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MAY 3, 2010
The Town of Columbia Board of Aldermen met in regular session, Monday,
May 3, 2010, 7: PM, in the meeting room of the ColumbiaMunicipalBuilding. Attending were Aldermen Mike Crowder, Carl Willis Mildred Ogletree, Ray Marner and Sandra Owens. Mayor F. Michael Griffin presided.
Mayor Griffin called the meeting to order and asked Alderman Marner to offer a prayer for the town and Board.
Upon motion of Alderman Ogletree, second by Alderman Crowder, minutes of the April 5, 2010, Regular Meeting were unanimously approved. Upon motion of Alderman Crowder and second by Alderman Marner, minutes of the April 6, 2010, Joint Meeting with the Tyrrell County Board of Commissioners were unanimously approved.
Sheriff Darryl Liverman was absent, but the Board reviewed his written report for the month of March. The Manager was asked to communicate with the Sheriff that the Board would like to see a breakdown of mileage by officers and requests more diligent enforcement of the speed limits along US-64/Scuppernong Drive.
The Town Attorney presented for consideration, a new Alcohol in Public Places Ordinance, explaining again that the existing ordinance is probably not enforceable due to changes in State law. Mr. Wheless explained that he had looked at the ordinances in Edenton and Manteo concerning those towns ability to allow alcohol to be served in designated public places during special events. He noted that Edenton does a lease agreement and Manteo grants broad authority.
Upon motion of Alderman Willis, second by Alderman Owens, the vote was unanimous (5 yes, 0 no) to adopt the ordinance effective immediately.
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Discussion turned to the Scuppernong River Festival Committee request to allow beer and wine in an area around the festival’s Saturday night street dance. The Board noted that the ordinance just passed gave the Mayor authority to grant a waiver. Mayor Griffin stated that he is not inclined to grant a waiver at this time.
A scheduled 7:15 PM Public Hearing on the proposed Wind Energy Systems Ordinance was announced by Mayor Griffin, who asked Mr. Wheless to conduct the hearing. Mr. Wheless explained the purpose of the hearing and asked for comments from the public, but received none and Mayor Griffin closed the hearing. It was noted that the Columbia Planning Board had recommended adoption of the ordinance. Mr. Wheless
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then suggested two minor changes to the wording on special uses (Section 10-B.2) and measuring the height requirements (Section 10-B.2.c).
Alderman Crowder, with second by Alderman Marner, made the following motion: “The Town Board of Columbia finds that the adoption of amendments to its Zoning Ordinance for the regulation of wind energy systems is consistent with its Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Plan. The zoning requirements are the minimum requirements and least persuasive regulations necessary for the physical protection of persons and property in the vicinity of such tall structures and the preservation of the small town atmosphere of Columbia. Rather than prohibit alternative methods of creating electricity the Town is endorsing an alternative to the current use of fossil fuels by allowing wind energy systems. The Board finds that the action taken is reasonable in light of the newest technologies now available for wind power and the action is in the public interest.” The motion passed unanimously (5 yes, 0 no).
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Considerable discussion focused on whether to apply for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) to support installation of streets, water, sewer and other infrastructure at the proposed Village at Columbia affordable housing project. Alderman Ogletree noted the town’s earlier commitment to the project and said there is a need to honor the commitment. Alderman Marner voiced concern that the award of an infrastructure grant for this project could delay receipt of another traditional and larger block grant for housing rehabilitation. Alderman Owens expressed concern that the developer might get the grant and be unable to complete the project. Alderman Willis warned that support of this project could open the town up to needing to do the same thing for the next developer.
Following motions and withdrawals, Alderman Ogletree made a motion that the town support application of a CDBG Infrastructure Grant for the Village at Columbia project with the stipulation that a firm experienced in managing CDBG projects be contracted to manage the process and that such contract be paid from any CDBG funds that may be awarded. Alderman Crowder provided the second and the vote was 4 – 1 in favor with Alderman Willis voting no.
A 7:30 PM Public Hearing was called on the proposed rezoning from A-1 to B-2 of TyrrellCounty property on the south side of US-64/Scuppernong Drive in the vicinity of Tyrrell Hall, including the CahoonCenter property. Mayor Griffin asked the Town Attorney to conduct the hearing. Mr. Wheless described the site and process, then invited public comment. Ray McClese expressed his concern that after attending several Tyrrell County Board of Commissioners meetings, there is a lack of vision on what to do with the 16-plus acre tract owned by the county. He wondered if the county is asking for the correct rezoning.
