WASYL RADOMSKY (1873 - 1936)
WASYL RADOMSKY (1873.- 1936) AND
BERNHARDT James *** BERNHARDT Michael **** BERNHARDT Nickolas **** CARLETON Ari Robert **** CARLETON Connor **** CARLETON Kate (Dwernychuk) ** CARLETON Rebecca **** CARLETON Ross *** CLAYTON Catherine *** CLAYTON Marilyn (Radomsky) ** COFFIN Anna ***
COFFIN Jonathan *** COFFIN Sonia (Kulka) ** DUNNING Gloria (Radomsky) ** DWERNYCHUK Barry *** DWERNYCHUK Dale *** DWERNYCHUK Daren *** DWERNYCHUK Dean *** DWERNYCHUK John Don ** DWERNYCHUK Mary (Radomsky) * DWERNYCHUK Perry *** DWERNYCHUK Walter ** DWERNYCHUK William ** ERDMANN Lori (Kokotilo) *** KLOMPAS Allan M. **** KLOMPAS Aimee **** KLOMPAS Deborah L. *** KLOMPAS Dwayne *** KLOMPAS Ellen Angela ** KLOMPAS George ** KLOMPAS Heidi **** KLOMPAS Jacqueline A. KLOMPAS John ** KLOMPAS Julia *** KLOMPAS Kathryn *** KLOMPAS Kenner William KLOMPAS Laura **** KLOMPAS Mark ***
KLOMPAS Nathaniel KLOMPAS Nick **
KLOMPAS Paul ***
KLOMPAS Peter **
KLOMPAS Randi Lee **** KLOMPAS Randolph C. *** KLOMPAS Rebecca ****
KLOMPAS Richard *** KLOMPAS Scott B. *** KLOMPAS Stephan ** KLOMPAS Steven *** KLOMPAS William ** KLOMPAS William **** KLOMPAS Zonia (Radomsky) KNUTSON Dana **** KNUTSON Leslie (Kokotilo) KOKOTILO Jill ***
KOKOTILO Stephania (Dwernychuk) KULKA Kenneth **
KULKA Wasylena (Radomsky) * LAWFORD Hugh John (Radomsky) ** LAWFORD John ***
LAWFORD Mark ***
LAWFORD Michele *** MACRAE Amelia ***
MACRAE Carol (Radomsky) ** RADOMSKY Alena *** RADOMSKY Christie *** RADOMSKY Curtis *** RADOMSKY David *** RADOMSKY Eugene ** RADOMSKY John * RADOMSKY John ** RADOMSKY Kost * RADOMSKY Lisa *** RADOMSKY Nick * RADOMSKY Philip ** RADOMSKY Ronald ** RADOMSKY Sarah *** RADOMSKY Steve * RADOMSKY Tania *** RADOMSKY Tiffany *** RADOMSKY Tom
SEMENIUK Jessie (Radomsky) VAN HISE Audrey *** VAN HISE Lassia (Radomsky) VAN HISE Milton *** WEBB Any (Radomsky) ** WEBB Lorie ***
WEBB Nancy ***
WILSON Audrey (Radomsky) **
*ZONIA (RADOMSKY) KLOMPAS - (1903 - 1955) METRO KLOMPAS - (1894 - 1960)
~.. **William Klompas (1919 - 1983)Pearl (Webb) Klompas (1920)
***Kenner William Klompas (1950) / ****William Klompas (1978)
Cathy (Adamson) Klompas (1956} / ****Heidi Klompas (1980}
****Laura Klompas (1981)
**John Klompas (1921 - 1978)
Marge (Flatten) Klompas (1932)
***Dwayne Klompas (1957) / Nathanial Klompas (1982)
Lynn (Clark} Klompas (1959) / Aimee Klompas (1984)
***Stephen Klompas (1958)
***Julia Klompas (1960)
***Richard Klompas (1964)
**Stephan Klompas (1923 - 1923)
**Nick Klompas (1924}
Bernice (Humphreys} Klompas (1924)
***Paul Klompas (1954)
***Kathryn Klompas (1956)
***Mark Klompas (1958) / ****Rebecca Kathryn Klompas (1985)
Linda (Eckler) Klompas (1959)
**George Klompas (1926 - 192G)
**Peter Klompas (1927)
Merrilyn P. (Morgan) Klompas (1931)
***Randolph C. Klompas (1956) / ****Randi Lee Klompas (1985)
Patricia R. (Reffeling) Klompas (1958)
***Scott B, Klompas (1959) / ****Allan M. Klompas (1984)
Jacqueline (Goodwin) Klompas (1962}
