College Council Meeting Minutes
Monday, May 15, 2017
In attendance:Michelle Campbell, J.R. Hudspeth, Jake Jackson, Heather Knous-Westfall, Scott Latiolais, Sarah Redd, Sarah Zugschwerdt, Kevin McCarthy
Absent:Angel Reyna (notified in advance), Cheyenne Roduin (notified in advance), Alysen Laakso (sick), Jeff Pulliam, Margarita Esquivias, Sheila May Farley, Haleigh Phillips, Lesley Hogan
Public attendees:Vicky Hertig, Justin Whitaker
1. Approval of Aprilminutes
- Motion to approve: Sarah Redd
- Motion seconded: Kevin McCarthy
2. Technology council liaison update
- Wil Samson was on vacation. Justin Whitaker attended and provided a Technology Council update.
- Justin W. is leading the development of a student and faculty/staff technology survey. This will be two separate surveys with different questions. A few questions in the survey refer to open educational resources. The survey is fairly broad but includes specific questions in areas depending on how the participant answers the question(s).
- The goals of the surveys are not clear. Justin W. indicated that these goals need to be clarified if the Technology Council hopes to get more direction from the student body.
- An accessibility steering committee is being formed to monitor and implement accessibility related projects and technical infrastructure.
- Sarah R. asked about course and program learning outcomes on the webpage. Michelle C. indicated that these will live in the new online catalog and will update automatically on program pages when updates are made to the catalog.
- Justin W. also mentioned that Signal Vine, a texting application, is about to go live and will allow student services staff to communicate with students via text.
- Sarah Z. indicated that it would be great for IT to make their services more known. Michelle C. stated that IT staff might consider contacting deans who have night courses and reach out to them to schedule a time for IT to talk to evening faculty about the services IT provides.
- Sarah Z. indicated that Canvas access is one of the biggest challenges. Heather KW stated that only Liz Falconer has access to Canvas and password resets etc. Is this something that the IT Helpdesk could assist with? Justin W. will bring this up at the next Technology Council meeting.
3. Review of council membership
- The council members reviewed and discussed the current membership.
- Sarah R. stated that she will be moving to Learning Council and Cheryl Stover, who is currently on Learning Council, will switch with her and will serve on College Council starting in fall.
- Council members referred to the College Council Bylaws when reviewing current membership and recruitment strategies for additional members come fall quarter.
4. Council recruitment strategies for fall
- Jake J. indicated that it will be a challenge to recruit faculty due to the workload issue.
- Kevin M. stated that he felt it was important to keep Jeff Pulliam on the Council for his expertise in project management.
- Jake J. stated that it might be good to identify a faculty representative in each meta- major.
- Michelle C.will send an email to campus regarding recruitment to College Council. The email will be sent at the beginning of fall quarter.
- Sarah R. indicated that an effective strategy might be to ask the deans of each department who might be interested and then reach out to each person individually. Make the invite personal and offer to take them to coffee to learn more about the Council’s vision and the individual’s goals. Michellewilltake the lead on this.
- Vicky H. stated that she would be happy to assist in the identification of faculty who might be interested in serving on College Council.
- Michelle C.will reach out to the faculty currently serving on the strategic steering committee to gauge interest in serving on College Council.
5. Council goals for 2017-18
- Jake J. indicated that monitoring the operationalization of the strategic plan and evaluating the plan is a good goal to have.
- Sarah R. indicated the need to increase communication and transparency of the work of councils across campus. Jake J. indicated the need to better communicate information, such as a quarterly council newsletter that could be sent via email, posted on the website, and shared in The Wire.
- Sarah R. stated that we need to find better ways to communicate broadly what is going on at the campus. Kevin M. agreed that we need to work on this. Sarah R. stated that developing a communication plan and identifying what communication channels are used on campus. Sarah R. recommended that we consider drawing our processes for communication across campus and what we want it to be like.
- Sarah Z. suggested that we utilize Axis TV to post major operational information occurring on campus, such as the online catalog.Michelle C. will bring this up with Roberto Bonaccorso, Director of College Relations and Marketing.
- Kevin M. indicated the need to prepare for the College’s next Year Seven accreditation visit. Michelle C. will be developing a timeline and project plan for the accreditation process that can be shared with the Council next year. This will serve as a good starting point for the College and the College Council to monitor progress and prepare for the next accreditation visit.
June Meeting:
- 2017-18 goals discussion continued
- College Council liaison reports
- Membership terms of service
Future Meetings: Meetings will occur on the third Monday of every month from 2:30-4:00 p.m. in I-202, unless otherwise stated. Meeting schedule is as follows:
NOTE: All meetings for the 2016-17 academic year are listed on the College Council calendar in SharePoint.
- June 19