Attendance13.11.17 – 17.11.17

Reception / 79.4%
Year 1 / 93.3%
Year 2 / 91%
Year 3 / 96.7%
Year 4 / 92.5%
Year 5 / 90.8%
Year 6 / 93.9%

This week’s winners are year 3well done


Now the weather is changing please can we ask that you do not bring prams into school and instead please keep them in the pram shed at the front of school, a key for this is kept at the school office.This avoids the corridors from getting wet and slippery. Thank you,

Dates for the Diary

  • Wednesday 6th December-KS2 Christmas Carol service
  • Friday 8th December-School Pantomime for the whole school.
  • Bike Ability for Year 5– Monday 11th & Tuesday 12th December
  • Tuesday 12th December-KS1 Christmas evening production.
  • Wednesday 13th December-KS1 Christmas day time production.
  • Tuesday 19th December- Schools Christmas fair.
  • Wednesday 20th December-Early years Christmas production.
  • Friday 22nd December -Christmas Lunch
  • Friday 22nd December – Final day of term

Final timing arrangements for all the above events along with a letter requesting tickets for the Christmas productions will be sent out soon.

Breakfast Club

From January 2018, school will have to charge families for placing children in the breakfast club. This is because we have used up all of the funding we had to be able to offer it for free.

Nearer the time we will release information about the cost per day and contracts to sign for those who wish to use it. Fees will need to be paid on Monday mornings for all the weekly sessions a child will be attending.


Very well done to all our children for presenting interesting and educational assemblies about anti bullying

Dinner Money.

You may not be aware that dinners are not provided by school but by a separate company. This company have requested that dinners be paid for on Monday mornings for the week.

Most of those who have to pay for meals have been very good in doing so on Mondays, but there are some parents who do not. This results in office staff and Miss Haunch wasting a lot of time reminding and chasing up money for the catering company.

We are not prepared to do this anymore in the New Year.

So if you wish your child to have meals and you have to pay for those meals, you will have to send the money for the week into school on Monday morning. This will be £7 per week for 5 meals for 1 child. Nursery dinners are £2 per day.

Unfortunately, if orders are not placed and paid for on the Monday morning, then the child will not be able to have a meal at all that week. In such instances the parents will be contacted and asked to bring a packed lunch in for Monday and for the rest of the week will need to send packed lunches in.

If you are unclear about the new arrangement, please arrange to see Miss Haunch.

School Meals for next week.

Monday / Beef burger or omelette with vegetables and potatoes – Sponge Cake
Tuesday / Sausage casserole with vegetables and potatoes or Quorn sausage casserole– chocolate sponge and custard
Wednesday / Chicken in gravy served with vegetables and potatoes or chicken and ham jambalaya, or vegetarian sausage roll – Homemade shortbread biscuit.
Thursday / Homemade beef bolognaise with pasta in tomato sauce or vegetarian bolognaise – homemade fruit muffin.
Friday / Fish fillet served with chipped potatoes or cheese or tuna melt – selection of fruit.

End of Term

End of term is Friday 22nd December- school will close at 1.30pm. Please ensure that you have arrangement in place for the collection of your children.

Your Child, Your Community, Your School