be met are laid down in Annex III of each Directive (conventional / high speed). Essential requirements on safety, health, reliability, environmental protection and technical compatibility are set up globally for each rail system and specifically for each of the subsystems.

Technical specifications for interoperability (TSI)

TSIs are the specifications establishing the means by which each subsystem or parts of them must meet the essential requirements.TSIs define as well the smallest units of a subsystem for which conformity may need to be assesed, refered to as “interoperability constituents”. TSI´s are established for the whole European Union and published in the form of Decisions in the Official Journal of the European Communities.

TSI’s do not cover still all subsystems, new TSIs will be gradually added with the objective of covering all subsystems for both the conventional and the high speed rail networks. In the absence of TSIs or when these are incomplete, European Harmonised Standards may apply. Harmonised standards are technical specifications that would enable to meet the essential requirements. Products manufactured according to these harmonised standards benefit from a presumption of compliance with the essential requirements.

When neither TSI´s or European Harmonised Standards exist or are incomplete, national rules may be used to determine compliance with the essential requirements. These National Rules are notified by each MemberState to the European Commission.

Latest TSIs for the high speed rail system are established by Decision 2002/731/EC (OJ L- 245 12/09/2002). For the Conventional rail system, Decisions 2006/679/EC and 2006/66/EC (OJ L-37 08/02/2006) established the TSIs for control command and signalling and for the telematic applications subsystems respectively.

Harmonised standards are developed by the European Standardisation bodies: The European Committee for standardisation (CEN) and the European Committee for Electrotechnical standardisation (CENELEC) and published in the Official Journal of the European Communities. A list with harmonised standards for the high speed rail system is available at:

Conformity assessment

The conformity assessment process is required to certify that products comply with the essential requirements laid down in the applicable Directive. The procedure differs for subsystems and interoperability constituents:

1) Subsystems: EC verification procedure

The EC verifications procedure is the process by which a notified body verifies the conformity of a subsystem with the provisions of the applicable legislation, and thus it can be put into service. Notified Bodies are organisations designated by each memberState and notified to the Commission and the other memberStates, that are in charge of assessing manufacturer’s conformity to the essential requirements when a third party is required.

Manufacturers or EU authorised representatives shall apply to a notified body to start the procedure and once it is concluded draw up a EC declaration of verification which shall include the following: the Directive references, name and address of the contracting entity or his authorised representative, brief description of the subsystem, name and address of the notified body involved in the inspection process, references of the documents contained in the technical file, any operating restrictions or conditions, duration of validity of the EC declaration in case it is temporary and the identity of signatory.

The EC declaration must be accompanied by a technical file which shall include the information contained in Annex VI of the applicable Directive (conventional / high speed).

2) Interoperability constituents: EC declaration of conformity

The EC declaration of conformity is required to symbolise the conformity of “interoperability constituents” with the relevant essential requirements.

The specific assessment procedures to be followed by notified bodies are established in the relevant TSIs. Once the notified body has conducted the applicable conformity assessment procedure, the manufacturer or his authorised representative in the EU must draw up a EC declaration of conformity which shall include: the Directive references, name and address of the manufacturer or his authorised representative, description of interoperability constituents (make, type etc), description of the procedure followed in the conformity assessment procedure, name and address of the notified body involved in the procedure, conditions of use and reference to the relevant standards.


  • Directive 1996/48/EC on the interoperability of the Trans-European high speed rail system
  • Directive 2001/16/EC on the interoperability of the Trans-European conventional rail system
  • Council Decision 2004/447/EC modifying Annex A to Decision 2002/731/EC of 30 May 2002 and establishing the main characteristics of Class A system (ERTMS) of the control-command and signalling subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system referred to in Directive 2001/16/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L-155 30/04/2004)
  • Council Decision 2006/66/EC concerning the technical specification for interoperability to the subsystem rolling stock-noise of the trans-European convetional rail system (OJ L-37 08/02/2006)
  • Council Decision 2006/679/EC concerning the technical specification for interoperability relating to the control-command and and signalling subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system (OJ L-284 16/10/2006)

Other information sources

European Commission - DG Enterprise and Industry:

