Cold Care Center

The common cold is a viral infection of your upper respiratory tract. A common cold is usually harmless, although it may not feel that way. If it's not a runny nose, sore throat and cough, it's the watery eyes, sneezing and congestion — or maybe all of the above. In fact, because any one of more than 100 viruses can cause a common cold, signs and symptoms tend to vary greatly.

· Most people recover from a common cold in about a week or two.

· Over-the-counter medications will not cure your cold, but they can help provide relief of the symptoms.

· Symptoms of a common cold usually appear about one to three days after exposure to a cold-causing virus.

· It is normal for the discharge from your nose to become thicker and yellow/green in color as your cold progresses.

Signs and symptoms of a common cold may include: sore throat, cough, sinus and/or nasal congestion, slight body aches, mild headaches, low-grade fever (under 100.4F), sneezing, runny nose and mild fatigue.

You may obtain Over-the-Counter medications without the need to schedule an appointment!

· Print off the (symptom checklist).

· Circle or highlight the symptoms you are experiencing.

· Circle or highlight the product(s) you would like to purchase.

· Bring this to the health center during our open hours.

· Fees may be placed onto your student account or paid with cash/check at the time of service.

IMPORTANT: We would like you to schedule an appointment if you are experiencing any of these symptoms:

· Fever over 100.4F

· Shortness of breath.

· Unable to swallow liquids.

· Cannot lower your chin to your chest.