***Jacqueline A. Klompas (1962)
***Deborah L. Klompas (1965)
**Ellen Angela Klompas (1940 - 1983)
*MARY (RADOMSKY) DWERNYCHUK - (1906 - 1965) NICK DWERNYCHUK - (1903 - 1971)
**William Dwernychuk (1924 - 1981)
Mary (Elaschuk) Dwernychuk (1928 - 1979)
***Barry Dwernychuk (1956) ***Perry Dwernychuk (1959)
**Kate (Dwernychuk) Carleton (1926 - 1981) Norman Carleton ( ) (divorced)
***Ross Carleton (1946) ****Rebecca Carleton
Margaret (Swanton) Carleton (1949) ****Connor Carleton ****Ari Robert Carleton
Kate (Dwernychuk) Bernhardt (1926 - 1981) Max Bernhardt (1930)
***James Bernhardt (1958) ****Michael Bernhardt (1983)
Jackie ( ) Bernhardt ( ) ****Nickolas Bernhardt (1985)
** Walter Dwernychuk (1928 - 1984)
**John Don Dwernychuk (1934)
Dorothy (Clipsham) Dwernychuk (1937)
***Dean Dwernychuk (1956) ***Dale Dwernychuk (1957)
***Daren Dwernychuk (1962)
Wendy (Kinsman) Dwernychuk (1961)
**Stephania (Dwernychuk) Kokotilo (1936) John Kokotilo (1930)
***Leslie (Kokotilo) Knutson (1959) ****Dana Knutson (1984) Glen Knutson (1955)
***Lori (Kokotilo) Erdmann (1961) Leonard Erdmann (1960)
***Jill Kokotilo (1967)
*JOHN RADOMSKY - (1908 - 1935) RUTH (LAWFORD) (RADOMSKY) DAHL - (1908 - 1985)
**Hugh John (Radomsky) Lawford (1933) Diane (Mason) Lawford (1933)
***Michele Lawford (1960) ***John Lawford (1965) ***Mark Lawford (1966)
* - First generation ** - Second generation *** - Third generation **** - Fourth generation
*NICK RADOMSKY - (1909 - 1981)
**Cassia (Radomsky) Van Hise (1938)
ames Van Hise (1937)
***Milton Van Hise (1967)
***Audrey Van IIise (1974)
**Audrey (Radomsky) Wilson (1939)
David Wilson (1937)
**John Radomsky (1946)
Nellie (Anderson) Radomsky (1947)
***Alena Radomsky (1981)
**Eugene Radomsky (1951)
Gloria (Schmidt) Radomsky (1951) 1951
***Tapia Radomsky (1978) ***Tiffany Radomsky (1980)
*KOST RADOMSKY - (1912 - 1975) OLGA (KULKA) RADOMSKY - (1914)
**Ronald Radomsky (1938)
Beverly (Powell) Radomsky (1941) (divorced)
***Curtis Radomsky (1967) ***Christie Radomsky (1969)
Ronald Radomsky (1938)
Carolyn (Keeley) Radomsky (1948)
***Lisa Radomsky (1975) ***David Radomsky (1977)
* - First generation ** - Second generation *** - Third generation **** - Fourth generation
*JESSIE (RADOMSKY) SEMENIUK - (1914 - 1941) STEVE SEMENIUK - (1912 - ;
* - First generation ** - Second generation *** - Third generation **** - Fourth generation
'-' **Amelia (Amy) (Radomsky) Webb (1939)
Ray Webb (1933 - 1985)
***Nancy Webb (1965
***Lorie Webb (1967)
**Gloria (Radomsky) Dunning (1945) - (Divorced) Brian Dunning (1949)
._. r
**Carol (Radomsky) MacRae (1948) Colin MacRae (1949)
***Amelia MacRae (1975)
**Sonia (Kulka) Coffin (1941) Alexander Coffin Jr. (1936
***Jonathan Coffin (1972) ***Anna Coffin (1974)
**Kenneth Kulka (1954)
Linda (Dwernychuk) Kulka (1953)
* - First generation ** - Second generation *** - Third generation **** - Fourth generation
*TOM RADOMSKY - (1921)
MARJORIE (SWALLOW) RADOMSKY - (1930) - divorced **Marilyn (Radomsky) Clayton (1953)