Additional information for Austria

Competent authority / competent bodies

Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie - BMVIT (Federal Ministry of Traffic, Innovation and Technology)
Sektionsleitung IV - Schiene, Wasser und Verkehrs-Arbeitsinspektorat (Department IV- Rail, Water and Transport Inspectorship)
Radetzkystraße 2
AT-1030 Wien
Tel: (+43) 1 711 62 2800
Fax: (+43) 1 711 62 2899

Standardisation body

Österreichisches Normungsinstitut - ON (Austrian Standards Institute)
Heinestraße 38
AT-1020 Wien
Tel: (+43) 1 213 00 0
Fax: (+43) 1 213 00 818

Notified bodies


  • Eisenbahngesetz 1957, BGBl. Nr. 60/1957 - Railway Act
  • Eisenbahnverordnung 2003, BGBl. II Nr. 209/2003 - Railway Order

Additional information for Belgium

Competent authority / competent bodies

Service public fédéral Mobilité et Transports (Federal Public Service Mobility and Transports)

Rue du Progrés 56
B-1210 Bruxelles
Tel: (+32) 2 277 31 11
Fax: (+32) 2 277 40 05

Standardisation bodies

Competent body for homologation and registration of standards

Belgisch Instituut voor Normalisatie – BIN / Institut Belge de Normalisation - IBN (Belgian Institute for Standardisation)

Brabançonnelaan / Avenue de la Brabançonne 29
B-1000 Brussel / Bruxelles
Tel: (+32) 2 738 01 11 / (+32) 2 738 01 12
Fax: (+32) 2 733 42 64

Competent body for standardisation in the field of electricity

Belgisch Elektrotechnisch Comité – BEC/ Comité Electrotechnique Belge - CEB (Belgian Electrotechnical Committee)

August Reyerslaan 80 / Boulevard Auguste Reyers 80
B-1030 Brussel / Bruxelles
Tel: (+32) 2 706 85 70
Fax: (+32) 2 706 85 80

Notified body

Belgorail S.A.
Rue Ravenstein, 60, b 7
BE-1000 Bruxelles
Tel: (+32) 25 48 37 63
Fax : (+32) 25 48 53 31
E-mail :


Arrêté royal of 15/05/2003 on the interoperability of the Trans-European conventional rail system (MB of 27/06/2003)

Additional information for Cyprus

Competent authority / competent bodies

Ypourgeio Ygkoinonion kai Ergon (Ministry of Communications and Works)

Acheon 28
CY-1421 Nicosia
Tel: (+357) 22 800 288
Fax: (+357) 22 776 266

Standardisation body

Kypriakos Organismos Typopoiisis (Cyprus Organisation for Standardisation)

Corner of Leoforos Lemesou and Kosta Anaxagora 30
CY-2014 Nicosia
Tel: (+357) 22 411 411
Fax: (+357) 22 411 511

Additional information for the Czech Republic

Competent authority / competent bodies

Ministerstvo dopravy (Ministry of Transport)
Odbor drah, železniční a kombinované dopravy (Railway and Combined Transport Department)

Nábřeží Ludvíka Svobody 12/1222
P.O. Box 9
CZ-110 15 Praha
Tel: (+420) 225 131 111
Fax: (+420) 225 131 184

Standardisation body

Český normalizační institut - ČNI (Czech Standards Institute)
Biskupský dvůr 5
CZ-110 02 Praha
Tel: (+420) 221 802 111
Fax: (+420) 221 802 301


  • Zákon o dráhách (č. 226/1994 Sb.), 14.12.1994 (Law on the Railway System)
  • Zákon o technických požadavcích na výrobky (č. 22/1997 Sb.), 24.1.1997 (Law on Technical Requirements for Products)
  • Zákon o České obchodní inspekci (č. 64/1986 Sb.), 20. 10. 1986 (Law on Czech Commercial Inspection)
  • Vyhláška o provozní a technické propojenosti evropského železničního systému (č. 352/2004 Sb.), 20.5.2004 (Edict on the Interoperability of the European Railway System)
  • Nařízení o technických požadavcích na provozní a technickou propojenost evropského železničního systému (č. 133/2005 Sb.), 9.3.2005 (Order on the Interoperability of the European Railway System)

