Discussions of Future ILS

Liaisons Forum May 21, 2009

Things you /your library can’t do without that the current system does

Reporting/ Flexible reporting

Reports, locally run & CARLI’s annual

Resource sharing

ILL capabilities

Client based

Easily going between local & shared catalogs

Selective bib records (ability to choose ~modify)

Electronic reserves/ Reserves

Seamless delivery

Seamless Universal borrowing

E-mail overdues

Call # browse (staff side)

Centralized tech support

Flexible fund structure

Full support-holdings, MARC format

MARC’s functions

Access Auth references

ACQ-flexible fund structure

Local instances-specific to library not UC

Local control-items & holdings

Search patron name

Bulk import

Discovery layer and back end work seamlessly together even if from different vendors

Text messaging call numbers (expand)

Shelf status, limit by location, hot links to call numbers, authors, etc

Bulk importing and reporting

Data integrity

“Instant” updating

Things that annoy you/your library in the current system

Duplicated effort between institutions

Inability to communicate with campus accounting

Not easy interface to other campus systems (Banner)

Reporting not integrated within ILS modules (cannot get Acq info directly from Acq)

Acq reporting—hard to get info from modules without using Access

Can’t communicate loan period to patrons

Unable to move easily between modules

Timeouts OPAC response time



Not following MARC standards

No interoperability-have to open multiple clients

Hard to set reasonable defaults

Too much clicking

Not very efficient—lots of steps, or repeat steps

ACQ awkward-kicked out too often

Prediction pattern settings (lack of flexibility)

Clients are clumsy

Loading new patron records

ILL coming in from diff locations

Bouncing the system every night

Delay in record changes

Better record integration: global bib data change by change to auth

Reports system

Shouldn’t “need” Gary Strawn utilities (should come with such)

All modules—more control over default settings (customize reasons—preset reasons for clearing fines)

Media scheduling unit that works

Circ—no back button when searching

Circ—unable to print results

Reduce wait for replace record after suppressing one

Public side—show how many copies are available for REQUESTING, rather than available including reference or other non-circ items

No way to display loan period expectations to user

Cannot see ILL items checked out to users via Circ client

When charged item lists print, doesn’t include call numbers

“Extra” screen with “first available copy” in UB requesting. (since there is only one choice, why go to this page?)

Can’t easily add funds to PO’s (currently have to add each item and fund to each before moving on)

Adhere to cataloging standards better when adding URLs to records (currently not adhering to MARC standards & do not display well)

Have to log into each module separately (would like one universal login to access all clients)

Cannot set temporary fixed due dates for some patron types, but can others

Can put data in (ACQ) but difficult to get data out

Can’t resize windows in circ & acq

Finding (returning) lost items doesn’t undo patron statistics (counter) for lost item

Can’t delete bibs that have attached PO

Need more clarification (or better terms) for call slips

Need easier to locate system documentation

‘Click heavy’

Response time, (long time to load, work faster)

Multiple volume requesting

Search logic (should default to ‘and’)

Easier authentication (minimum passwords)

Communication with external billing systems

Can’t choose library from which to borrow

Have to bounce each night

Lack of customization

Easily linking and presenting streaming visual media

Popular title issue

Lack of integration between clients (Circ & Bib info)

Having to recustomize with each upgrade

Things you/your library feel are missing from the current system (“blue sky” ideas welcome!)