Lorne Clayton (1953)
***Catherine Clayton (1982)
**Philip Radomsky (1957)
Laurell (Bolt) Radomsky (1958)
***Sarah Radomsky (1984)
* - First generation ** - Second generation *** - Third generation **** - Fourth generation
AUGUST 4, 1985
After visits to the old homestead and the cemetery, everyone gathered at the Church Hall. The crowd soon warmed up to the occasion and interacted with considerable enthusiasm. Many were meeting their relations for the first time. If the trips to the homestead and cemetery were nostalgic for some, meeting the younger generation was exciting and occasionally attempting to place a name to someone you have never met was an interesting experience.
Of the 74 surviving descendants, 54 were in attendance.
The head table was honoured by Nancy, wife of Nick Radomsky, Olga, wife of Kost Radomsky, Mary, wife of Steve Radomsky, Wasie and Taras Kulka, Tom Radomsky and Monique Fitzpatrick, Peter and Merrilyn Klompas.
The dinner, reinforced with considerable ethnic Ukrainian dishes, was well appreciated. The afternoon, as successful as it was, ended far too quickly, particularly when the power failure was mistaken as a signal to vacate the premises,
Welcome to the reunion of the descendents of WASYL and ELENA RADOMSKY.
I trust you have now all seen their homestead and their resting place. You have now mingled with all your relatives, renewed old acquaintances and made new ones.
Let us now have a .minute for a silent prayer in respect of our founding ancestors WASYL and ELENA RADOMSKY and all their descendents who will not be with us any more. After which Mr. Tom Radomsky will give the blessings.
We are gathered here today, descendents of WASYL and ELENA RADOMSKY, not only to reunite this diverse family, but also to pay tribute to our ancestors.
This group owes its existence to WASYL and ELENA RADOMSKY. To date there were 90 descendants of this couple, 74 surviving.
It all began before the turn of the Century in the Village of Maliatyntsi in the province of Bukovyna in the Ukraine which was at the time under the rule of the Austrian Empire.
WASYL RADOMSKY was the grounds keeper of a wealthy landlord. Having acquired a fairly good education and being conversant in some 5 languages, he became a confidant of his employer which gave him access to the library and writings in pursuit of his knowledge not readily available to the common masses.
It was here that he met and married ELENA, who was also in her own right quite accomplished and employed in some clerical capacity by the village administration. It would appear that they had a reasonable future ahead, but unfortunately, under that feudal system, they saw no opportunity in the future to ever own property .
In the year of 1904, with a little prodding from ELENA's mother and brother who had already emigrated to Canada, WASYL, ELENA and their baby daughter Zonia, set out for their new frontier.