Additional information for Denmark

Competent authority / competent bodies

Trafikstyrelsen (National Rail Authority)

Adelgade 13
DK-1304 København K
Tel: (+45) 7226 7000
Fax: (+45) 7226 7070

Standardisation body

Dansk Standard (Danish Standards Association)

Kollegievej 6
DK-2920 Charlottenlund
Tel: (+45) 3996 6101
Fax: (+45) 3996 6102

Notified bodies


BEK nr 347 of 20/04/2006. Order of ineroperability in the transeuropean railway net

Additional information for Estonia

Competent authority / competent bodies

Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications)
Teede- ja raudteeosakond (Road and Railways Department)

Harju tn 11
EE-15072 Tallinn
Tel: (+372) 4865 732
Fax: (+372) 6313 660

Standardisation body

Eesti Standardikeskus MTÜ (Estonian Centre for Standardisation)

Aru 10
EE-10317 Tallinn
Tel: (+372) 6055 050
Fax: (+372) 6055 070


  • Raudteeseadus (Railways Act) of 19 November 2003 (RT I 2003, 79, 530)
  • Raudtee tehnokasutuseeskirja kinnitamine - Regulations of technical use of railways of 09/07/1999 (RTL 1999/127/1773)

Additional information for Finland

Competent authority / competent bodies

Ratahallintokeskus (Finnish Rail Administration)

Kaivokatu 6
P.O.Box 185
FIN-00101 Helsinki
Tel: (+358) 9 5840 5111
Fax: (+358) 9 5840 5100

Standardisation body

Suomen Standardisoimisliitto - SFS (Finnish Standards Association)

Maistraatinportti 2
FIN-00241 Helsinki
Tel: (+358) 9 149 9331
Fax: (+358) 9 146 4925

Notified bodies

  • DNV Certification oy/ab

Nahkahousuntie 3
FIN-00210 Helsinki
Tel: (+358) 9 681 691
Fax: (+358) 9 692 6827

  • Ratahallintokeskus (Finnish Rail Administration)

Kaivokatu 6
P.O.Box 185
FIN-00101 Helsinki
Tel: (+358) 9 5840 5111
Fax: (+358) 9 5840 5100


Rautatielaki. Act on Railroads of 29 June 2006, (Suomen säädöskokoelma 2006/555)

Additional information for France

Competent authority / competent bodies

Ministère de l'Équipement, des Transports, de l'Aménagement du territoire, du Tourisme et de la Mer (Ministry of equipment, transports, oraganisation of the territory, housing, tourism and marine affaires)
Arche Sud
92055 La Défense Cedex
Tel: (+33) 1 40 81 21 22

Standardisation bodies

General standardisation

Association française de normalisation - AFNOR (French Standardisation Association)

11, Rue Francis de Pressensé
F-93571 Saint-Denis la Plaine Cedex
Tel: (+33) 1 41 62 80 00 / (+33) 1 41 62 76 44
Fax: (+33) 1 49 17 90 00

Standardisation in the field of electricity

Union Technique de l'Electricité - UTE (Technical Union for Electricity)
Bureau de normalisation auprès de l'AFNOR (Bureau for Standardisation before AFNOR)

Tour Chantecoq
5, rue Chantecoq
F-92808 Puteaux Cedex
Tel: (+33) 1 49 07 62 00
Fax: (+33) 1 44 78 73 51

Notified body

Agence de certification ferroviaire (CERTIFER)

154, Boulevard Harpignies
F-593000 Valenciennes
Tel: (+33) 3 27 28 35 00
Fax: (+33) 3 27 28 35 09


  • Décret n° 2001-129 of 08/02/2001 implementing Council Directive 96/48 on the interoperability of the Trans European high speed rail system (JO nº35 of 10/02/2001)
  • Loi n° 2004-237 of 18/03/2004 authorising the governement to implement European Directives and apply certain disposition of European law (JO nº67 of 19/03/2004)