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The Manager reported that the town Planning Board recommended approval of the rezoning petition. Upon motion of Alderman Ogletree and second by Alderman Owens, the motion was unanimous to rezone the TyrrellCounty property fronting along US-64/Scuppernong Drive from A-1 to B-2.
The Board reviewed the planned Grinnell Hill Subdivision proposed by Shelton Ludford. They noted that the subdivision is for division of property and lot sales, not for development by a developer. Thus, roads and infrastructure will not be provided. It was noted that all proposed subdivided lots front onto an existing public road and have current access to water and sewer services. Upon motion of Alderman Marner with second by Alderman Willis, the vote was unanimous to grant subdivision approval.
Town Manager Rhett White presented the 2010-11 Budget recommendation which holds the line on taxes and spending. A budget hearing was set for Monday, May 24, 2010, at 7: PM.
Discussion followed on the offer by TyrrellCounty for law enforcement services from the Tyrrell County Sheriff. Alderman Crowder read a statement reviewing efforts to secure a new law enforcement contract. He commended Sheriff Liverman for his work, but voiced his opinion that town residents are being expected to pay more than their share for law enforcement within the town limits. He offered three options: try to come to an agreement with the county for full law enforcement services that the town can afford, try to come to an agreement for nighttime law enforcement for the hours of 6:PM to 2:AM that the town can afford, or if no agreement can be reached, seek law enforcement coverage from outside the county or from private sources.
Alderman Willis said the county figures are not accurate. He said the average salary for deputies is $27,195.00 and that information from the CountyAdministrator does not take into consideration vacant positions. He noted that law enforcement vehicles used in the town should not have to be replaced in less than seven or eight years. He also said that contracting on an hourly rate would not be practical.
Alderman Owens used statistics from the Sheriff’s monthly reports to show that the town was not getting the two deputies that are being paid for. She related a conversation with the Edenton Police Chief and that Winfall operates with two town policemen. Alderman Ogletree said it was depressing that the county said no to the town’s most recent offer of a flat rate multi-year contract.
Mayor Griffin expressed his desire to secure extra nighttime police coverage, but said the county was difficult to work with. He suggested another and final offer, then look for other options if necessary. By consensus, the Board with Alderman Crowder’s objection, authorized a final offer of $88,000 for a one-year contract to provide extra nighttime law enforcement services from the Sheriff.
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Alderman Crowder, opened a discussion on opting out of One Stop Voting. He noted that $1,376 of the $4,685 cost of November’s municipal election was for early and absentee voting with no absentees and only 23 early voters. He made a motion to end early voting, but the motion died for lack of a second. The Manager and attorney were then asked to investigate the options and report back at the June meeting.
Upon motion of Alderman Ogletree and second by Alderman Willis, the following tax releases were unanimously approved:
Pablo Ramirez $ 39.81
Eugene Philias Tessier 24.48
Patricia B. Brickhouse 10.90
Marvin Sawyer 3.12
Tyrrell County Schools 1.37
Upon motion of Alderman Owens with second by Alderman Marner, the vote was unanimous to approve the following water/sewer adjustments:
Erinestine Farris $ 22.80
Calvin Liverman 74.87
Mary C. Hardison 13.02
Jimmy Spencer 32.69
Baudellia G. Navarro 5,108.71
Mr. White reported that the town spring clean-up went well with eight groups signed up to assist with the clean-up. He pointed out that the waterline extension project is underway and will run through June. He noted that the USDA grant/loan application is being reviewed by the USDA Raleigh office. He also said the Board can expect some end-of-year budget amendments next month.
Alderman Owens asked if there were any response regarding removing the derelict storage shelter on the Steve Jones property. Mr. White reported there had been no response to his letter and that the Board might consider condemning the building.
Alderman Owens congratulated Alderman Ogletree for being selected as the NC Coastal Federation Pelican Award recipient.
Alderman Marner asked if there was any indication that the Mercer house would be torn down. Mr. White reported on his conversation with the responsible Mercer family heir and her desire to demolish the structure.
Board members were reminded that Tuesday, may 4th is election day and that the National day of Prayer program will be held at the courthouse on May 6th, an noon. It was announced that Mayor Griffin, Alderman Ogletree, the Manager and three Planning
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Board members will attend the Growth and Sustainability workshop in Currituck, May 6th.
Mayor Griffin recessed the meeting until Monday, May 24,2010, at 7:PM.
This the 3rd day of May, 2010.
F. Michael Griffin, Mayor
Rhett B. White, Clerk