I am very proud to be the son of Zonia, WASYL and ELENA's oldest child, My older brother Nick, the only other surviving member of Zonia's family is with us here from New York,
The ocean voyage was apparently a hazardous one as the crossing was made on a cattle boat, There were only meagre facilities for sleeping and cooking, An open fire in the stables set ablaze to the cattle bedding causing an alarm to abandon ship, During the confusion, baby Zonia got passed on to one of the deck hands, The emergency equipment and life boats were so archaic and near inoperable that it was fortunate the fire was extinguished and the alarm was called off, However, baby Zonia could not be found, WASYL and ELENA spent some anxious hours searching for their baby in the aftermath of the milee before they found her ,
The voyage continued uneventful after that incident and they settled near the homestead that I hope you have all now visited, I am sure you will have a better appreciation of the hardships the pioneers and our foreparents must have endured, To carve out a viable farm from a wilderness with little more than a pair of oxen, some rudimentary implements and tools and a large amount of sweat and backbreaking toil was a feat nowadays seldom matched,
WASYL and ELENA settled down to farming and raising a family at this site, raising nine children, two of which we are very fortunate to have with us today: Wasylena (Wasie) and Tom,
I will not repeat today anything that you can read about the family in the Book entitled Ukrainians in Alberta, For your convenience, I have made numerous photo copies of the passages from that book relating to the RADOMSKY family,
I consider myself very fortunate to have known WASYL and ELENA. Having passed away in 1936 and '39 respectively, there are not many of their descendents here today who have had that priviledge, They were warm, considerate, loving people with great empathy for their fellow man, But firstly, they were exceptional parents,
Both WASYL and ELENA were avid readers and understood the value of an education, It was this value for education and the quest for a better life that they instilled in their children, This tradition has continued as evidenced by the numbers of professionals and successful careers in the first, second and third generation descendents,
It was a religious household, strong in Christian beliefs with church attendance every Sunday, WASYL would prepare the buggy and hitch up the horse and while ELENA was preparing the family, he would saunter ahead with the rest of the family catching up to him at about the time they both reached the church. Nobody was certain whether he was anxious to get to the service or whether he was impatient at waiting. I suspect he enjoyed the solitude of the walk prior to the service.
GRANDPA RADOMSKY, and I like to refer to WASYL as GRANDPA, died from an apparent heart attack while drawing water for cattle from an open well, no more than a dugout, and was found collapsed in that well.
He had a faithful dog, a Collie, if my recollection is correct. The dog stayed with GRANDPA after the disaster. He moped during the bereavement and the funeral and never took a bite to eat after GRANDPA's passing. About a week later he was found at the bottom of the same well.
This incident must tell us something of GRANDPA's sensitive and kind nature to have a dog give up his life in dedication to his master.
ELENA, and I'll call her GRANDMA, predeceased by her husband and her oldest son John, never fully recovered from her tragic loss. It seemed to take the spark out of her life. This is a perception through a child's eyes as I was only 10 or 12 at the time. But I vividly recall the sad forlorn look in her misty eyes that would quickly show a sparkle of happiness in the presence of her grandchildren. But in her solitude, she cried. She tended a large garden in front of her house and for hours on end she would work in that garden singing her mournful songs. Like a dirge, lamenting the loss of her loved ones, and the unbearable future without them. She truly died of a broken heart.
I have also many happy memories from that period. Since my brother Bill was about Wasie's age and brother John, Tom's age, we had considerable interaction in our childhood even though it was a considerable distance across the ferry from our home. I spent a number of summers at the home of my GRANDPARENTS while Wasie and Tom could spend some time at my parent's place.
It is unfortunate that the recent fire destroyed the first house on the homestead. That apparition you may have wondered about is the remains of the clay oven above which was a bed we slept in. I also fondly remember, my Great Grandmother (Semeniuk-Gawreliuk) who always produced a candy at the appropriate times.
Some of my most pleasant hours were spent in the large shed housing a number of vintage cars. It was during the depth of the depression when few people could afford to drive cars. What one wouldn't give to own that collection today!
GRANDPA had an old unoperable Sawyer Massey tractor and thresher that was another source of many hours of enjoyment, excepting on one occasion, One day Tom asked me if I would 1 like to see some little horses . Like any curious boy, I was enthused with the prospect of seeing these tiny little horses and followed Tom to the old tractor where he instructed me to hang on to a black wire and wait for the magic to work while he gave the crank a turn. I don't have to tell you what transpired when the magneto tripped. That was part of growing up and I soon learned to use some discretion in believing tall tales.