Additional information for Germany

Competent authority / competent bodies

Eisenbahn-Bundesamt - EBA (Federal Railway Authority)

Vorgebirgsstrasse 49
DE-53119 Bonn
Tel: (+49) 228 9826 0
Fax: (+49) 228 9826 119

Standardisation body

Deutsches Institut für Normung - DIN (German Standardisation Institute)

Burggrafenstraße 6
DE-10787 Berlin
Tel: (+49) 30 2601 0
Fax: (+49) 30 2601 1231

Notified bodies


  • Konventioneller-Verkehr-Eisenbahn-Interoperabilitätsverordnung - KonVEIV - BGBl I 2005, 1653, 9.6.2005 (Order on the Interoperability of Traffic)
  • Allgemeines Eisenbahngesetz - AEG - BGBl I 1993, 2378, 2396 (1994, 2439), 27.12.1993 (Law on Railway System)
  • Verordnung über die Interoperabilität des transeuropäischen hochgeschwindigkeitsbahnsystems - EIV - BGBl I 1999, 1072, 20.5.1999 (Order on the Interoperability of the Trans-European High Speed Railway System)

Additional information for Greece

Competent authority / competent bodies

Ypourgeio Metaforon kai Epikoinonion (Ministry of Transport and Communications)

Anastaseos 2
GR-10191 Holargos
Tel: (+30) 210 650 8000
Fax: (+30) 210 650 8088

Standardisation and notified body

Ellinikos Organismos Typopoiisis - ELOT (Hellenic Organization for Standardization)

Acharnon Street 313
GR-11145 Athens
Tel: (+30) 210 212 0100
Fax: (+30) 210 228 3034

Additional information for Hungary

Competent authority / competent bodies

Gazdasági és Közlekedési Minisztérium - GKM (Ministry of Economy and Transport)

Honvéd u. 13-15
HU-1055 Budapest
Tel: (+36) 1 472 8661
Fax: (+36) 1 475 3435

Standardisation body

Magyar Szabványügyi Testület - MSZT (Hungarian Standards Institution)

Ülloi str. 25.
HU-1091 Budapest
Tel: (+36) 1 456 6800
Fax: (+36) 1 456 6884


  • A közlekedési és vízügyi miniszter 9/2002. (II. 6.) KöViM rendelete a nagysebességû vasúti rendszerek kölcsönös átjárhatóságáról
    104/2003. (XII.29.) GKM r. Egyes miniszteri rendeleteknek a csatlakozással összefüggésben szükséges módosításáról
  • A gazdasági és közlekedési miniszter 103/2003. (XII. 27.) GKM rendelete a hagyományos vasúti rendszerek kölcsönös átjárhatóságáról

Additional information for Ireland

Competent authority / competent bodies

Department of Transport
Transport House,
Kildare St., Dublin 2, Ireland.
Tel: (+353) 1 670 7444

Standardisation bodies

General standardisation

National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI)

Dublin 9, Ireland
Tel: (+353) 1 807 3800
Fax: (+353) 1 807 3838

Standardisation in the electrotechnical field

Electro-Technical Council of Ireland Limited (ETCI)

ETCI Offices, Unit H12
CentrepointBusinessPark, Oak Road
Dublin 12, Ireland
Tel: (+353) 1 429 0088
Fax: (+353) 1 429 0090


  • European Communities (Interoperability of the Trans-European conventional rail system) Regulations, 2004 (S.I. 61 of 2004)
  • European Communities (Interoperability of the Transeuropean High-Speed Rail System) Regulations, 2002 (S.I. 118 of 2002)

Additional information for Italy

Competent authority / competent bodies

Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti (Ministry of Infrastructures and Transports)

Via Caraci 36,
I-00157 Roma
Tel: (+39) 06 415 86 649 / (+39) 06 415 86 650
Fax: (+39) 06 415 83 606

Standardisation bodies

General standardisation

Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione - UNI (Italian National Standardisation Body)
Via Sannio, 2
I-20135 Milano
Tel: (+39) 02 700241
Fax: (+39) 02 7002 4375