Specialized searching per library (e.g. “all health science libraries”)

Tag clouds

Catalog that looks and acts like Google & Amazon (better search logarithms & computing power)

“Did you mean” feature for spelling & authority control

Personalized searching (system knows what you want) (others who’ve searched for this have also searched…)

Easy authentication by affiliation & privileges

Video reserve option for faculty

Global data change

Dynamic linkage between SH(?) & authority files

Linking analytics to main series


Ability to send notices etc SMS text messaging

Inventory module

Door to door delivery (e.g. Netflix)

Kindle support

Add comments in OPAC

Take ILL to the next level-handle article requests seamlessly—one button

Open Source

Use local talent

Recall feature

User tag functionality

Comments, reviews, tagging—searchable

Services for mobile users

Service extensible with new technology

Embed map with call #

Document delivery for ILL

Embed images & video in catalog records

Electronic copy of local—Embedded PDF’s

Link in catalog to institutional repository

Auto look-up in Circ for access (for patron security)

Single box—federated search in OPAC

Management system compatible with any interface/discovery system

Natural language searching

User helper like Amazon

ACQ system for better collection management

XML customizable interfaces for staff

Patrons customize their own OPAC “personal”

Update to feeds or social network site

Link call # to map of library, or in ILL will give directions to libraries

RFID tracking-linked to maps

Integrate electronic resource management

Federated search

Geographic searching link cartographic resources (enter longitude & latitude & retrieve maps)

Networked based instead of client based and have 1 sign-on for multiple modules

Productivity stats and reports for employees

Data mining for collection development

Collection analysis

ILL connect to library info for patrons with borrowing issues at specific libraries (easier for patron to know how/who to contact with a problem)

Ability to see UB records as well as local for patrons (in circ client?)

More flexibility with check date on materials

An open source ILS that CARLI can improve without relying on an outside vendor

Make library resources more open & discoverable on the Web

Being able to share/compare data with other institutions as an integrated feature


Collect cataloging/acquisition statistics in real time

Collection analysis tool individually & across consortium

Upgrade when we want w/o reliance on vendor

Something already ready for mobile browser

Integrated ERMS into acquisitions client

Widget approach to catalog searches

Contact info/location information within catalog

Chat messaging within catalog

Text messaging within catalog (overdue notices etc.)

Built in citation management tools

ILS that communicates with billing systems (Banner)

“did you mean” feature, more than dictionary, also thesaurus

Multiple metadata schema

Transparent search logic

More Robust faceted search approach

‘Other users searched’ helps

Mashup catalog/article database, single do-it-all library spot

Assuming a timeline is NOT forced by outside circumstances, how will we know when it is time to move to a new system?

Performance issues with new OPAC might make us move sooner, waiting too long may have consequences (might lose younger patrons)

Nothing better to move to at this time

If Voyager development stops

Vendor support dwindling

Vendor emerges who has what we want

If we find and ILS that supports what we want

When everyone is frustrated enough


Users demand more

Don’t have to do everything at the same time

Money issues

Cost of ownership becomes prohibitive

When vendor is not developing what we want

Develop our own open source

Does CARLI have enough staff to support open source?

Keep eyes & ears open to alternatives to what we have

Keep topic a periodic feature of meetings & listen to feedback

When there is a critical mass who want to explore further

Need to know what’s out there

Patron satisfaction moves the selection/timing

When vendor stops responding to CARLI requests

What is your library’s tolerance for risk in selecting/developing the next ILS (e.g., open source, a mixture of vendors’ modules)

Will it work? Need to know performance will be at least as good as now

Low tolerance for circ (want to make sure users aren’t negatively affected)

Cost factors (money & staff time)

Politics makes the change uncertain (who owns the data?—OCLC example)

Open source is fine if infrastructure is already there

Public services staff more resistant to change

No tolerance of losing data or functionality: CARLI is protection

Willing to risk time/hopes

Has to work

Cannot lose information

Migration simple?

Parallel systems a possibility

Strong & healthy CARLI organization

Percentage of responsibility between CARLI & local library

Sharing risk across the state

Medium—not anxious to change

Mixed bag—a number of people are eager to learn and work with the best software that is out there

Open source: Free as in beer, or free as in puppies? (one takes care & feeding)

Takes so long for vendors to make changes that it is no longer what you need/want when you get it

Varies by library administration

Policies that might arise

IUG Liaison’s Forum

May 21, 2009