Vicky L. Duoss
1636 S. State Rd. 140
Janesville, WI 53546
May 18, 2016
Burial Sites Preservation Board
Wisconsin Historical Society
816 State Street
Madison, WI 53706-1482
Dear Preservation Board,
I, Vicky L. Duoss, am requesting to be accepted into the Registry of Interested Persons for Emerald Grove Cemetery (est. 1850) in the town of Bradford, Wisconsin. I am the spouse of Andrew K. Duoss whose parents Donald G. Duoss and Rosemary Beeten Duoss are buried in that cemetery. Our farm is up the hill from this cemetery and is named Emerald Heights, Inc. The reasons for my request are expressed below.
Even before I married Andrew K. Duoss (Donald and Rosemary’s son), Andy and I mowed the cemetery as a summer job in 1968. No weed eaters or riding lawn mowers in those days!
Andy, as a child, participated in the annual Memorial Day service at the Emerald Grove Church. This includes the reading of all the names of the veterans buried in the cemetery starting with the civil war. It continues with a march across the highway and the children putting flags and flowers on the veterans’ graves.Many of these children are grandchildren and great grandchildren of the veterans. The service ends with ice cream and cake in the church basement. When our daughter was about 2 she started participating with many friends and neighbors and when she is home she still takes part today. I have acted as the hostess for this service and for years have assisted with the children’s march. This year marks the 138th continuous running of the Memorial Day Service.
Andy is on the Cemetery Board and has been for years. He generally does maintenance taking care of the driveways, trees, grave stones, fences,the well, water faucets, etc. Luckily there are several neighbors on the board who help too, however, we do hire the mowing done these days.
This is my first year on the Cemetery Auxiliary since retiring. When Irealized that the Great Lakes Basin Transportation, LLChas a proposed railroad that would clip the back of our cemetery I wondered what kind of protection was available for a cemetery to prevent this type of disturbance. After internet searches, I contacted Amy Norlin at the Wisconsin Historical Society and found out we could be in the Burial Sites Cataloging Program. I sent the necessary materials for this process and received a letter that Emerald Grove Cemetery was cataloged on April 27th, 2016 (Burial Number: BRO-0043).
This cemetery is special to me for more reasons than those just listed. Many church members and neighbors’ relatives are buried there. It is a beautiful place with lots of trees. The words on the headstones tell stories and are an historical narrative. When seasons allow, my husband regularly rides his bike around the driveway and watersflowers on his parents’ graves and others. At the Memorial Day Service we see old friendsand neighbors that one time of the year when they come back for the service. Preservation of this cemetery is important to me but also for so many others.
Enclosed are several documents to show direct kinship to my husband and myself.
Please consider my request to be included on the Interested Persons list for the Emerald Grove Cemetery, Bradford Township, Wisconsin.
Respectfully submitted,
Vicky L. Duoss