Standardisation in the electrotechnical field

Comitato Elettrotecnico Italiano - CEI (Italian Electro-Technical Committee)
Via Saccardo, 9
I-20134 Milano
Tel: (+39) 02 210061
Fax: (+39) 02 210062 10

Notified bodies

  • Consorzio Scirotüv
    Via Gavotti, 5/6
    16128 Genova (GE)
    Tel: +39 010 291 271
    Fax: +39 010 291 27 40
  • Rina S.P.A.
    Via Corsica 12
    IT-16128 Genova
    Tel: (+39) 010 538 5791
    Fax: (+39) 010 535 1257
    E-Mail: /


Decreto legislativo n. 299 of 24/05 2001 (GURI of 21/07/2001)

Additional information for Latvia

Competent authority / competent bodies

Latvijas Republikas Satiksmes ministrija (Ministry of Transport and Communications of Republic of Latvia)

Gogoļa iela 3
LV-1743 Riga
Tel: (+371) 702 8300
Fax: (+371) 702 8304

Standardisation body

Latvijas standarts - LVS (Latvian Standards Ltd)

K. Valdemāra iela 157
LV-1013 Riga
Tel: (+371) 737 1308
Fax: (+371) 737 1324

Notified bodies

Additional information for Lithuania

Competent authority / competent bodies

Lietuvos Respublikos Susisiekimo ministerija (Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Lithuania)

Gedimino pr. 17
LT-01505 Vilnius
Tel: (+370) 5 329 39 99
Fax: (+370) 5 202 43 35

Standardisation body

Lietuvos Respublikos Aplinkos ministerija (Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania)
Lietuvos standatizacijos departamentas (Lithuanian Standards Board)

T. Kosciuškos g. 30
LT-01100 Vilnius
Tel: (+370) 5 212 62 52
Fax: (+370) 5 212 62 52

Additional information for Luxembourg

Competent authority / competent bodies

Ministère des Transports (Ministry of Transports)

11, rue Notre Dame
L-2240 Luxembourg
Tél: (+352) 478 44 00
Fax: (+352) 24 18 17

Standardisation body

Service de l'Energie de l'Etat - SEE (State Service of Energy)
Organisme Luxembourgeois de Normalisation (Luxembourg Standardisation Body)

B.P. 10
L-2010 Luxembourg
Tel: (+352) 46 97 46 1 / (+352) 46 97 46 30 / (+352) 46 97 46 50
Fax: (+352) 46 97 46 39

Notified body

Societe Nationale de Certification et d'homologation Sàrl (SNCH)

11, Route de Sandweiler
LU-5230 Sandweiler
Tel: (+352) 357 214 250
Fax: (+352) 357 214 244


Règlement grand-ducal of 6 June 2003 implementing Directive 2001/16/CE of 19 March 2001 on the interoperability of the Trans European conventional rail system (Mémorial A - n° 94 of 11 July 2003)
Règlement grand-ducal of 24 April 2000 implementing Directive 96/48/CE of the Council of 23 July 1996 on the interoperability of the Trans European high speed rail system (Mémorial A - n° 38 of 18 May 2000)

Additional information for Malta

Competent authority / competent bodies

Ministry for Competitiveness and Communications
Malta Standards Authority - MSA
Consumer and Industrial Goods Directorate - CIGD

Merchants Street
MT-Valletta VLT 03
Tel: (+356) 21 255 545 / 21 242 420
Fax: (+356) 21 242 406


  • Interoperability of the Trans-European High-Speed Rail System Regulations, 2002. (Government Gazette of Malta No. 17,311 of 12/11/2002)
  • Product Safety Act, (Government Gazette of Malta No. 17,052 of 09/02/2001)

Additional information for the Netherlands

Competent authority / competent bodies

Inspectie Verkeer en Waterstaat - IVW (Transport and Water Managemant Inspectorate Netherlands)
IVW Divisie Rail (Rail Inspection Division)

P.O.Box 8634
NL-3009 AP Rotterdam
Tel: (+31) 30 236 85 00
Fax: (+31) 30 202 34 24

Standardisation body

Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut - NEN (Netherlands' Standardisation Institute)

