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Resolution #090294
Award of Bid
2009 Municipal Services - Plumbing
Awarded to: Binsky & Snyder Service LLC
WHEREAS, The Township received bids on Thursday, June 11, 2009 at 10:30 A.M. for Municipal Services –Plumbing for the Township of Bernards. The Bid Summary is as follows:
Bidder Name / Hourly Rate / Overtime Rate / Parts DiscountBinskySnyder Service LLC / $89.00 / $129.00 / 10%
WHEREAS, it is the combined recommendation of the Director of Public Works, Administrator and Purchasing Agent to award a contract to the sole bidderBinsky & Snyder Service LLC, 281 Centennial Avenue, Piscataway, NJ 08854, and
WHEREAS, the Supervisor of Treasury Services has certified that funds are available in the budget; the line item appropriations to be charged is 9-01-29-390-241, 9-01-26-310-241 and 9-01-26-310-231; and
WHEREAS, the Supervisor of Treasury has certified that funds are available in the budget; the line item appropriation or ordinance to be charged is line account 9-01-29-390-241, 9-01-26-310-241, 9-01-26-310-231 (0-01-29-390-241,0-01-26-310-241,0-01-26-310-231,1-01-29-390-241,1-01-26-310-241,1-01-26-310-231,2-01-29-390-241,2-01-26-310-241, and 2-01-26-310-231pending Township Committee budget approval); and.
WHEREAS, this contract has been awarded to Binsky & Snyder Service LLCthrough a "fair and open process" pursuant to N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4, et seq."
WHEREAS, as provided by Local Public Contract Law 40A:11-15, this contract is for one (1) year with an option for renewal for two (2) additional one year (1) year periods providing that funds are appropriated in the respective operating budgets for the expenditure and performance is satisfactory.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Bernards, Somerset County, New Jersey that the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to issue a purchase order to:Binsky & Snyder Service LLC, 281 Centennial Avenue, Piscataway, New Jersey08854.
I agree to the terms as stated in this Resolution and by signing this document, as President of Binsky & Snyder Service LLC, I am committed to follow all terms of this award.
Michael R. Rapp, President
Agenda and Date Voted: July 14, 2009
TREASURER’S CERTIFICATIONI, Terri Johnson, Supervisor of Treasury Services of the Township of Bernards, hereby certify that adequate funds are available for the above referenced contracts for Municipal Services – Plumbing. Monies are available in: 9-01-29-390-241,9-01-26-310-241,9-01-26-310-231/0-01-29-390-241/0-01-26-310-241/0-01-26-310-231/1-01-29-390-241/1-01-26-310-241/1-01-26-310-231/2-01-29-390-241/2-01-26-310-241/and 2-01-26-310-231 pending budget adoption by the Township Committee.
Date: 6-29-09 / Terri Johnson
Supervisor of Treasury Services
It is my recommendation, based on review of the bid package submitted, to award a contract to Binsky & Snyder Service LLP. They were the sole bidderand meet all bid specifications. This cost is also comparable to what is charged in the plumbing industry.
Pat Monaco
Date: 6/19/09 Director of Public Works
I herby certify that I have prepared this resolution and reviewed it for accuracy.
Date: June 25, 2009 /
Francis J. Decibus, QPA, Purchasing Agent
I hereby certify this is a true and exact copy of a resolution adopted by the Bernards Township Committee on 07/14/2009.
Denise Szabo, Municipal Clerk