P.O.Box 5059
NL-2600 GB Delft
Tel: (+31) 15 269 03 90
Fax: (+31) 15 269 01 90

Notified bodies


  • Spoorwegwet. Railway Act of 23 April 2003 (Stb. 2004, 264)
  • Regeling erkenning en keuringsvoorschriften aangemelde instanties transeuropees hoge-snelheidsspoorwegsysteem. Order on the Interoperability of the Trans-European High Speed Rail System of 14 December 1999 (Stb. 1999, 245)
  • Wet of 08/06/1999. Law on Adjustments to the railwaynetwork, with reference to the execution of Directive 96/48/EC of 8 July 1999 (Stb. 1999, 320)
  • Besluit. Order on the Interoperability of the Trans-European High Speed Rail System, (Stb. 1999, 562).

Additional information for Poland

Competent authority / competent bodies

Ministertwo Infrastruktury (Ministry of Infrastructure)

Chalubinskiego 4/6
Warszawa 00-928
Tel: (+48) 226 244 000
Fax: (+48) 226 288 515

Standardisation body

Polski Komitet Normalizacyjny (Polish Committee for Standardisation)

ul. Swietokrzyska 14
PL-00-050 Warszawa
Tel: (+48) 22 556 77 55 / (+48) 22 556 77 26
Fax: (+48) 22 556 74 16


Act on the rail transport (Ustawa o zmianie ustawy o transporcie kolejowym), of 20 April 2004 (Dz.U. No 92, item 883)

Additional information for Portugal

Competent authority / competent bodies

Ministério das Obras Públicas, Transportes e Cominicações (Ministry of Public Works Transport and Communications)

Palácio do Conde de Penafiel
Rua de S. Mamede (ao Caldas), 21
P-1100-533 Lisboa
Tel: (+351) 218 815 100
Fax: (+351) 218 867 622

Standardisation body

Instituto Português da Qualidade - IPQ (Portuguese Institute of Quality)

Rua António Gião, 2
P-2829-513 Caparica
Tel: (+351) 21 294 81 00
Fax (+351) 21 294 81 01


  • Decreto-Lei n° 75/2003 of 16/04/2003 (DR n° 90 Serie I-A of 16/04/2003), on the interoperability of the Trans European conventional rail system.
  • Decreto-Lei n.º 93/2000, of 23/05/2000 (DR n° 119 Serie I-A of 23/05/2000), on the interoperability of the Trans European high speed rail system.

Additional information for Slovakia

Competent authority / competent bodies

Ministerstvo dopravy, pôšt a telekomunikácií (Ministry of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications)
Odbor politiky železnicnej a kombinovanej dopravy - Oddelenie železnicnej dopravy
(Department of railway and combined transport - Department of railway transport)
Nám. Slobody 6
SK-81005 Bratislava
Tel: (+421) 2 5949 4111
Fax: (+421) 2 5249 4794

Standardisation body

Slovenský ústav technickej normalizácie - SÚTN (Slovak Standards Institute)
Karloveská 63
P.O. Box 246
SK-84000 Bratislava
Tel: (+421) 2 6029 4474
Fax: (+421) 2 6541 1888


  • Zákon o dráhách (č. 571/2001 Z.z.) (Law on the railway system)
  • Zákon o podmienkach prevádzky vozidiel v premávke na pozemných komunikáciách a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov (č. 725/2004 Z.z.) (Law on the Land-communications Vehicles)

Additional information for Slovenia

Competent authority / competent bodies

Ministrstvo za promet (Ministry of Transport)

Langusova 4
SI-1535 Ljubljana
Tel: (+386) 1 478 8500
Fax: (+386) 1 478 8230

Standardisation body

Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo - SIST (Slovenian Institute for Standardization)

Šmartinska cesta 140
SI-1000 Ljubljana
Tel: (+386) 1 478 3013
Fax: (+386) 1 478 3094


Zakon o železniškem prometu - Railway Transport Act of 13/02/2003 (Uradni list 14/2003)

Additional information for Spain

Competent authority / competent bodies

Ministerio de fomento (Ministry of Infrastructures)
Direccion General de Ferrocarriles (Directorate General of railways)